Tinsley Towers (Sheffield) Demolition pics.

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Well had been looking forward to this, and it was worth being there in person. Even if we did have to wait from 12.30am, until 3am for the big boooooooom!

Was a bit weird aswell watching them crumple in 'slow motion'

im happy with the first lot of pics, but the actual demolition ones, were pretty much set up the first shot on tripod, and hope for the best (click, click, click) to try and get as many pics in about 5 seconds, while i wasnt even lookin at the camera, I was watchin the towers come down. cant really stand there goin hmmm, just alter that, re-align etc.. and then MISS EM

we decided to find somewhere away from Meadowhall, as from there you couldnt see the bottom third of the towers.















WHAT'S LEFT - Think it went a bit wrong!?



Yet another place gone forever!
Great set :) Really wish I could have made it :( looks like you managed to get some good shutter speeds without too much noise, well done (y) good location too, though I think I might been tempted to stay in the first spot, but being able to see the whole tower is really great. Shame they have gone, just drove up the M1 and it was odd not to see them there at the road side :(
thank u.
there's noise on the 'bang ones'. :(
had to up the ISO so could take pics quickly to catch the whole dramatic fall.

the rest were 4 sec. F5, ISO 100
Yeah there is some noise, but no where as bad as I was expecting to see to be honest :) You tried any noise reduction software? might find it can deal with the black sky/background quite well.
Excellent shots :) Really well captured imho!

My son took a small video cam which he just showed me - certainly not a crisp and clear as these. Well done!

Ditto a shame they've gone; the landscape's drastically changed overnight forever.
ive tried "despeckle" but all that really does is blur them.

if we could of got to where I took the last two photos that would of been amazing, but police had blocked that off until after the boooooom.

im happy with the pics as such, its just the lack of light in the foreground and no actual foreground interest that makes them a bit plain.
Thanks for posting these, as a "born & bred" sheffield-er it will be strange to go back & not see the towers...shame they couldn't have kept them really but in todays accountacy run world guess it was an option.

Great series of shots BTW

Very good sequence :)

nice job on the low iso night shots too.

Thanks for sharing those.
I don't think the high ISO is too bad - on the whole they're a really good set, all things considered. I loved the way the north tower didn't come down completely - resilient to the end!!
Great shots - they look very atmospheric. Would have liked to have seen the demoltion myself but been away this weekend but these pics give me a great idea of what it was like so thanks for posting!
Great stuff. Best pics of the demolition I've seen thus far :)
I was tempted to go and watch this as it happened, in the end I listened to the event on Radio Sheffield instead. Good to see you have the remains of the north tower that was left standing. Wonder if anyone was still there with their camera's when that lot finally fell down a few hours later?

Had to laugh at the analogy that the reporter (Andy Kershaw - not THE Andy Kershaw though) on Radio Sheffield said about the towers coming down, that is was just like watching the twin towers in New York - although without the loss of life........
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Great set of shots - you've captured the events well. A sad loss to the landscape of Sheffield. I had my last trip up north before I emigrate and made a trip to Meadowhall just to see the towers for the last time :( I forgot my camera though :bang:
Bloomin eck mewstar what u doing on here? LOL!
Realy nice shots especialy the ones before with the long exposures verry good
looks like it was a failed demolition as well with what is still standing :shrug::cautious::bang:
shame i couldnt make it but you got it well captured - probably better than what was in thepaper the next day!
Not keen.. go back and take them again :LOL:

Great photo's especially considering you got 1 chance which lasted I guess about 5 seconds?
Realy nice shots especialy the ones before with the long exposures verry good
looks like it was a failed demolition as well with what is still standing :shrug::cautious::bang:

yeh there was a bit of the north tower sticking above the motorway - which Eon claim fell ovr by itself two hours later. although Calendar news said diggers did it.

shame i couldnt make it but you got it well captured - probably better than what was in thepaper the next day!

thank u. i sent some pics to Sheffield Star, but didnt hear anything back

Not keen.. go back and take them again :LOL:

Great photo's especially considering you got 1 chance which lasted I guess about 5 seconds?

ok. i will go now, for pics of the rubble :bonk::LOL:
from the first one falling, it was 2.5 sec before the second tower started to go. so yeh 5 sec, definately no more than ten from start to finish.