Trading cameras.

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I have been looking into the possiblity of trading my 450D in and getting an older 1D mkii. The 1D has some serious signs of use but that doesnt really bother me to be honest.

My questions are:
1. Is this a silly idea?
2. would my lenses work with the 1D? (I have a 70-200 F4, 50mm f1.8 and a kit 18-55mm lens)


What sort of photography do you do? Also how much will you be paying on top in the trade?
I have an old 1Dmk2, looks a little battered but I have to say I love it. It is BIG and it is HUGE but if it fits your hands the thing sits nicely. the Af is very good the IQ is also very good, the buttons/menus might drive you mad or you might like them. If you've had a play and still like it I think they are brilliant, plus if/when the shutter fails I understand they are about £150 to replace and then I doubt there's much else to fail.

1. Is this a silly idea?

It's not a silly idea - if you want the improved AF and faster fps for more agile subjects then the 1D2 will be a massive advantage. You'll loose a bit of reach being a 1.3 crop and obviously you would loose your built in flash. Size and weight is a personal thing and you'd be getting weather sealing. At the end of the day I guess you need to decide whether the benefits are relevant to the sort of photography you do.

2. would my lenses work with the 1D? (I have a 70-200 F4, 50mm f1.8 and a kit 18-55mm lens)

Your EF lenses (70-200 & 50) will work but your EF-S 18-55 won't

cheers guys!

To answer questions asked, I tend to do fashion, portrait etc - wont to do more sport so think this will help.

Losing pop up flash is no problem as have 580Exii

The one I am looking at had a shutter replacement and has done approx 1600 or so releases since.

Hmmm off to sweet talk the mrs, might be hard 2 weeks before the wedding but you never know!!!
I recently went from a 450d to a 1D Mk2 just as you did, it was a good move, the 1D is weather sealed which was one of the main attractions (at Rally GB water was pouring off it and it never missed a beat) and the AF is a massive improvement over the 450d.

I too use a 70-200 F4 IS and a 50mm 1.8, I bought a 24-105 F4 IS for a walkabout lens and have been pleased with that.

The menu system takes a bit of getting used to but when you do it is good and quick.

The only thing I wasn't too sure about at first was the much smaller LCD screen but after a few weeks I've found that it is no major problem really. Similarly I only ever used live view on the 450d when on a tripod, I just have to go back to the old fashioned viewfinder but it is no issue.

Batteries are much heavier for the 1D, I had three batteries for my 450d and thought I would need similar for the 1D2, I shot 900 frames over 2 days at Rally GB on one battery with it switched on all the time, AF and IS running and was still on full battery when I went home, they are bulky but impressive. I wish battery chargers were a little cheaper so I could have one at work but again with the charge they hold it isn't a problem.

Finally the 1D2 is a lot bigger, bulkier and heavier but in use it doesn't feel it, particularly with a bigger lens on (the nifty fifty does feel comical hung off the front!), you do notice the weight when carrying it in a bag though, I've just bought a big Tamrac Cyberpack 8 for all my gear to spread the weight across both shoulders, at one point in the mountains of wales the weight of my old Stealth Reporter hanging asymetrically across me overbalanced me as I descended through a wood and I ended up on my arse!

To conclude (sorry for rambling) you'll not be disappointed.
cheers guys!

To answer questions asked, I tend to do fashion, portrait etc - wont to do more sport so think this will help.

Losing pop up flash is no problem as have 580Exii

The one I am looking at had a shutter replacement and has done approx 1600 or so releases since.

Hmmm off to sweet talk the mrs, might be hard 2 weeks before the wedding but you never know!!!

Could save you a lot of money in the long run :)
Take that either way!!

The built in grip is useful when you go portrait mode.
