Vegan Viennese Whirls

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Not creative but food images seem to end up in here.
Anyways we made these last night and they tasted fab not our recipie but one from a foodie blog (wallflowerkitchen) I think we will be making some other stuff from her site :)
Couldnt help but try to take an image. Shame it was at night as I would feel more confident taking it in natural light near a window. So I took a try with my speedlight and softbox. Not 100% sure where I should have placed the light. I reflected some light back in with card.

Any help/crit with the lighting or anything else would be great.


Lighting looks good to me - and they do indeed look yummy.
Great, now I'm hungry again....:rolleyes:

The lighting looks fine to me and I like the falling icing effect.
Great, now I'm hungry again....:rolleyes:

The lighting looks fine to me and I like the falling icing effect.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving some feedback Collin. If they made you hungry thats a result. Jan's made these quite a few times since, all very yummy.

..when the photo looks good enough to eat, i have to look away....... and i looked away from fear of temptation. (y)

damn my speed typing.... missed the important part of my comment
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Wish I could like it twice, once for it being vegan and another time for it being a nice photo!

Some cracking looking recipes on that blog thanks for the heads up. :)
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Wish I could like it twice, once for it being vegan and another time for it being a nice photo!

Some cracking looking recipes on that blog thanks for the heads up. :)
Thanks Mike. Yes her blog is very good most of the recipes are pretty simple too " we like that " :)

Thanks for stopping by.
