Video camera recommendation

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Dear all,

I work in a school. Over the years we have tried many different video camcorders, all of which have the same problem, they can't focus when the lights go low, and or increase noise to such a level it makes the image look awful. Admittedly, most of these have been 'home video' camcorders, however being a school we do not have the luxury of spending mega bucks on high-end equipment.

Our Drama department has approached me and asked to spec up a camera capable of recording in low light, with decent sound. My first thought was a second hand SLR (I shoot Canon) however I read that most of the Canons have a 30 minute recording limit. The department have specified that they need to be able to record over 30 minutes at a time.

My next thought was something along the Panasonic line, but I'm at a bit of a loss. Whatever we get would need to be able to shoot wide, and have a small amount of telephoto. We don't need the 100x zoom you get with camcorders, but 12-24mm wouldn't cut it.

So what would you recommend for around £500-£600 that would be decent in all things mentioned above. We would probably look at purchasing second hand, unless anyone can recommend something new.
Dear all,

I work in a school. Over the years we have tried many different video camcorders, all of which have the same problem, they can't focus when the lights go low, and or increase noise to such a level it makes the image look awful. Admittedly, most of these have been 'home video' camcorders, however being a school we do not have the luxury of spending mega bucks on high-end equipment.

Our Drama department has approached me and asked to spec up a camera capable of recording in low light, with decent sound. My first thought was a second hand SLR (I shoot Canon) however I read that most of the Canons have a 30 minute recording limit. The department have specified that they need to be able to record over 30 minutes at a time.

My next thought was something along the Panasonic line, but I'm at a bit of a loss. Whatever we get would need to be able to shoot wide, and have a small amount of telephoto. We don't need the 100x zoom you get with camcorders, but 12-24mm wouldn't cut it.

So what would you recommend for around £500-£600 that would be decent in all things mentioned above. We would probably look at purchasing second hand, unless anyone can recommend something new.
I would suggest you take a look at the LUMIX G9 or GH5 - which you can sometimes get lucky with on eBay. Very good video specs, more than you’ll need probably! Alternatively, the LUMIX G85, G95 are both decent too, and a bit cheaper. Just lack on some of the higher end video features (but still offer 4K30 etc)
I would suggest you take a look at the LUMIX G9 or GH5 - which you can sometimes get lucky with on eBay. Very good video specs, more than you’ll need probably! Alternatively, the LUMIX G85, G95 are both decent too, and a bit cheaper. Just lack on some of the higher end video features (but still offer 4K30 etc)
Thank you for that. What about lens recommendations?
I would suggest you take a look at the LUMIX G9 or GH5 - which you can sometimes get lucky with on eBay. Very good video specs, more than you’ll need probably! Alternatively, the LUMIX G85, G95 are both decent too, and a bit cheaper. Just lack on some of the higher end video features (but still offer 4K30 etc)

Are you sure the g9 will video over 30 minutes ??
I should have probably made this clearer... I was looking at including a lens in the budget too.
Dear all,

I work in a school. Over the years we have tried many different video camcorders, all of which have the same problem, they can't focus when the lights go low, and or increase noise to such a level it makes the image look awful. Admittedly, most of these have been 'home video' camcorders, however being a school we do not have the luxury of spending mega bucks on high-end equipment.

Our Drama department has approached me and asked to spec up a camera capable of recording in low light, with decent sound. My first thought was a second hand SLR (I shoot Canon) however I read that most of the Canons have a 30 minute recording limit. The department have specified that they need to be able to record over 30 minutes at a time.

My next thought was something along the Panasonic line, but I'm at a bit of a loss. Whatever we get would need to be able to shoot wide, and have a small amount of telephoto. We don't need the 100x zoom you get with camcorders, but 12-24mm wouldn't cut it.

So what would you recommend for around £500-£600 that would be decent in all things mentioned above. We would probably look at purchasing second hand, unless anyone can recommend something new.
This is a challenge. Low light, reliable autofocus, wide and telephoto, no recording limit and presumably good sound too, easy to operate and recording media for under GBP 600. Honestly, I think something has to give in the requirements. You're probably looking at pre-owned gear and need someone to practice operating it to avoid the focus issues. I would also make the case for a properly budgeted solution too when you go back on this - mic, camera body, lens, tripod, recording media
If it wasn't for the 30 minute limit, I'd suggest a Canon 6D. This (EvilBay 6D/24-105) could be a contender although you'd need to add an external mic / tripod. The lens may be a limiting factor, but could be sold and replaced with a 24-70 f/2.8.

As Tim says, given the budget and the requirements, something has to give.
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This is a challenge. Low light, reliable autofocus, wide and telephoto, no recording limit and presumably good sound too, easy to operate and recording media for under GBP 600. Honestly, I think something has to give in the requirements. You're probably looking at pre-owned gear and need someone to practice operating it to avoid the focus issues. I would also make the case for a properly budgeted solution too when you go back on this - mic, camera body, lens, tripod, recording media

If it wasn't for the 30 minute limit, I'd suggest a Canon 6D. This (EvilBay 6D/24-105) could be a contender although you'd need to add an external mic / tripod. The lens may be a limiting factor, but could be sold and replaced with a 24-70 f/2.8.

As Tim says, given the budget and the requirements, something has to give.

All will be second hand. We have tripods etc, and a decent mic will come out of a separate budget.

This is just for camera and lens. :)
All will be second hand. We have tripods etc, and a decent mic will come out of a separate budget.

This is just for camera and lens. :)
Still can’t see how you can do it in budget. Giving on the 30 minute constraint would open up possibilities. If there is another budget for external recording device that would solve the 30 min issue.
PS is use of your canon an option? If so then spend the money on a ninja V to record with no time limit.
Thread update...

After taking into consideration the advice on here, we reviewed the budget and started looking for the ZV-E10. Stock was very scarce, and proving near impossible to find. Nearly all retailers were out of stock. I started looking at alternatives, namely the A6400. Currys had this advertised online as a kit for £899, not much more than the ZV-E10, however they were not in stock. I telephoned Currys direct, and they were unable to tell me which stores had stock or give me a delivery date / time any idea when it would be around.

I approached a local camera shop (Camera Centre Swansea) who admitted stock was going to be difficult to get hold of, but they said they would make a few enquiries. Less than an hour later, they were back on the phone to let me know they had sourced a A6400. Initially, they did think the ZV was available, but it had been sold that morning!

I'm happy to report I have sourced this A6400! And a big well done to the Camera Centre Swansea for helping with the search and actually sourcing the camera.