Tutorial Understanding Photographs


I know a Blithering Idiot
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StephenM submitted a new resource:

Understanding Photographs - What is there to understand? Isn't it obvious?

This is actually a book chapter, and I haven't been through to catch the "covered this earlier" or "see chapter x later" but I think it will still read as as a self contained whole.

Understanding Photographs

It may seem strange to even discuss this. Surely, an image is an image, and any attempts to go beyond that are pointless? It means what it means to you, and that's the end of the story. I don’t think that that is the whole story,...

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A fascinating and extremely worthwhile read Stephen. Thank you.

Thanks also for the reading list.
A fascinating and extremely worthwhile read Stephen. Thank you.

Thanks also for the reading list.

Thanks. The list could be a lot longer - it was just what I thought was a good starting point.
Is there a copyright issue here with publishing an extract from a book... or have you paraphrased?

You can do so for educational purposes, but not sure how that fits with a public forum.

I'm all for spreading resources like this... you know I am... just wondering.
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I wrote it - and so far a couple of publishers have turned it down. (N.B. it's not quite completed). So far as being published goes, this forum is as close as it's got. To be honest, given the forum terms and conditions, I'm not even strictly sure I should admit to this, as it could be seen as crossing over the "not for profit/publicity" rule.
Thank you for taking the time to write this. It was a good read.
I wrote it - and so far a couple of publishers have turned it down. (N.B. it's not quite completed). So far as being published goes, this forum is as close as it's got. To be honest, given the forum terms and conditions, I'm not even strictly sure I should admit to this, as it could be seen as crossing over the "not for profit/publicity" rule.

LOL.. sorry... didn't realise. You just said it's a book chapter.
I didn't want to advertise. I actually only put it in to explain the forward and back references that I hadn't edited out.
Just for reference, Stephen and I have exchanged a lot of PM's over this, and should he get his book published at some point in the future, the valuable sharing of this chapter from it as a resource for TP members breaks no rules and indeed we are hugely grateful for his donation to this section. :)
Just for reference, it is not breaking copyright to use extracts from a book.

Moreover where the author is sharing his own copyright then there is nothing to break.

Maybe a publisher might say he had already seen it on the web and limiting his chances of getting a book deal, but many authors and publishers these days put out 'tasters' and it might even entice a publisher.

I would just like to publicly thank Stephen for boldly giving an insight into his publishing venture and allowing others to learn from it.

Good luck with the finished product.
Moreover where the author is sharing his own copyright then there is nothing to break.

I know.. I wasn't aware it was HIS book.
Excellent resource Stephen - very interesting indeed, and thankyou very much for sharing this with us.

I've taken the slight liberty of "linkifying" a couple of entries in your reading list, hope that's OK with you...
I've no problem with that - anything that makes it easier to use/more helpful (or even corrects errors!) is fine by me. I originally starting writing it as a FAQ before it grew a bit :). And if there are any more suggestions to add to what was intended as a limited reading list, let's have them.