Turbines on a pristine day

Graham Mc
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Not everbody's cup of tea, i'm still not convinced these are better than nuclear power, i think they are an eyesore especially in beauty spots around the country but on Tuesday here in the Fens outside Boston i thought was a good day to shoot a few.
c+c welcome ta.


They are massive up close aren't they.

When the do the in groups they look better. Here they have got the on the docks so the dont look too out of place being next to the industrial units.
Nice shots, like the second one best. They sure do look big in the photos.

I want to do a sunrise/sunset shot in Winter with a group of them, blades going full speed to get that nice blur... :D
I think they're very elegant, but I do like to see a bit of movement in the blades from a longer exposure.
Thanks, i know also that the foreground is dark from the shadows of some trees but if i moved forward i'd lose the fence posts and leading line down the track, lightened enough i think when viewed medium to large.