uni interview portfolio??

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So I have my first interview this week for the BA(hons) Photography at Uni. My first interview is at Falmouth, which is my first choice.

I wish it wasn't my first interview so at least i could go a little more prepared and have some idea of what they're going to ask me and what they may expect in a portfolio.

The letter they sent said:

"We would like to see your portfolio, which should contain only photography, but evidence of your research and writing skills eg an essay or report etc, together with any other artwork, 3D work or evidence of idea development eg sketchbooks or workbooks. In short bring as much as you can, which demonstrates both your skills with photography and your visual awareness."

I'm quite confused as to what they want from me.
I don't do any other artwork and I don't do 3D work.
I've never kept a sketchbook and i develop my ideas infront of the camera in real time.... as in I improvise on the spot when i get an idea.

Should I just blag a diary of ideas and creative process?

I'm going to include roughly 20 photos, mix of portrait/landscape and others. I'm hoping my photography process is strong enough to get me past having to sho other art forms. Just need to sort out written stuff aswell.
I'm just stuck for other ideas on what to include.

Any ideas on the sort of stuff I can include that might interest them?

Be prepared to talk about the photos you've brought with you; which one do you feel is the most striking/your personal favourite etc. and also the reasons why you setup the photo as you did.

You could take some examples of photographs you've taken, and then how you've manipulated them in Photoshop? Perhaps that is what they're getting at with 'evidence of development'. I'd be sure to take some before and after edits with me.
If you have a website, perhaps you could take some screenshots of it along with you, or bring it up onscreen for them to see? It shows that you've kinda undertaken some market research and are keen to get your photos into the public eye.

That's all I can think of for now, perhaps someone else could better assist you! (y)
I'm now in the 3rd year of my Tog degree so I may have some ideas!

Firstly talk about what interests you as a tog - why do you want the degree - what do you hope to achieve etc. NOTE ADDED You really need to understand the type of degree you are applying for. Because for instance mine is Art Photography/gallery/journal work. And this is what they teach. They won't teach rule of thirds, composition, etc because if you're doing a degree in it - shouldn't you already know?

Ok by research they mean - your influences for taking the shots / projects you have bought with you. Info on photographers / styles that influence your work and / or whose work you enjoy viewing. If you've been to any galleries and got leaflets on a favourite piece of work take it in and talk about it.

Tis an extremely long shot but they may ask you about theorists and your interest in Art history. I have to do Art history as part of my degree in order to pass. Frued / Lacan / Susan Sontag are of particular interest in my degree, but whatever you do don't claim to know about them if you don't because they will ask what you think. - and put it this way, after 2 years studying I'm still learning.

Are there any books you find interesting? Take a couple in and explain why, maybe. If you read journals (and I don't mean this months issue of Digital camera (others are aailable, lol) I'm talking about 'Photoworks' 'Hotshoe' - the contemporary art journals. Because if your degree is anything like mine this is what you are aiming towards publication in.

Regarding the photographs themselves - have you got project work? Did you do photography a-level or diploma? If you have project work take that in rather than your hobby photographs - they want to see your creativity AND research for this.. If you have no projects then take in your best - but avoid the cute squirrels and pets/family photos unless particularly interesting.

Hope this helps
why falmouth? have heard awful things about their photography department!
try buying a notebook and putting sketches in of lighting diagrams and ideas that you can pretend you did before taking pics
I made the mistake of wearing a suit, shiny shoes, military haircut to my Uni interview the first time I applied - Fail!
The following year when I re-applied, I hadn't cut my hair for six months and didn't shave for a week - same portfolio with a few minor differences...this time it was a shoe-in...

They told me quite candidly that they didn't think I would have fitted in with the other students as I'd appeared the previous year...
Effin' Hippies!

Just be honest about your work - Uni peeps are up their a-holes about the meaning behind the work - sometimes so much so that they forget it's a subjective visual medium...
Thanks guys all this is very helpful.
Just talk comfortably about your work, why you did it etc. That's the main advice I can give you as i'm also a BAPP student.