Two questions

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Hello everyone,

Apologies for being so quiet lately but I've been really busy moving into a new place and photography has not been high on my list of priorities.

I'm back into it now, though, and need help.

I did a photoshoot for a local band a couple of months ago and I've had four enquiries based on word-of-mouth recommendations.

I have two questions:

1) How much (if anything!) should I charge for a couple of hours of my time doing these? All the shoots are relatively close to home and, both enjoyable and helpful to me for improving skills. Should I just ask for petrol money?

2) This is the most important one for me. I am still using my stock lens on the Canon EOS 550D and I keep reading how much a new lens can improve sharpness and quality of images. I really want a new one now. I need my lens to be good enough for close subjects (ideally starting at about 18mm) but also useful for course photography (so, in an ideal world, it would zoom to at least 100mm). I'm prepared to make a nice investment in this so please give me suggestions from all price points. I am looking to buy a lens before my next shoot on Saturday!

Many thanks in advance for any help or advice :)