Topsy's Dartmoor Rambles

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Hi all, this is a carry over from my 52 challenge from last year which I will no longer update. I will however carry this thread on and share my Dartmoor Photowalks with you as well as keeping the full stories in my Blog.

Last week Mrs T and I had intended to go out to the Bleak House via Arms Tor and Great Links Tor but we had to abandon the plan because of bad weather/light so this week we decided to try again and were successful. I took along the Bronica SQ-Ai loaded with Portra 400 as well as my Fuji X-T2s.

Bleak House (Bronica).

005 Bleak House 02-58020005 PS Adj.JPG

En-route, Willsworthy Tors, Sharp Tor, Hare Tor with Gt Staple in the distance (X-T2).

010 Willsworthy Tors 02-6551 PS Adj.JPG

The route out took us past some familiar Tors.

Widgery Cross on Brat Tor.

005 Widgery Cross 01-6545 PS Adj.JPG

Great Links Tor.

014 Gt Links Tor 02-6562 PS Adj.JPG

As I said, you can see the full story in my Blog on ePHOTOzine.
Week 2.

This week Mrs T and I decided to go out to Huccaby Tor which is quite near to Dunnabridge Pound and Laughter Tor. I thought it would be nice to take along an old film camera (Yashica Mat 6x6 TLR loaded with Kodak Tri-X) as well as my usual Fuji X-T2s. The weather at home was very foggy but the forecast was for it to clear later in the morning and by the time we reached Dunnabridge Pound it was clear.

Huccaby Tor.

021 Huccaby Tor 01-6626 PS Adj.JPG

We started bt shooting The Judge's Chair in Dunnabridge Pound on the Yashica.

Photo courtesy of Mrs T.

DSC04070 PS Adj.JPG

The result on Tri-X.

003 Dunnabridge Pound Judge's Chair 01-59130007 PS Adj.JPG

We took lunch in the old Sheep Pound on Leather Tor.

010 Laughter Tor Sheep Pound 02-1169 PS Adj.JPG

Before heading down past the Satnding Stone on to Huccaby Tor.

005 Laughter Tor Standing Stone 01-6607 PS Adj.JPG

On Huccaby Tor we had Ponies that seemed to think Mrs T had something for them.

025 Huccaby Tor (Mrs T and a Pony) 05-6636 PS Adj.JPG

I shot some more with the Yashica, photo courtesy of Mrs T.

DSC04103 PS Adj.JPG

One of the results.

006 Huccaby Tor 01-59130012 PS Adj.JPG

You can see the rest of the results and the full story in my Blog on ePHOTOzine.

Thanks for looking in, more next week.
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Week 3.

This week Mrs T and I went out to Childe’s Tomb which sits on the outer edge of Foxtor Mires just underneath Fox Tor. We had originally planned to do this last week but given the proximity to the infamous Foxtor Mires and the heavy fog we postponed the trip, this week though the weather was significantly better. Foxtor Mires is thought to have been the inspiration for Grimpen Mire in the Sherlock Holmes novel Hound of the Baskervilles.

029 Childe's Tomb 05-6699 PS Adj.JPG

022 Fox Tor 03-6682 PS Adj.JPG

This shot shows Childe's Tomb in situ under Fox Tor on the edge of the Mires with the disused Tinworks in the background.

019 Childe's Tomb 01-6677 PS Adj.JPG

The ground was very wet.

012 Track to Fox Tor 04-6666 PS Adj.JPG

Our route back took us through Nuns Cross Farm where some Ponies were grazing.

048 Route Back (Nuns Cross Farm) 17-6724 PS Adj.JPG

As usual you can see the full story and more photos in my Blog
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Once went looking for Ducks Pool letterbox and made a silly mistake taking my compass bearings, as soon as I realised I had messed up I tried to retrace my steps towards Whiteworks before realising I was in the middle of Fox Tor Mire.
Self preservation kicked in when the ground started to alternate between sounding almost hollow and then walking on areas which would undulate underfoot so I let the dog run ahead of me to test the ground.
You got to love that Tri-X ! All lovely shots Paul but the Tri-X really seems to add to the atmosphere of the place, A Hound of the Baskervilles look ! I hope you weren't out after dark !
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Week 4.

This week Mrs T and I went out to Cox Tor with a view to going on to Roos Tor then over to Gt Staple Tor. We had intended to carry on to Middle and Little Staple Tors but I spent such a long time trying to get a shot on Cox Tor that we eventually ran out of time for the last 2 legs. The weather was pleasant enough but the light was dreadful all day overcast low cloud and heavy moisture in the mist.

Cox Tor Trig Point (Gt & Middle Staple Tors in the distance).

009a Cox Tor 08a-1991 PS Adj.JPG

From Cox Tor we could see across to Roos Tor (on the left) our next stop and Great Staple Tor.

013 Cox Tor 12-6760 PS Adj.JPG

On the way up to Roos Tor.

017 Roos Tor 03-6768 PS Adj.JPG

From Roos Tor our next stop would be Gt Staple.

018 Roos Tor 04-6770 PS Adj.JPG

036 Gt Staple Tor 09-6796 PS Adj.JPG

Then back to the car, along the way was some boggy ground.

038 Boggy Ground 01-6798 PS Adj.JPG

And Ponies.

001 Pony on Cox Tor 01-6741 PS Adj.JPG

That's all for this week folks, as usual you can seed the full story and more photos in my Blog on ePHOTOzine.
Week 5.

This week Mrs T and I went out to Pew Tor via the famous Windy Post, passing Vixen Tor en-route for a quick photoshoot. The weather once again was less than ideal with thick wet Fog and strong wind filled with moisture. Photographing was a challenge as I could only shoot with my back to the wind or have a layer of drizzle on the front of the lens (soft focus effect).

Windy Post.

005 Windy Post in the Fog 01-2004 PS Adj.JPG

Pew Tor.

030 Pew Tor 01-6853 PS Adj.JPG

Vixen Tor and Feather Tor.

007 Vixen and Feather Tors in the Fog 02-6809 PS Adj.JPG

The wind and mizzle was relentless, even the hardy Dartmoor Poinies were sheltering.

015 Ponies in the Fog under Feather Tor 01-6820 PS Adj.JPG

As usual you can see the full story and more photos in my Blog on ePHOTOzine.
Week 7.

Yet more bad weather, rain and wind again plaguing our photography. We decided to try to get out of the worst of it by going around Burrator Reservoir to shoot the old Longstone Manor ruins.

The Manor.

018 Longstone Manor Ruins 09-6944 PS Adj.JPG

The reservoir.

001 Burrator Reservoir 01-6904 PS Adj.JPG

We used the woodland walks for a different view, it was muddy.

006 Burrator Reservoir 05-6915 PS Adj.JPG

It did afford us different views of the Reservoir.

009 Burrator Reservoir 08-6920 PS Adj.JPG

As always you can see the full story and photos in my Blog over on ePHOTOzine.
Week 8.

More rain and wind, this time I was alone for a walk along Belstone Cleave in search ov Ivy Tor and the Old Rifle Range.

Ivy Tor.

019 Ivy Tor Walk 19-7008 PS Adj.JPG

Old Rifle Range Infrastructure.

023 Ivy Tor Walk 23-7013 PS Adj.JPG

The valley has loads of gnarly trees along it's banks.

008 Ivy Tor Walk 08-6985 PS Adj.JPG

Crossing the river is made easy with the footbridges provided.

039 Ivy Tor Walk 39-7037 PS Adj.JPG

The walk starts and finishes in the very picturesque village of Belstone close to Okehampton.

041 Ivy Tor Walk 41-7040 PS Adj.JPG

As always, you can see the full story in my Blog on ePHOTOzine.
Week 9.

Another rained off plan, I had intended going up to Sourton Tors but when we got to the car park we couldn't see the Tor so I headed back to Burrator Reservoir to try to save the day.

001 Burrator Reservoir 01-2013 PS Adj.JPG

We explored the woods around the reservoir to try to stay out of the rain.

005 Burrator Reservoir 05-2014 PS Adj.JPG

We also looked at some of the old abandoned buildings in the woods and on the edge of the reservoir.

008 Burrator Reservoir 08-7053 PS Adj.JPG

010 Burrator Reservoir 10-7058 PS Adj.JPG

As usual you can see the full story and more photos in my Blog over on ePHOTOzine.
Week 10.

The weather was kinder this week and we got out on to the open Moor. We went out to Honeybag Tor from Bonehill Rocks enroute we stopped at Widecombe to shoot the Church.

Widecombe Church.

044 Widecombe Church 02a-1186 PS Adj.JPG

Honeybag Tor.

035 Honeybag Tor 03-7134 PS Adj.JPG

Bonehill Rocks.

013 Bonehill Rocks 12-7089 PS Adj.JPG

As usual you can see the rest of the story and photos in my Blog on ePHOTOzine.
Week 11.

This week I was on my own, as well as my usual Fuji X-T2s I took my Bornica SQ-Ai loaded with Portra 160 up to Great Links Tor via The Dunnagoats and Arms Tor.

Gt Links Tor X-T2 10-24 lens.

015 Gt Links Tor 07-1192 PS Adj.JPG

The Bronica set up to shoot Gt Links Tor.

005 Gt Links Tor 03 (Broni Setup)-7171 PS Adj.JPG

The shot I was taking (Bronica).

006 Gt Links Tor 04-66290006 PS Adj.JPG

I also got this shot of Arms Tor with the Bronica.

001 Arms Tor 01-66290001 PS Adj.JPG

As usual you can see the full story and more photos in my Blog, Thanks for looking in.
Week 12.

This week I was on my own for a gain, I went out to Holwell Tor from Saddle Tor via Emsworthy Rocks to shoot that Lone Tree. I took my Fujifilm GFX 50S as well as my X-T2 for those grab shots along the way. The weather was fine but the sky was cloudless and very hazy but as I have said often I work with what I am given.

Hound Tor and Greator Rocks from Holwell Tor.

020 Hound Tor and Greator Rocks from Holwell Tor 02-2055 PS Adj.JPG

That Lone Tree on Emsworthy Rocks (I love that 65x24 aspect ratio in the GFXs).

012 Emsworthy Rocks 08-2037 PS Adj.JPG

Some of the rock formations on Holwell Tor.

018 Holwell Tor 02-7231 PS Adj.JPG

As usual you can see the full story and photos in my Blog on ePHOTOzine.
Week 13.

This week I went out to Grey Wethers Stone Circles and Sittaford Tor, as always you can see the full story and photos in my Blog.

Grey Wethers Stone Circles.

029 Grey Wethers Stone Circles  Pano 02 PS Adj.JPG

028 Grey Wethers Stone Circles Pano 01 PS Adj.JPG

Some "Jungle" on the way out.

003 Jungle en-route 01-7255 PS Adj.JPG

Sittaford Tor.

019 Sittaford Tor 04-7295 PS Adj.JPG

Thanks for looking.
Week 14.

This week I wasn't able to get out on the Moor as I was away in Wiltshire for a work reunion. I did manage to snag a shot of Vixen Tor from the side of the road though between the travelling and bad weather.

001 Vixen Tor 01-7314 PS Adj.JPG

Hopefully normal service will be resumed next week.

For those interested I did do a walkabout in Devizes with my Leica M9, that story can be seen in my Blog.
Week 15.

This week I was back on Dartmoor, because of the poor weather on the high ground I headed up the Gutter Tor Valley to Ditsworthy Warren House then on to the Drizzlecombe Stone Row.

014 Dit House 10-7345 PS Adj.JPG

I took my Yashica-Mat loaded with Tri-X to get some atmospheric shots in the fog. I haven't got the film back yet but I replicated each shot on fil;m with my Fuji X-T2.

The Drizzlecombe Menhir.

016 Drizzlecombe 02-7348 PS Adj.JPG

Ditsworthy Warren House in the fog.

019 Dit House 11-7352 PS Adj.JPG

As usual you can see the full story and photos in my Blog on ePHOTOzine.
Thanks Les, well worth lugging the gear down there. It was on this walk that I saw the Crossbills etc.
Never seen on myself although I would recognise one if I did :)
Week 18.

This week I went out over Belstone Common taking in Scarey Tor, Belstone Tor, Higher and Winter Tors plus had a look over Taw Marsh. It was a nice day for a walk, I took my Fujifilm GFX 50S along as well as my usual X-T2. You can see the full story and pictures in my Blog,

Scarey Tor with Belstone Common and Tor in the distance.

002 Scarey Tor 01-7512 PS Adj.JPG

On the way up to Belstone Common I passed the Nine Stones Circle.

009 Nine Stones Circle 02-7522 PS Adj.JPG

Overlooking Taw Marsh and the Irishman's Wall.

029 Irishman's 8all 02-7555 PS Adj.JPG

As I said the full story and photos are in my Blog, feel free to visit it.

Thanks for looking
Week 19.

This week I visited Grimspound and Hookney Tor as well as Hameldown Tor and the old Vitifer Mine Works on Headland Warren.

Grimspound with Hookney Tor in the distance.

021 Grimspound and Hookney Tor 04-7628 PS Adj.JPG

Hameldown Tor Trig Point.

017 Hameldown Tor Trig Point 02-7618 PS Adj.JPG

Headland Warren Farm.

003 Headland Warren Farm 01-1010442 PS Adj.JPG

Vitifer Mine Workings.

001 Trees and Ruins 01-1010440 PS Adj.JPG

As usual, you can see the full story and photos in my Blog on ePHOTOzine.
Week 20.

This week I headed out on my weekly photowalk over to Higher and Lower White Tors, Lower being the centremost Tor in the Forrest of Dartmoor.

Lower White Tor.

023 Lower White Tor 03-7712 PS Adj.JPG

Wistman's Wood.

041 Wistman's Wood 11-1219 PS Adj.JPG

There were of course Ponies on the high moor.

017 Ponies on Higher White Tor 01-7697 PS Adj.JPG

As usual you can see the full story and photos over on my Blog.
Week 22.

Another walk on Dartmoor with the Bronica, this week out to photograph Hound Tor and Greator Rocks on Provia 100F. As usual I had my X-T2 along for the on the move shots.

Hound Tor and Greator Rocks.

005 Hound Tor & Greator Rocks 01-7811 PS Adj.JPG

The Bronica setup.

007 Broni Setup 01-7814 PS Adj.JPG

I did see some Ponies on the way.

030 Haytor Ponies 01-7853 PS Adj.JPG

As usual you can see the full story and photos in my Blog.
Week 23.

This week I took my Fuji GFX 50S out to Black Tor on North Dartmoor, adjacent to an ancient Oak woodland called Black-a-Tor Copse.

Black Tor.

012 Black Tor (GFX) 06-2136 PS Adj.JPG

008 Black Tor (GFX) 02-2127 PS Adj.JPG

As usual I had my Fuji X-T2 along for those grab shots.

Black-a-Tor Copse.

017 Black-a-Tor Copse 04-7886 PS Adj.JPG

015 Black-a-Tor Copse 02-7884 PS Adj.JPG

As usual you can see the full story and photos in my Blog. Black-a-Tor Copse 05-7887 PS Adj.JPG
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Week 24.

This week I visited the North Moor again, this time Sourton Tors and the less well known Shelstone Tor which sits in the West Okement Valley and has views up to Black Tor where I was last week.

It also has a Lone Tree, how could I resist?

021Shelstone Tor Lone Tree 02-7930 PS Adj.JPG

I shot a pano on the GFX up the valley.

013 Black-a-Tor Copse 05 (GFX)-2150 PS Adj.JPG

Then on to Sourton Tors which has a Trig Point.

030 Sourton Tors 02 (Trig Point)-7949 PS Adj.JPG

Sourton Tors has several peaks/outcrops.

032 Sourton Tors 03-7952 PS Adj.JPG

And a nice view of the village of Sourton.

031 Sourton Village 01-7951 PS Adj.JPG

As usual you can see the full story and photos in my Blog.
Week 25.

This week I went out to Bellever and Laughter Tors as well as Laughter Hole Farm and the Stepping Stones on the East Dart River below Laughter Hole House.

009 Bellever Tor 04-1236 PS Adj.JPG

025 Laughter Tor 01-7993 PS Adj.JPG

036 Laughter Hole Farm 03-8008 PS Adj.JPG

031 Stepping Stones 01-1252 PS Adj.JPG

As usual you can see the full story and photos in my Blog.
You have some really nice images here (y)
Week 26.

This week's outing wat to Hound Tor and Greator Rocks, a short walk as rain was forecast for midday onwards.

Hound Tor.

004 Hound Tor 04-8026 PS Adj.JPG

Greator Rocks.

029 Greator Rocks 04-8060 PS Adj.JPG

Between Hound Tor and Haytor Rocks is a Medieval Settlement.

011 Medievel Village 03-8040 PS Adj.JPG

From Greator Rocks you can see Haytor Rocks a very popular Dartmoor landmark.

024 Haytor Rocks 02-8057 PS Adj.JPG

As always you can see the full story and pictures in my Blog.
I often catch up with your adventures on the Fuji forum, keep them coming please Paul.
Dartmoor is a very interesting and beautiful place, wasn't so enamoured when as an 18 year old I did the Ten Tors walk.
Me being a born and bred Londoner didn't realise you could have so much fog and rain in June.
Remember the prison looking especially grim, doubt you get many escapees from there.
I often catch up with your adventures on the Fuji forum, keep them coming please Paul.
Dartmoor is a very interesting and beautiful place, wasn't so enamoured when as an 18 year old I did the Ten Tors walk.
Me being a born and bred Londoner didn't realise you could have so much fog and rain in June.
Remember the prison looking especially grim, doubt you get many escapees from there.
I tried to find you on the Fuji forum but it looks like your old account has been closed. Perhaps I am looking at the wrong member.
I often catch up with your adventures on the Fuji forum, keep them coming please Paul.
Dartmoor is a very interesting and beautiful place, wasn't so enamoured when as an 18 year old I did the Ten Tors walk.
Me being a born and bred Londoner didn't realise you could have so much fog and rain in June.
Remember the prison looking especially grim, doubt you get many escapees from there.
I tried to find you on the Fuji forum but it looks like your old account has been closed. Perhaps I am looking at the wrong member.
Thanks Rich, unfortunately because of the new T&Cs on the Fuji Forum I have closed my account. I now only post a short one on here and my full day is on my Blog on ePHOTOzine.

@Brentor as above my Fuji Forum account is now closed.

It is a shame because I had some great virtual friends over there but I made a decision based on the new ownership and am too Yorkshire to go back on it.
Thanks Rich, unfortunately because of the new T&Cs on the Fuji Forum I have closed my account. I now only post a short one on here and my full day is on my Blog on ePHOTOzine.

@Brentor as above my Fuji Forum account is now closed.

It is a shame because I had some great virtual friends over there but I made a decision based on the new ownership and am too Yorkshire to go back on it.
I did see quite a few people objecting to the new terms and conditions.
I'll carry on looking at your adventures on the blog from now on.
My posts are very few and far between on the Fuji forum these days.
Some good people on there so won't be closing my account yet.
Intend to meet a few of the German members when I rebook my Covid cancelled trip to Stuttgart
Week 27.

This week I went out to Childe's Tomb on Foxtor Mires again but this time I went the long way from Burrator Reservoir via Down Tor and Nun's Cross Farm.

This tree sits on the slopes of D0wn Tor.

007 Down Tor Dead Tree 01-8081 PS Adj.JPG

Down Tor Stone Row.

033 Down Tor Stone Row 04-8136 PS Adj.JPG

Site of old Tin Works near Nun's Cross Farm.

015 Disused Tin Workings 02-8097 PS Adj.JPG

Childe's Tomb.

025 Childe's Tomb 04-8117 PS Adj.JPG

As always you can see the full story and pictures in my Blog.
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Week 28.

This week I took the Bronica loaded with Fuji Provia 100F out to Windy Post then on to Vixen Tor and the Staples via the Sett Makers Bank.

Windy Post.
001 Windy Post 01-82530002 PS Adj.JPG

Ponies on Feather Tor, Vixen Tor in the mid ground (Bronica).

002 Feather Tor Ponies 01-82530003 PS Adj.JPG

Gt Staple Tor (Bronica).

007 Gt Staple Tor 01-82530011 PS Adj.JPG

A couple from the Fuji X-T2.

022 Great Staple Tor 05-8199 PS Adj.JPG

003 Feather Tor Ponies 02-8151 PS Adj.JPG

012 Sett Makers Bank 06-8179 PS Adj.JPG

028 Great Staple Tor 10-8207 PS Adj.JPG

As always you can see the full story and pictures in my Blog.