Tripod for Studio work

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Hi after seeing so many pros using a tripod ect in studios im thinking of geting one. Now i have no idear what to get. I want something strong but not to heavy as ill have to take it on the trains as i go to studios. So any one have any ideras or use a tripod in a studio.

Many thanks
Boring I know, but some idea of your budget or what you're prepared to spend would help people to make some recommendations.:)
Well that's a fair amount of wonga. All I'll say is that you should never regret the cost of a tripod - it will last a lifetime and do all you ask of it if you make the right choice in the first place. Sturdy and light comes at a price as I'm sure you're aware.

There are plenty of tripods which will do service as a studio tripod, but the pukka deal is a pretty specialised thing, so I'll leave the studio peeps to nudge you in the right direction. :)