Two more for college

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Enjoy (or not) :)
I know the first one is meant to be dark but I think you need more light on your face, even if its just one side. Also the comp isn't great, there is too much space on the left, would be ok if it was on the right because you would be facing it.

#2 I don't mind but its quite soft and would have been better if you used less DOF and isolated her a bit because that bush and grass doesn't look great. I don't know what lenses you have but invest in a nifty fifty.
Cool concept and idea for the first but in my opinion you could have done with throwing in some light from the lhs to light up the face of the dummy - maybe keep it localised to have the opposites - the guy lit up on the one side and the dummy the other?

Like number two also but the hair across the face is a little distracting. It is a lovely pose though and I like the way the urban setting matches her hat and hair!

My 2p's worth - feel free to ignore, but I hope it helps!

What were they shot on John?
Thanks both. My monitor is probably still too bright having notched it down after getting a disappointing set of prints recently. I agree with the composition, all part of the learning process. It was off the cuff just picking up objects around the classroom, and with limited time, but lighting any props in future will also be remembered. Unfortunately my 50 had an accident not so long ago :( and lack of funds (redundancy, different story...) means it won't be getting replaced any time soon.

Am using a 400D with 35-80, as they're all I have. Thanks for the feedback, it really is appreciated, and part of the learning curve