Trampolene shoot..


Not a mermaid
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This was an impromptu shoot at a caravan site.. NOT a Travelers site! lol

this is the best of the bunch.. the others were bad though.. :LOL:











C&C as usual..
What a great idea :clap: These have worked really well. The best of the bunch are No3 & No4 IMO because there are no caravans visible. I love the fact you've managed to maintain lots of sky detail. I'm guessing you shot these in fading light?

Great stuff :)

EDIT: Maybe worth cropping the bottom off the first two as the poses in them are rather good :shrug:
Thanks guys.. i had been thinking about this tpe of shoot for a while, these were taken where we have a van and these are the local kids. the parents were having a BBQ so took the opertunity to ask if they'd mind me shooting the kids.. they were up for it.. it went down very well too. everyone got a disc of the images and a sideshow too..

Iv left the caravans in some of the pics to give them some context, also so they can look back and remember the day at the Caravan.. But points are valid and taken on board..
The EXIF says the flash never fired but the subjects are exposed nicley against the sky, which I thought you had to fire a flash to achieve. Can you explain how you done it?

Number one is my favourite, looks like she is much higher than she is.
There was indeed flash, i was using a Cactus trigger from ebay..

The height wasn't that height tbh, but i was trying to give the impression of it being a lot higher.. it worked on some.. but not all..

There was indeed flash, i was using a Cactus trigger from ebay..

The height wasn't that height tbh, but i was trying to give the impression of it being a lot higher.. it worked on some.. but not all..


Great shots fraggle. was this with your speedlight. On a stand? where placed, etc. give us the low down.
Saw these on FB, they look great :clap:!

I too would crop the caravans out (but see why you left them in), I think the final image provides enough context alongside the others.
fab shots!! :D

one thing i did notice (might just be my old age eye sight) theres a slight weird halo thingy happening on number one, around her leg?
Love picture 1 the best, awesome sky
Me and my brother did the same the other day, great fun. Iv'e always wanted to be a ninja.

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Saw em on FB first...

Great set, though personally I prefer the ones without the buildings in the back ground. Sky High Kids :clap:
Thanks everyone for all the great comments..

I used just one 580EXII on a stand to the left, originally i wanted to use my EZYBOX to give a nice soft feel to them but even on full power it wasn't powerful enough.. i DID try though..

Anyway, the light produced doesn't look too harsh so all's well..

As for the Halo's, i think its to do with the shutter speed and the movement of the subject.. its a lot worse on the later shots.. as the light starts to really disappear..

Thanks again...
love the idea, might have to go get a trampoline and copy your idea. Imitation is the best form of flattery!

brilliant pictures
Yeah, baby.. go for it mate..

Thats one vote then! lol.. Thanks Vindaloo..
Love all of these and a great fun idea.

#1 is fantastic with her pose and expression. She looks as if she's loving it. If I was Dad, it'd be on the wall....
I was thinking of getting it printed just to see how it looks..

Thanks Lomond Lad..
Hahaha. Looks like you had good fun with this shoot. The photos came out very well.
fabulous! I'm really loving the expressions on their faces, as well as the lighting and the sky :clap:
what a brilliant idea !

a great set of photos and love the last one

very well captured
Ooh! how cool! :cool:
#1 is my fave, love the colours, the happiness on her face, and I really like the shape she's making in the air, oh, and thats a fabulous sky!

The caravans give the image perspective and realism for me.
Really great idea (y)
Great fun shots :D

Hahaha. Looks like you had good fun with this shoot. The photos came out very well.

Thanks guys, we did have fun.. i think i enjoyed just as much as the kids jumping and playing! the looks on their faces when i showed them what i was getting was priceless..

fabulous! I'm really loving the expressions on their faces, as well as the lighting and the sky :clap:

Thank you.. But i can take the praise for the sky!!! lol..

What sort of setting did you use for these? They're ace!

I used a Canon 5D MkII and 17-40L and 24-70L on these.. off the top of my head i think the settings were ISO 200, F5 to 6ish, and a fast-ish shutter speed to help freeze the action 1/200

I had one flash off to the cameras left on full power or a little under..


what a brilliant idea !

a great set of photos and love the last one

very well captured

Thanks Mrgas..

Ooh! how cool! :cool:
#1 is my fave, love the colours, the happiness on her face, and I really like the shape she's making in the air, oh, and thats a fabulous sky!

The caravans give the image perspective and realism for me.
Really great idea (y)

Many thanks Glo, the shoot works especially well because of the 'Fun' being had.. kids have the most honest faces! they can say anything but their face will always tell the truth! lol.. they had fun.. i enjoyed the creativity and the results of the shoot, and the parents loved the pictures.. everyone's a winner.. i lve it..

I also agree with having the caravans on show, although i think without them the pics look more striking.. but it need context and a reminder for the kids in years to come..

Thank you everyone for taking the time to leave comments, it means a lot to me.. :)
No.1 for me - the sky, expression, pose, framing, everything really (y)

A very creative use of a super-wide lens to produce the apparent height, not something I would have thought of. Has made me think more about getting something wide actually.
Thanks James, to get the height i shoved a rocket up their **** but potoatoshopped it out! lol..