Video editing on Android

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I was thinking about creating and editing video while out and about with my camera and my Nexus 7 tablet so I can get it published asap. I looked at Androvid and it has some good features, but like all of the other apps I've looked at, it's unsuitable in one particular area. If you're reading this section of TP, you've probably made your own videos so you know that you assemble your clips then choose in and out points for each of them before placing them on a timeline, adding a soundtrack, then jiggling the whole thing about (technical term ;)) until it all works. But Androvid, and the other apps I found, talk about 'trimming' clips, i.e. cutting off parts of the video, at the beginning, end, or in the middle. This is a very bad idea as it's non-reversible and doesn't fit with the 'jiggling about' phase. Also, if you want to cross-fade clips, you need some frames before and/or after the in and out points; if you don't have these, you end up with a static picture while the crossfade is happening. I need something that handles in and out points properly.

To cut this long story short, has anyone come across any Android app that even approaches a semi-pro level?
An android tablet is not suited to this a laptop or possibly a notebook would be a better solution.

Not true at all. Canadian Broadcaster CBC now only uses iOS devices for regional newsgathering and field editing. Similar software is used by CBS, ABC, SABC but not exclusively (they still have some News crews). It hasn't caught on in Europe for legal reasons which will be sorted by the EU soon.

Clesh (the cut down consumer version of Forbidden Technologies' ForScene editor) works OK, you may need to scab some wifi in McDonalds (the desktop version is a cloud based service, I'm not sure if the app is too).
Clesh (the cut down consumer version of Forbidden Technologies' ForScene editor) works OK, you may need to scab some wifi in McDonalds (the desktop version is a cloud based service, I'm not sure if the app is too).

Looks perfect, thanks! As soon as I read, "Frame accurate storyboard and timeline editing" I knew it was likely to be exactly what I'm looking for. It would be nice if the Play Store had a special section on 'serious' software as I looked at over a dozen apps and this one wasn't listed. I've got free TheCloud, O2, BT accounts plus a few other smaller ones, plus VirginMedia on the underground (not that I'll be doing video editing down there!) and a large part of central London is covered by free O2 WiFi all day long. But I've also got 10GB a month on Three to use with the tablet, which is the LTE version and often that's faster than trying to contend with 100 or more other people trying to use the free WiFi.

Anyway, I'll try this out and report back. It might help others looking for the same thing. Thanks again, st599 :)
there are a few good video editors on android i have tested them myself and they work quite well but best to use computer for main stuff if you want very similar to android which of course is linux based you could try ubuntu