Two Lovers: Mik & Jess

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My friends wanted me to take some "fresh and clean" pictures of them... So I did! C&C welcome.










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you captured them really well I love them No 9 for me too (y)
Lovely set,#1 is excellent i think for lighting.:)(y)
Thank You! I had to put No. 4 up as it makes me laugh everytime I see it and No. 9 was my fav shot from the afternoon. Btw, are the image sizes ok, or are they too big?
Great set, really like 4 and 9!!
Brilliant set.
Some great thought gone into the comps.
..and yes 4 and 9 are Xtra great.

Your mate will cringe at #4, does him no favours :D

Really liking #9 as well though. Great idea, well executed (y)
Nice set...

No 9 (y)
Wow, really nice, would be interested to know the lighting in 1 and some of the others, is it a reflector or something like that?
no. 9 is great!

like the idea and concept behind it care to share?

great set all round

My guess is aperture wide open, flash behind them low left. Shutter speed set to expose for their faces from ambient?
wow what a gorgeous set.
for me I LOVE 2, 4, 8, and 9

Number 2 > I love the B&W and the lens flare in the corner. The only thing that would've improved it is if the girls facial expression was different but...that's hindsight isn't it .

Number 4 > I just LOVE the colouring, and the pose is amazing. I'd be really really pleased with this shot.

Number 8 > Love the B&W again and the focussing.

Number 9 > Is just really romantic and sweet, love it.
Really like this set. #9 is my fav
If there is any crit i could only say that I find #1 a little under exposed
To Oli: Neo got it pretty much right on. I can't remember all the settings - just tried and tested till it look like I wanted it to. Shot a flash into a 60" umbrella (reflecting as opposed to shoot-through to allow the light to wrap around them) and opened up pretty wide on the lens and adjusted shutter speed till it was light enough and exposed them against the bright light. If I remember the flash was hidden directly behind Mik's (the guy) head and the umbrella gave the gave the wrapping effect of the light.

To BlackCloud: I honestly can't remember, sorry. I was using two flashes at the time, one in an apollo softbox and the other was just a bare flash at that time.

Thanks everyone for your kind comments! My friends are really happy with the photos I gave them and I'm pretty chuffed too.
4&5&9 for me, very creative approach-and it works well.
Not usually my sort of thing but I have to say that the last one is a little bit special.
