Used Canon 1D MkV

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Need some advice if possible, I've been tempted to buy a cheap used 1DV but a little concerned about it's shutter, the current shutter count is well above 425k and reading online the expected lifespan of the shutter is 500k so getting up there...

If I were to buy the camera and the shutter were to go what sort of costs would I be expecting to bring the camera back to life? The camera itself is well used and showing a lot of signs of being used, marks etc which doesn't bother me too much as looking at as a functional piece of kit rather than looking pretty but more bothered about it working as should!

Would you spend money on a camera with such a high shutter count or better to leave it?
The best option would be to contact someone like Fixation to get a quote for replacing the shutter. If the camera is being sold for at least that much less than another body with lower shutter count, it's a good deal.
Cost around 300 quid.. My advice would be to buy the camera and immediatly send to canon for shutter replacement... if the price of camera and replacement works out good for you then you ahve a bargain.. they will replace the shutter.. clean service and calibrate the camera all at same time

if your friends wiht the seller then ask if you can do this BUT if canon find any major faults the seller covers the cost (presuming they are selling as good working order)
If it was cheap enough, I'd give it a whirl. If it's the same one I'm thinking of that's advertised online, yes, it's definitely cheap enough and I was briefly tempted myself!

You can never really tell with shutter counts, as the figure quoted is mean time before failure, not any kind of hard limit. Some go on for tens of thousands (sometimes hundreds of thousands if you're lucky!) of shots over that, and some never even come close to that figure before they go pop. I'd certainly not use it without a backup though if I wasn't sending it off straight away to get it replaced.
Thanks for the replies, have spoken with Fixation who have been very helpful in giving prices and also highlighted with that many actuations it may not just be the shutter and mirror box etc may also need to be looked at so getting rather expensive.

The camera is a second hand listed on MBP but am starting to think may be more money than I want to spend in the near future even with a 6 month guarantee. Has anyone on here got any experience with high use 1dv's and want you expect to go wrong, ongoing running costs?
Has anyone on here got any experience with high use 1dv's and want you expect to go wrong, ongoing running costs?

haha ME! my two idmkIV s went way over 500 thousand had a couple of shutters go on me before and after 500k get them cleaned and service fairly regular you might find the odd seal or somehting needs replacing.. nominal fees

i cureently have two 1dx
I have one 530,000 (five hundred and thirty thousand) on its original shutter and no problems.. had it cleaned and serviced last year with no other work needed
I have one 940,000 (nine hundred and forty thousand) at around 500 thousand i had the shutter replaced (just in case) and last year a clean and service no other problems..

my point being.. get the shutter replaced cleaned and serviced... then get it cleaned and serviced every couple of hundred thousand shots and you wont have other problems.. or shouldnt have..

I do get what fixation mean... for example they say a diesel engine wiil go round the clock a couple of times with no problem.... but hey oh the rest of the car wont :)
eeerm sorry just rewind a bit.. whats a 1dmkV ? I am presuming you mean 1dmkIV
Thanks kipax, so by the sound of it it's a £750 ish 1dv not a £464 1dv... still tempted.

Have also emailed Mbp to see what the warranty they offer covers
Thanks kipax, so by the sound of it it's a £750 ish 1dv not a £464 1dv... still tempted.

still confused.. theres no such camera as a 1dV it's 1d, 1dmk II, 1dmk III, 1dmk IV , 1dx and 1dx II
haha i had presumed correctly then :) always best to amke sure otherwise all our answers are rubbish if you meant summat else :)
Thanks matey, been a while since I've posted here but tempted with the camera as still shooting a7d which is great when the light is there but really struggles when it isnt
big jump up IMHO will have already seen plenty of examples and blah blah.... its always going to be a gamble,.. but buying from a dealer you should be OK :)
thinking along the same lines as you ryan ,my gut feeling says look at the condition of the body itself if it shows signs of colossal paint loss and scrapes then don't touch with a bargepole if its fairly clean then it shows its been looked after .other than that the 1d series cameras are made to last .i often here the expression you can hammer in nails with them ,just don't buy one that has done it :rolleyes:
s look at the condition of the body itself if it shows signs of colossal paint loss and scrapes then don't touch with a bargepole if its fairly clean then it shows its been looked after

what a load of tosh .. mine look like they have been in a war.. but get serviced and cleaned regular and shutter replaced when i think neccesary.. they never let me down and are perfect working order and need to be ...1d series are very expensive when new and usuallly working cameras .. they get looked after but get a lot of use.. you cant keep them wrapped in cotton wool and do half a million shots

if you can find one in perfect condition and such a high shutter count then it wont be at the price your looking at.. that would be silly :)
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Thanks again, as said before and backed up by kipax, I'm not looking for it to look pretty but pure functionality, 1d has a good rep so more interested in the running costs...

Just waiting on mbp to come back ref warranty
what a load of tosh .. mine look like they have been in a war.. but get serviced and cleaned regular and shutter replaced when i think neccesary.. they never let me down and are perfect working order and need to be ...1d series are very expensive when new and usuallly working cameras .. they get looked after but get a lot of use.. you cant keep them wrapped in cotton wool and do half a million shots

if you can find one in perfect condition and such a high shutter count then it wont be at the price your looking at.. that would be silly :)
hardly expect one in brand new condition ,but its a instrument and should be treated with respect due to that fact . i do see your point of view though .negotiating on one at the moment so we shall see
well update ,bought one this morning from ffordes paid for it ,then got a phone call at dinnertime stating there was no battery charger with it ,so got a refund going through the system and i,m well p***ed off ,just looking at the options on wex at the moment .
update , f*** it bit the bullet and got a low mileage model from WEX , E.T.A tomorrow

and it looks like someone went for the cheapo one on MPB to
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Unfortunately wasn't me, was going to bite the bullet yesterday afternoon when they came back with an email response but it had already gone.
mine arrived from WEX yesterday ,and tbh it has far exceeded my expectations ,to say that i'm extremely pleased would be a understatement .and with a 30 day trial period and a 12 months warranty included its a no brainer .looks like a new camera bar a couple of hard to find marks .i know who will get my business in future based on this
mine arrived from WEX yesterday ,and tbh it has far exceeded my expectations ,to say that i'm extremely pleased would be a understatement .and with a 30 day trial period and a 12 months warranty included its a no brainer .looks like a new camera bar a couple of hard to find marks .i know who will get my business in future based on this

Great camera I love mine. Don't worry when it never seems to run the battery down they go on forever.
mine arrived from WEX yesterday ,and tbh it has far exceeded my expectations ,to say that i'm extremely pleased would be a understatement .and with a 30 day trial period and a 12 months warranty included its a no brainer .looks like a new camera bar a couple of hard to find marks .i know who will get my business in future based on this

Can I ask what you are comparing it to? I seem to recall you used to have a 80D, but I'm probably wrong.
yes i did ,but i prefer the 1D series of cameras .nothing wrong with the 80D just a personal preference thing on my part