using a 4k capable camera for videoing- what lens

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If amount of room to video wasn't an issue what is the focal length to use in making a corporate briefing video from a CEO. I see many lens analysis says that 50mm (f1.8) on a FF is the closest focal length to what the eye sees for still photography so would this apply to videoing and also how much of the speaker should really be shown (from top of head to about elbow level when arms are by sides?)
There is always a lens that replicates the eye's field of view, but it's dependant on focal length.

As for framing, the BBC Academy site will probably have something on that.
For head and shoulders speaking to camera briefing like this I normally use 70-200.
PS on some FF cameras 4K footage is cropped to check for that, may mean 24-70 would be better.
I guess it depends how close/far to/from the subject you are.....

On my Lumix G7, I'd probably use my 25mm (which is more like 50mm on a FF). And that's simply due to the f1.7 aperture it has allowing me to blur the background (with the use of a ND filter)
I normally use a 24-70 nearer the 70mm end. You might be able to get away with a 50mm but the camera is going to be quiet close and people generally less nervous if the camera is a bit further away.

70mm also gives you a bit more space to position lighting if needed.