Tin Can Selfies


The other Chris
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This is project that was triggered by musings on the selfie culture and what happens when the subject becomes the camera. In these photos the tin can has been modified to become a pinhole camera which is also the subject of the photo.

I started this project last Autumn and it has been a real journey and a lot harder than I initially expected.
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Campbell's? :giggle:
It's on the list. I've got the tin of soup but the Campbell's soup cans are smaller than standard cans so it is going to take a bit more effort. The Spam can is obviously a different size but has a flat back so no distortion, I think the Campell's soup is going to need a fair amount of experimentation
In these photos the tin can has been modified to become a pinhole camera which is also the subject of the photo.

OK so I admit to being a tad slow but you've lost me!:thinking:

Are you saying for example in the first image that the the photo of the tin of spam was shot using a pinhole camera made from another empty tin of spam that has been modifed into a pinhole camera…...Or am I as I believe, a million miles away from understanding what you have done / are doing?
OK so I admit to being a tad slow but you've lost me!:thinking:

Are you saying for example in the first image that the the photo of the tin of spam was shot using a pinhole camera made from another empty tin of spam that has been modifed into a pinhole camera…...Or am I as I believe, a million miles away from understanding what you have done / are doing?

My understanding is that the tin of Spam has been converted to a pinhole camera and has photographed it's own reflection in a mirror.
My understanding is that the tin of Spam has been converted to a pinhole camera and has photographed it's own reflection in a mirror.

Aha ok, me being a numpty didn't realise that the wooden frame incorporated a mirror ( I thought it was simply an empty frame) but thanks to your input, I can now see clearly in the third shot that a mirror is there ( the fork makes it obvious.:facepalm:)

Thanks! (y)
@FishyFish is spot on, the can is taking a selfie in the mirror. Having a teenage daughter I've seen quite a few selfies where people take fairly bad photos of themselves in the mirror, this is a kind of "meta" version of that.
Just to keep this ticking-over here's a test shot from today, this was the first attempt with the Campbell's soup can, I know it's fairly rubbish as a photo but it helps to illustrates the process and it's the first time the firs shot from a new can has come out anything like usable so I feel like I'm getting the hang of this.

Untitled (15).jpg
I'm assuming there's a large element of chance in how the pictures turn out, particularly the framing.
Yes, although I now have a rough idea of distances from the mirror that work, hence the ruler in the above photo. Being pin-hole everything is in focus so there is no hiding things in shallow DoF and it is hard to predict what else will make it into the frame.
Being "honest" to the project or or a wasted evening?


There is a bit of a light leak on the mono shot in post #13 but I carried on regardless, however it has got worse. I'm probably going to reshoot this but threw it in as another record shot about the progress of the project.
I'd reshoot and wait to see how many more 'failures' there are before deciding whether they become part of the project or not.
I'd reshoot and wait to see how many more 'failures' there are before deciding whether they become part of the project or not.
I've got dozens of B&W failures test shots and that's not including the ones where there was nothing discernible on the negative which have mainly gone in the bin :)
Campbell's Soup can selfie by Chris H, on Flickr

I use a piece of black PVC tape to cover the pinhole and it doesn't normally sick very strongly but this time it decided to rip the label. This Campbell's soup can doesn't want to take it's selfie.
Very cool project Chris. Looking forward to watching it develop.
If the tape is acting as a shutter how about trying Blu Tack?
I have tried blu tack in the past but it never felt very secure and if it falls off in the dark bag (or sticks to the dark bag and gets pulled off) it would be impossible to put back on in the right place.
I have tried blu tack in the past but it never felt very secure and if it falls off in the dark bag (or sticks to the dark bag and gets pulled off) it would be impossible to put back on in the right place.
Oh well. There are different 'stickinesses' of PVC tape. Or maybe try a different tape.

I have a strange fascination for tapes and found this firm which sells all sorts of tape! https://www.gaffatape.com/default.aspx
I have ambitious plans to make a solenoid operated shutter, I’m just waiting for the parts to arrive from China, but TBH I think that will turn into a whole new can of worms (may be a subject for a photo…) I guess a really big strip of blu tack might be better, or even blu tack with a piece of paper on one side to make one-sided blu tack – I might give that a go. The other issue that needs to be considered is that this is the shutter so I need to be able to take it off quickly and then put it back on accurately. For standard sized cans I have made a sleeve from black card that goes over the can and is good enough to close off the light at the end of the exposure but these flippin’ Campbell’s cans are too small.

I started this as a winter project and in the dark evenings it was OK because I could control the light (either flash or lamps) so the shutter wasn’t too critical but as the evenings get lighter I am going to need something easier to control (or go to bed later)
I didn't know such a thing existed, it looks like a good idea but would need to be around 200-250mm I think, I'll have a measure up tonight and do some googling
I might have one of those neoprene ones kicking about that should be long enough. I'll have a look.
No. There are similar, but longer, bands for strapping fishing rods together.
Thanks to @Ed Sutton I now have a neoprene-velcro strap and it works really well for this project to cover up the pinhole, it grips nicely and is easy to take off and put back on.

Last night I tried with two shots, one of which worked well and one was a complete fail, hardly anything on the negative, I do not know why that happens but it does. Anyway here is the good one. New chemicals as well have given some nice colours.

Campbells4 by Chris H, on Flickr
Glad the strap works for you, Chris. Although thus latest photo looks a bit too good. I can see the pinhole!

Out of curiosity what size film are you using?
latest photo looks a bit too good
:) Yes I noticed that, I make the hole in the label bigger than the pinhole to avoid vignetting. The film is 120 (6cm) which I cut into frames which are a bit smaller than the internal height of the can. I ought to do a few photos of the process I guess
The film is 120 (6cm) which I cut into frames which are a bit smaller than the internal height of the can. I ought to do a few photos of the process I guess

I wondered if it would be 120. A few shots of the set up would be cool.
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