Two Harajuku Girls

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Harajuku was a major disappointment today, after all the promise of swarms of cosplayers etc at the Jingu Bridge, in a 4 hour period, there was hardly anyone there.

However....I did manage to get a few shots of this girl, who looked AMAZING!


I've a few full length shots, but they're all with other tourists standing next to her :(

Onto Elegant Gothic Lolita's now.
There were two, just two, that were about all day, and they were not on the bridge, they were working with a TV crew, so all the shots were through shoulders, over the heads of crew etc and the girls didn't seem keen on being photographed either.


There's a couple more of each of these girls on Flickr, and I've a few in Lightroom to check out later.

I'm putting the camera away now, and making the most of my last night in Tokyo before fling back early tomorrow for work on tuesday.
number one is best :)

ive always wanted to go there, the perception is mass amounts of cosplay, but i thought it was only every 2nd Sunday that the main meet is.. Im well envious, are you living out there?, so many places i want to go in Japan. Shibuya crossing looks crazy
Love the first. Brilliant eyes Shame the second didn't want to play.
You'd have thought that with all the effort it takes to look like that you'd want the attention.
number one is best :)

ive always wanted to go there, the perception is mass amounts of cosplay, but i thought it was only every 2nd Sunday that the main meet is.. Im well envious, are you living out there?, so many places i want to go in Japan. Shibuya crossing looks crazy

Not living here,I just made a one week visit half in Kyoto, half in Tokyo. I fly back this morning ( online now killing time before being picked up)

Shibuya is crazy, as is Shinjuku Station during rush hour as 7 million people pass through it every morning & evening, I wouldn't even try lifting a camera during that!
Love the first shot, she looks gorgeous, gotta majot thing for Japanese girls ;)

did you go up the viewing platform in roppongi hills, supposed to be some great views, especially of mount fuji on a clear day..

I went up the Gov't building in Shibuya during the day, and went to the New York Grill in the Park Hyatt one evening (the hotel from Lost in Translation). The view at night of the place lit up was better.

It's been cloudy all the time I've been here in Tokyo, although sat in the airport lounge it's clear and sunny, so only saw Mt Fuji whilst on the bulllet train on the way from Kyoto.