
Jonathan Dudley
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Its been a long time since I have uploaded any images to a forum, so I thought todays the day.

Images from North Wales, late 2010. Thanks for viewing.






Nice set. Really love number 6, it has inspired me to try something like that!
Hi Jonathan
These are lovely pics! It's hard to pic a fav, but it has to be the boats for me, just for the unusual perspective :)
Thanks Dave

Yeah I did struggle with perfect horizon on that one. As the lake bend round the side of the mountain so v hard to judge.
1, 2, 3 - very good landscapes. Last one of the harbour is my fav from the set - very tastefully done :)
ekimeno said:
1, 2, 3 - very good landscapes. Last one of the harbour is my fav from the set - very tastefully done :)

Tannachy said:
Nice set, I think 1 and 2 are very good.

lensworx said:
no.1 and no.6 for me.

no.1 as the flare is visable without being too distracting, The pathway leads you through the shot as well.

I really like the angle on no.6, B&W fits this VERY well.

great work

Thanks peeps for taking the time to comment.

Dave in Wales said:
Wales.......Yeah, yeah,yeah. (y)

Very nice set, a couple of Portmeirion if I'm not mistaken.

D in W

Yeah you're not wrong. Portmeirion is one weird place but because i went whilst it was frecking cold. There was hardly anyone else there. So it was so peaceful. I imagine in the summer it is completely different.