Visual Impairment and photography

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Hi not sure where to post this so here goes....

I wanted to ask other photographers about their experiences of vision impairment, wearing glasses or contact lenses.

About two months ago I was told I would need glasses for driving and reading. I got my glasses prescription and I went out and bought some contact lenses based upon the vision loss written on my glasses prescription. The contact lenses I got still left me with blurred vision. I wore a few sets for a few days to make sure that it was not just my eyes trying to adjust to them but my vision remained blurred with them in.

Then I got my glasses and my vision has become great when wearing those, I do find it tricky sometimes to wear my glasses whilst using my camera though. Do others have trouble using their camera with their glasses on I wonder? I am using a Nikon D3000 which doesn't have live view. Having never had any problems with my eyesight up until now I am not very knowledgeable about the whole subject. Would contact lenses be any better for me? when you buy contact lenses are they supposed to be a different power than what a prescription for glasses would suggest?

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

I tried contact lenses and my optician sorted out the strength, I would still have needed glasses for reading but was fine for driving but I just could not get on with them as they kept travelling.

I think photography and glasses is just practice, I wear them all the time and don't even think about it when I pick up the camera, just learn to allow that I have a tiny bit more in the shot above and to one side than I an actually see and compensate for it automatically.
You might need a different prescription for Contact lenses as they sit on the eye. You shouldn't really have been given contacts without having a contact lens check...did you get them from an optician? They should check your vision with the lenses in.

I struggle to use my camera when wearing my glasses, so prefer to tog when wearing my contacts. I am having issues with my sight at the moment, and am having to find ways of getting round my problems
There's been a few threads already about this subject and everyone has different ideas and opinions.
Not being a Nikon user, I can only quote Canon products, but for my 50D, I bought an eye piece extender that helped with glasses, I would think Nikon produce the same or similar thing, that made it easier to use glasses with the camera. At first, I took the glasses off to use the camera but that was just as inconvenient.
The 7D that I use now has a 100% viewfinder and its so much easier than the 50D. I would suggest that its mainly practice and getting used to wearing glasses when using your camera. Having been doing it for some time now, I dont even think about it, just pick the camera up as normal and use it, keep practicing, you'll get there.
You might need a different prescription for Contact lenses as they sit on the eye. You shouldn't really have been given contacts without having a contact lens check...did you get them from an optician? They should check your vision with the lenses in.

I struggle to use my camera when wearing my glasses, so prefer to tog when wearing my contacts. I am having issues with my sight at the moment, and am having to find ways of getting round my problems

Yes I walked into my local opticians on a Saturday with my glasses prescription and asked the sales assistant if I could buy a box of contact lenses at the powers stated on my prescription. She took a photocopy of it and sold me the contact lenses. But you can buy lenses over the internet anyway. I would like to get the correct lenses for me though so I am going to have to go back and get a proper consultation for contact lenses.

I have seen a Nikon viewfinder extender (right angle one) for about £200 so I think contact lenses might be cheaper to try first off.
I'm sure you can get diopters to suit your prescription. I've no idea where but it may be worth asking in Jessops.
I have the same issue with my variofocals. I have a D80 which has an adjustable Diopter +1 to -2. But this does not help me to focus without glasses. But Nikon do sell Prescription Diopters, Warehouse Express sell them and give a description of what is required to purchase the correct prescription diopter. Nikon also provide a table of Diopter strengths. I provided a link to this in the other discussion on the subject.
Yes I walked into my local opticians on a Saturday with my glasses prescription and asked the sales assistant if I could buy a box of contact lenses at the powers stated on my prescription. She took a photocopy of it and sold me the contact lenses. But you can buy lenses over the internet anyway. I would like to get the correct lenses for me though so I am going to have to go back and get a proper consultation for contact lenses.

I have seen a Nikon viewfinder extender (right angle one) for about £200 so I think contact lenses might be cheaper to try first off.
I am totally shocked that you were sold some contact lenses based on your spectacle prescription. I wear specs but always have to have a seperate eye test for my contact lenses which I only now wear when I play snooker. I don't have any problems with using my camera when wearing my specs but I did purchase a canon Eyepiece Extender (EP-EX15) available for approx £20.00 and it doesn't interfere with the dioptric adjustment. If you still can't get a sharp image in the viewfinder you can purchase a dioptric adjustment lens E of which there are 10 types so you should be able to get something to fit your needs withoutspending too much.