Vegan Cake

Edit My Images
My Daughter brought these home at the weekend.

Thought I would try take a few photos of them before eating.

Feedback critique welcomed.



The first one is just a black strip, the second a white strip. The third has three items of confectionery. Am I missing something?
#1 for me, nice lighting. IMHO rearranging at angles, perhaps one balanced at 45 degrees would give more depth.
PS I presume you enjoyed your 'work' they look very eatable
I think so. :)

Right, it seems to have cured itself. My iPad often does this, just shows the first 25mm of an image and that’s it. Let it sulk for a bit, pull itself together, try again. Now, I’m getting both images! No, I don’t understand either!

The first one for me, it just looks more succulent than the other! :)
Hi Gaz

Nice shots :) good work going for the camera first, I'd have gone for a bite ;)

#1 is good, I like the dark with the lighting
#2 is very nice, I like the arrangement

Do you have one with a higher POV than #1 with DOF to cover the top, I'm thinking along the lines of the angle you used on your Almond bread?

Great work, you've made me think about trying this rather than eating first and thinking later :)

Feedback critique welcomed.
I can't comment because I can't taste them, but they do look good enough to eat (y)

(Ah sorry not really what you were asking was it? :D)
I like the first one.
Looks yummy,
Thanks Peter
I seem to like trying the darker photos but wanted a go at trying the lighter look.
I like all three! :LOL:
:) Thanks
Made without eggs or butter... not so sure....
Yep the vegan deserts taste quite different. 50 odd years of eatiing eggs n butter your taste buds have to be re trained a touch ;-)
These were very tasty middle one being the best.
Right, it seems to have cured itself. My iPad often does this, just shows the first 25mm of an image and that’s it. Let it sulk for a bit, pull itself together, try again. Now, I’m getting both images! No, I don’t understand either!

The first one for me, it just looks more succulent than the other! :)
Thanks Bob.

Shame about your tech troubles.


Hi Gav

Thanks for the feedback.

I most likley will have the image you describe but it will be in the recycle bin now. I'm a bugger for deleting stuff it takes me a while to choose the images I prefer if I didnt delete the others pretty smartish i'd me faffing all the time.

Have a go......

I can't comment because I can't taste them, but they do look good enough to eat (y)

(Ah sorry not really what you were asking was it? :D)
Cheers if they look good enough to eat then that will do for me.


Hi Gav

Thanks for the feedback.

I most likley will have the image you describe but it will be in the recycle bin now. I'm a bugger for deleting stuff it takes me a while to choose the images I prefer if I didnt delete the others pretty smartish i'd me faffing all the time.

Have a go......

I know the feeling, I need to cull my photos more..

I think the images would look great as promo' on things for the shop, try offering them prints in return for treat supplies ;)

I like your style thanks for sharing :)
No1 for me Gaz great lighting - maybe a panorama crop ??? Draws the viewer in, I think ( added 15% sharpen too )

Like this ? Just a thought :)


Les :)
I like the 1st shot better

1. The negative space at the top adds something - plus room for copy text etc. It's a food - and you can tell the backdrop is a granite workhop. It works. With the pure black worktop it looks like a generic stock image
2. The perspective of the second shot is how we'd see the food - so it's a good angle and one to explore with the granite worktop

Why not pop them on a plate - present them like they would be in a cafe etc.
I like the 1st shot better

1. The negative space at the top adds something - plus room for copy text etc. It's a food - and you can tell the backdrop is a granite workhop. It works. With the pure black worktop it looks like a generic stock image
2. The perspective of the second shot is how we'd see the food - so it's a good angle and one to explore with the granite worktop

Why not pop them on a plate - present them like they would be in a cafe etc.
Thanks Steve. I'll bear that in mind regarding the subjects base/background.

I am hoping to try and add some other elements as I learn.

Many thanks for the feedback it really helps.

It seems kind of hazy, and lacking saturation. Maybe it's just my monitor?

I did a quick edit (I hope that was ok) to what looks right on my monitor.


Hi there thanks for the edit. That's no problem anyone can edit my photos. You sure have popped the colours and sharpness/contrast.

Mine do look under whelming in comparison.

That said maybe an happy medium is to be had as it's easy to loose sight of how things look in reality.

I appreciate your feedback very much.
