Trying out street photography

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Wasn't sure where to post this, you'll find most of my posts down at the birding forum. I decided to try a different kind of photography since whenever I walk around I see lost photographic opportunities, so I just took a couple of fast primes and a UWA and went for a walk. Would love to hear your opinions.






Out of all of them, the first one really does it for me.

The last one is good too, but for different reasons. The last one is photographically excellent, but not much in the way of street photography (apart from there is a street in it lol).
Thanks Barry! The first one is my favourite too! You've got some amazing photos on your webpage btw!
I like number 4, the perspective is unusual but works well and the processing suits the image. Top work.
Really like the last one and the way the spires converge and the lone walker up the path. No 1 too.
Thanks everybody for your great comments!
Love #1 it's very unusual and certainly tells a story - #3 I also like, bit like a mirror image in a mirror!
Love #1 it's very unusual and certainly tells a story - #3 I also like, bit like a mirror image in a mirror!

Well, I think that I at least have an eye for it because you guys are choosing my favourites of the bunch as well, so at least I realise that I know what's nice and what's not :)

Thanks for your great comments! I appreciate it!
I particularly like no1 and no3 tells a story. Sorry no4 and no5 not for me would prefer the backgrounds more out of focus so less detail more just providing atmosphere.
#2 to #6 aren't anything special I'm afraid (although #2 is close) but #1 is something that Cartier-Bresson, Martin Parr and many other well known street photographers would have been proud of. It's a fantastic picture and one I wish I'd taken too. Congratulations.
Thanks everybody for your great comments, I'm starting to get a feel of what works and what doesn't now, but I think I'll need a lot of work still and more feedback as well!
Thanks again!
The ones that I like most are your black and white ones!

At least I don't think that it has anything to with the the fact that they are black and white - they are just better street photographs.

Of those, I think that the first 2 are the best in terms of capturing a moment. The third one is nicely framed and the last one is indeed Henri Cartier-Bressonesque!

Thankyou for sharing them.
These are good.

1,2,3 and 6 are beauties :clap:

the others not my thing but I would keep at it cos the 4 shots I have mentioned are top notch stuff, or I like them a lot. Nice work

Thanks everybody for your comments, I really appreciate it!