Answered Trading Post Terms and Rules Pop Up

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The Trading Post Terms and Rules Pop Up is particularly annoying, especially on mobile.
Is there really a reason for it to be there and for so long.
Its to make sure people actually read ( the new) rules
so many never do. and never have
I think the final paragraph of those rules says "Using the Trading Post is a perk ..."
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I get that, but does it need to constantly pop up everytime?
Its a trial thingy, we are looking at effective ways to get people to actually read the rules,
it may yet change

P.S why not accept PayPal for making a donation?
You can pay by PayPal, directly to

Exactly. Once to accept is fine but each time you click on a post is a bit annoying to be honest.
The point is though, a lot of people dismiss notices without actually reading them
I assume that you read it?
Good, it did as it was intended (y)
However as above to Bob, it may change in due course.
Look I really get the point of what you are trying to achieve here but making it annoying isn't going to help your crusade campaign
its a bit like those 1-2 minute long anti-piracy ads at the start of DVDs that you couldn't forward. that actually made people want to pirate the movies :p

its completely blocking the page on the phone basically adding 30s extra to view each page (in this day and age where we expect everything to happen before we even think it 30s waiting is like an eternity)
on laptops its stops me from responding because it covers the quote and post reply buttons.

While I really do appreciate your hearts are in the right place please there is no need to make it annoying for the majority who do actually follow the rules (i think!).
there is no need to make it annoying for the majority who do actually follow the rules (i think!).
And there in lies the problem. Hot topic posts and Classified breaches posts are pretty much equal in the amount of RTM's
Has this actually made you look at the up dated rules?
Yes? Brilliant (y)
No? well it'll stay there for awhile yet.
The point is though, a lot of people dismiss notices without actually reading them
I assume that you read it?
Good, it did as it was intended (y)
However as above to Bob, it may change in due course.
No, had a quick squizz and then tried to look at another post only to see it pop up again, and tried the same again and it popped up again. Then I gave up.

I’m guessing I may not be the only one who would do that either ;-)
And there in lies the problem. Hot topic posts and Classified breaches posts are pretty much equal in the amount of RTM's
Has this actually made you look at the up dated rules?
Yes? Brilliant (y)
No? well it'll stay there for awhile yet.
May be as a mod you have a different view but considering the amount of window shopping I do, can't see why it's such a big issue.
At least people including myself RTM if there's something wrong, if that's at cost of constant annoyance I am not sure it's worth it :p

Yes made me read rules which seems to have been watered down. A little disappointed in that respect tbh with you (more so than the minor annoyance from the popup)
No, had a quick squizz and then tried to look at another post only to see it pop up again
I can easily read it in 30 seconds :thinking:

Then I gave up.

I’m guessing I may not be the only one who would do that either ;-)
Maybe its a ploy to get people posting in other area's,
I'm not saying you don't of course, ( I can see posting history's) but there is a massive following that never leave the sales areas.
Yes made me read rules
Cool (y)

which seems to have been watered down. A little disappointed in that respect tbh with you.
They have been simplified. Mostly the rules were not followed anyway,
these are very basic and even the most hardened rule breakers will have trouble breaking these.
(and will be in trouble if they do)
Cool (y)

They have been simplified. Mostly the rules were not followed anyway,
these are very basic and even the most hardened rule breakers will have trouble breaking these.
(and will be in trouble if they do)

Now I can sell Hugh Jackman in sales.
I'm tempted.....
They seem to have been written for sellers more so than buyers.
Why not have then pop up when you post a new thread, rather every time (mainly) a potential buyer clicks on a post?
They seem to have been written for sellers more so than buyers.
That's pretty much the way they were written 15/16 years ago.
Its just a lot of it has now been removed.

Why not have then pop up when you post a new thread,
As above we are experimenting at getting a ( any given) message across,
This seems to be working well, due to the amount of feedback that's coming through.
Although granted, that does sound like it could be a plan.
No livestock.
And wolverines are livestock
more seriously the following rules (or rather lack thereof) I feel would affect us the most:
- no calling dibs
- exchanging address and phone details (I know in the past some sellers refused and it was nice that the rules mandated it, now they don't!)
- price pointing without offers

that's on top of my head, I am sure there are other annoying behaviours that'll resurface and what once was a pleasant place to buy and sell may not be so.....
I hope you at least reconsider re-instating the exchange of details rule if not the others.
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I can easily read it in 30 seconds :thinking:
Now I've read it 15 times, I've got it down to less than 20 seconds......
It's so annoying having to read it on every single thread, that I'm going to stop looking there.
If that was the plan, then well done, you've succeeded.....
Most of the feedback is's that working well? :thinking:
Because it's feedback (y)

Deal with that then, rather than annoying everyone with an obtrusive pop up....
How you suggest? ban them from the area?

more seriously the following rules (or rather lack thereof) I feel would affect us the most:
- no calling dibs
- exchanging address and phone details (I know in the past some sellers refused and it was nice that the rules mandated it, now they don't!)
- price pointing without offers

that's on top of my head, I am sure there are other annoying behaviours that'll resurface and what once was a pleasant place to buy and sell may not be so.....
I hope you at least reconsider re-instating the exchange of details rule if not the others.
We are supplying a "notice board" for people to buy and sell, that's all we are doing.

If people want to call "dibs" its down to the seller if they want to accept that.
Exchange details. Well obviously people will need to do that to complete the sale.
If the buyer or seller don't supply them, refuses to supply them at the point of sale,
whether or not they are part of the rules, rather than just common sense,
I'd pull out for the sale / purchase.

Price pointing, look, we have relaxed the rules they are staying relaxed.
You don't need to trade in the area.
Try ebay its a lot more expensive though.
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What I'm trying to make you all understand is that in reality, none of the old rules ( of which there were many) were really enforceable.
We are providing a "notice board" for people to buy and sell.
How you / they do that is up to you. ( I'm sure that other selling platforms doesn't have as many rules)
There is a handful of guidelines to follow, that will be enforced.

However when the techy guy, Chris, clocks on I will ask him to revisit the pop up notice,
and reduce the frequency that it appears.
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The notice can now be dismissed so you will see it once, if you click the 'X' top right of the notice you won't see it again for a while. As @Cobra has said Classifieds generates a lot of work (unpaid!) for the mod team and so we will be periodically be causing it to pop up again just to remind people. Using the classifieds is a privilege and we do not provide that service to make your lives easier and our lives harder.
A great idea to have a pop-up in the Classifieds section, but it was driving me nuts running all the time everywhere.

It forced me to block it altogether. :runaway:
Having it pop up once a month/fortnight would be fine in my opinion :)
Its likely to be something like that (y)
A great idea to have a pop-up in the Classifieds section, but it was driving me nuts running all the time everywhere.

It forced me to block it altogether. :runaway:
So we saved you a fortune then?
Your welcome :D
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Used to be able to keep the classies area collapsed but not sure that still works.

ETA. Just tried it and left the site/returned and the area seems to be still collapsed! I have been partially delivered from temptation!
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Looks like I spoke too soon - it seems to have re-expanded overnight.
Looks like I spoke too soon - it seems to have re-expanded overnight.
I just tested it, and it fully collapses, and stays that way even after a few page refreshes,