Tough Mudder and what lens?

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I have had a search but there are so many subject on tough mudder, breaking them down to what info I am after is long winded.

This weekend will see me running my 4th and 5th Tough Mudder in good ole Winchester but after my runs I am heading out to get photo's of friends and others who are volunteering both days.

So, as you can kind of guess, some of it will be in the woodlands and others out side in the wide open air!

Now, I have a Canon 7D and the lenses I have are a 24-105 f4 L, 50mm f1.8, 18-135 f3.5-5.6, also have a EXii flash gun.

Would the 50mm and 24-105 be good enough with upping the ISO a little? Or do I need some thing better?
Only experience i have is shooting a "Pretty Muddy" event (female only version of a Tough Mudder) as my other half was running it, i took a 70-300mm on my crop body Nikon and it was just about perfect, it was plenty wide enough at the wide end, and useful at the long end as a spotting scope to see when she was coming (some people even had binoculars to spot their friends/family coming)

Here is a link to my set

But i suppose it all very much depends on where it will be ran, this was run in a County Park, so fairly open and well lit
I just used a 70-200, did the job perfectly.

Why would you need to up the ISO with the 24-105 or 50 though? Both should do the job without having to crank the ISO up too high?

But I'd still stick with a 70-200 or similar if you have one :)
As someone who regularly photographs tough mudder as part of their photo team, I would normally use a 70-200 for most obstacles, but if geography meant I couldn't use that, would use 24-105. We're told to use f4 and ensure a fast shutter speed (over 1/640s) - so I tend to use manual mode with Auto ISO.

Sadly I can't do this event as it was good fun.