Unexpected / Gone Wrong / Funny photos

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Post your funny photographs or photographs that have captured unexpected background 'things' ? Also post your photo disasters !!!
Give a brief explanation / excuse too, if you have one !
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This year the newly refurbished Scotrail liveried push-pull set was being run for the first time and I decided to take my spaniel Bertie out with me to take some photos. It was running late and Bertie had already been very energetic so he didn't take well to being temporarily tied up while the train was coming. During the burst of photos while looking through the viewfinder I felt an impact from behind and realised Bertie had managed to release the brake on the lead and excitedly charged into me:


Thankfully the rest of the shots were fine but Bertie hasn't been back trainspotting since.
What should have been a peaceful picture of some brightly coloured balls with the harbour master's boat in the background turned out to have another harbour master boat, and a sailboat, and a ferryboat with sharks teeth filing up the space behind. There is even a bloody seagull in centre of the biggest bit of sky (no doubt taking a dump on my composition). It looks like a drawing from a 8 year old with ADHD.

Bristol Harbour 2022 .JPG
Bristol anti-abortion protest. Caused by Roe V's Wade being overturned on the other side of the World. It is Bristol, they like protesting.

Among the pictures of the marchers, I spotted this woman who has given her "Our Bodies Our Choice" sign to her very small children. It changes the meaning a lot.

Bristol Protest 1.JPGBristol Protest 2.JPG
Think the man just wearing grots only seems to miss the connection between the photobombing lady and the dude with the vest..
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Just noticed bald man has a belt on his grots, what's with that?
My wife bought me a little drone that takes photos and video. It’s only small and quite hard to control, so I thought I’d try it with a selfie indoors before I took it out anywhere…

And this is from a day at a falconry. It looks like the sort of thing that gets recovered from a camera found with a body in the woods :D
Saw them lining up to do aerials, set up the focus (manual lens), watch the follow and click when she is in the air.

Dancing Sept 2023 5.JPG