Walkabout lens

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After my trip to Edinburgh i found carrying all my equipment around was too heavy so im looking for a lens thats ideal for general photography and not too heavy to walk about with

when I got my 60d i was going to get the 28-135mm but could afford the difference so had to just get the body is this a good lens or is there an alternative.
After my trip to Edinburgh i found carrying all my equipment around was too heavy so im looking for a lens thats ideal for general photography and not too heavy to walk about with

when I got my 60d i was going to get the 28-135mm but could afford the difference so had to just get the body is this a good lens or is there an alternative.

I recently got a Sigma 17-70 lens, which I use on my 40D. Its a cracking lens, and there's an OS (IS) version available to. I'm not sure how it would compare the the 28-135, but I'm very happy with it.

This is a shot taken with it on the 40D:

Belfast2 by dubbleyu, on Flickr
Canon 15-85 IS
The 28-135 is no where near wide enough for a walkabout lens.

I went for the 18-135 as its a supurb walkabout with an ideal range, but as above, if you can afford it the 15-85 is also very useful range wise but also has the edge on IQ.

Consider also the Canon 17-55, Sigma 17-70 OS and the Tamron 17-50, but they can be pricey.
First question must surely be what's wrong with your 18-55 kit lens? It's very light and small and covers the general walkabout range well.

If you want a bit more of the same thing, with a more quality all round, then the 15-85 as mentioned above is a really excellent lens. My personal choice would be the 17-55 becuase it's f/2.8 throughout but you lose some range to get that, plus it's even more expensive and heavy. 15-85 then ;)

I guess also consider 18-135 and 18-200 Canons too. 28-135 is not wide enough on a crop camera, it's designed for for frame.
The 28-135 is no where near wide enough for a walkabout lens.


Horses for courses, my walkabout lens is a 30mm prime (on a 40D). Depends entirely what you want to do, and one persons perfect walkabout may be someone elses paperweight.
Alastair said:

Horses for courses, my walkabout lens is a 30mm prime (on a 40D). Depends entirely what you want to do, and one persons perfect walkabout may be someone elses paperweight.

recently bought the sigma 30. Lucky enough to get a good copy. Seems like its all i need for my style of shooting

£250 or less = used Tamron 17-55

£600 or less = used Canon 17-55 IS 2.8

£1k+ = Something of the L range variety.
I had the same problem carrying around too much gear it was taking the fun out of it.
I bought a new camera, a G12 it makes all the difference to going walkabout and with the tilt screen its nowhere near as intrusive as a DSLR
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Alastair said:

Horses for courses, my walkabout lens is a 30mm prime (on a 40D). Depends entirely what you want to do, and one persons perfect walkabout may be someone elses paperweight.

Cuckoo smiley??

True, but some will say a true walkabout should cope with wide angle stuff, I was left wanting with the 28-135 on a number of occasions when I wanted wider, and had to switch to my 10-22 which surely defeats the purpose of sticking on one lens for the day?

Horses for courses though, but I disagree that the 28-135 is an ideal walkabout on a crop.

And most people wouldn't want to be stuck with only a 30mm prime on holiday!

We're talking about walkabout lenses in their true definition (light, flexible range for all types of shots) not what you personally like to shoot with on most occasions as primes could never be truely be classed as 'walkabout' lenses.
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Jackwow said:
A 50mm lens on a croppy is the equivalent of an 80mm lens. Can't see how that would be a good walkabout lens for anyone? :shrug:

Indeed, as per my re edited post above, you could never class a prime as a walkabout, no matter how much I 'walkabout' with my 35/50/85mm primes, my only true 'walkabout' is my 18-135!
I went to N. Wales recently and took:
28 f1.8
50 f1.4

I purposely left my sigma 24-70 at home.

Of course there was lens swapping but only ONCE did I go out without the 10-22 so I could travel lighter and wish I had it with me.

I took selections of the lenses with me depending what I was doing, sometimes leaving the 70-200, sometimes the 28mm = mixed and matched.

It's what works for you I guess....

To the OP I would get the tamron non vc version - I had it before I had the prime selections and found it great.....kind of regret selling it sometimes...
A 50mm lens on a croppy is the equivalent of an 80mm lens. Can't see how that would be a good walkabout lens for anyone? :shrug:

as above its personal preference, i use a sig 50mm 1.4 on my 1D as my walkabout.

i used to use a sig 18-50mm 2.8 "macro" on my 20D as walkabout. thats also a very nice sharp and contrasty lens.
I use my 28-135 alot, it is always in the camera till I need a different lens.

I always take all my gear with me when i go out, but then again if I am out with my camera I am out for a reason.

Crikey, there's a lot of testosterone around here for short but wide fixed length ones. Each to their own ;) :D
We're talking about walkabout lenses in their true definition (light, flexible range for all types of shots) not what you personally like to shoot with on most occasions as primes could never be truely be classed as 'walkabout' lenses.

I always use a 30mm prime as a walkabout lens, it's the one lens I always take on holiday. Last year it was the only lens I took and I didn't feel at all restricted. I know I'm not the only one that uses this lens in that way. It's light, fast, great in low light for evenings, etc. What's not to like?

To say that a "walkabout" lens must be a zoom, must be wider than 28mm and longer than 85mm is an opinion, but it's not the only option. The definition of a "walkabout lens" is not set in stone, it will not be the same for everyone.

Primes are far more liberating than zooms.
I have a Sigma 17-70 non OS, and it makes a great walkabout lens on a crop body, i use mine on a 450D. Its quite fast wide open as well at f2.8, but stops down to f4.5 when zoomed in. I find my copy to be sharp wide open as well as when stoped down a little.
Another vote for the 15-85.

After having a 17-55IS f/2.8 for the past few years ive realised that, as good as it is, i dont need to carry a lens that big and heavy around with me most of the time.

Ive jut got a 15-85 and its a pleasure to use, plus its a bit lighter and smaller.

Im selling my 17-55IS at the moment but i expect ill get another fast zoom later in the year as you really cant beat a f/2.8 zoom lens IMO.
I'm another fan of the wide & fast prime as a walkabout lens, there have been times when I could have done with a different focal length, but still feel that has been balanced out by the lightness of the set up and 2 extra stops over an f2.8 lens.
Craikeybaby said:
I'm another fan of the wide & fast prime as a walkabout lens, there have been times when I could have done with a different focal length, but still feel that has been balanced out by the lightness of the set up and 2 extra stops over an f2.8 lens.

If you're on a crop though, I dont think there is such a thing as a wide prime? The widest (iirc) for canon is the old 20mm?

EDIT - forgot about the EF 14mmL II, now that would do!
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My TAMRON 17-50 F2.8 (non VC) is my "walkabout" lens. It stays on my camera unless I'm motor racing. It's been on numerous holidays with me & for the type of photos that I normally take (landscapes, scenery, architecture and some people shots), it's great.
If you're on a crop though, I dont think there is such a thing as a wide prime? The widest (iirc) for canon is the old 20mm?

EDIT - forgot about the EF 14mmL II, now that would do!

Sigma 30mm f1.4 would give a similar field of view as 50mm on full frame...
A 50mm lens on a croppy is the equivalent of an 80mm lens. Can't see how that would be a good walkabout lens for anyone? :shrug:

It's the lens that is attached to my camera that I use every time I'm out, therefore it's my walkabout lens. I used the 50mm 1.8 before hand. I suppose it depends on the type of photos you take really, but that's the one that suits what I like.

I do have other lenses, but this suits me more. While I like my 12-24 sigma, I'd hardly call it a walk around lens, or use it as such. I don't own the 24-70 as currently it's outside of my price range until later this year, and as a II version is rumoured to be coming out, I think I'll wait.

When I move up to the new 5DmkIII when it's out (if it's any good!) I may buy a package including the camera, grip and that lens. Although I'd be tempted to buy the 85mm lens instead. I really love that focal length.

For what it's worth, I'm surprised that people are seemingly almost offended that I use a 50mm lens as a walkabout. Doesn't it occur to people that as a photographer (or in my case, a bloke that has a camera and a series of lenses :p) can use whatever they want as a walkabout lens? I realise most are looking at it from the point of view that you've got more versatility with something like a 24-70, but not everyone wants to use that range. :shrug:

I should stress though, that in the area where I live, the lenses I own suit the area. I rarely take photos in a confined area that needs 24mm and the only shot I've take recently at 12mm was of a church and I could have done with being on FF for that too :( Also pretty much everywhere around here has a lot of open space, so I'd more than likely be using a 24-70 at 50-70 anyway.
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Craikeybaby said:
Sigma 30mm f1.4 would give a similar field of view as 50mm on full frame...

Indeed, but that's not wide enough for me, not for a walkabout. I have the canon 35mm f/2, whilst I love using it I still like to have something a lot wider for general use, that's what I class a walkabout as.
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For what it's worth, I'm surprised that people are seemingly almost offended that I use a 50mm lens as a walkabout. Doesn't it occur to people that as a photographer (or in my case, a bloke that has a camera and a series of lenses :p) can use whatever they want as a walkabout lens?

I think we're being viewed as heretical for using a prime as a walkabout, regardless of focal length.

The ideal walkabaout lens for you could be pretty much any lens imaginable, depending on what you do on your walkabout and where you do it.
I think we're being viewed as heretical for using a prime as a walkabout, regardless of focal length.

The ideal walkabaout lens for you could be pretty much any lens imaginable, depending on what you do on your walkabout and where you do it.

It does seem that way. Frankly I find it annoying that as a photographer, people think we should be pigeon holed into using certain lenses for certain things.

I don't think anyone will ever persuade me that a zoom is better than a prime, and whilst that's admittedly a separate argument, it's the way I like to take photos. There are a few professional photographers that post on these boards that only use primes as walkabout lenses. I suppose they're wrong too ;)

Still, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but at the end of the day, what suits someone in what they take photos of, is what they will class as a walkabout lens. There's no dictionary definition of what a walkabout lens is.
Alastair said:
I think we're being viewed as heretical for using a prime as a walkabout, regardless of focal length.

The ideal walkabaout lens for you could be pretty much any lens imaginable, depending on what you do on your walkabout and where you do it.

Who said you were being heretical? Exactly as you say, what's right for some isn't right for others, personally all Ive stated is that I like my walkabout to have the capability to go wide, and that my primes, as much as I adore them, don't cut it, for me, as walkabout lenses as I always find myself wanting a wider fov.

But then I like shooting in wide fov's particually landscapes.

So whilst you seem miffed that not all share your passion for primes as a walkabout, surely you must appreciate that for most, a standard length prime isn't ideal, and demand different things from a walkabout. One aspect of which is quite common for this purpose is flexibility.

One thing I've learnt from this thread though, is that there is no "true" definition of a walkabout lens, just a general assumption!
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There's no dictionary definition of what a walkabout lens is.

surely its the lens that you'd choose to go walkabout with - ie if you are just taking the camera out fo a stroll with no particular image in mind before you set out

and yes its a very personal thing - if you like to use your 50mm then more power to you (personally i like a 50mm for urban walk about street candids as its light and inconspicuous)

I know another guy who likes to walk about with his 100-400

I used to mostly use my 28-135 before it got pinched - these days I usually use a 18-200 but theres no judgement implied on anyone elses choices. (sometimes i'll just pick a lens at random and challenge myself to get a good image with only that lens on a walkabout to force myself out of my comfort zone)
If you're at the point where you use a prime as a walkabout lens, I'd wager you don't need to come on here and ask advice as to which walkabout lens to get. I'd agree with the sentiment from Jim: for 90+% of people, 28mm on crop isn't wide enough....
Oh I'll be popping up here a lot to ask stuff. It never hurts to get other peoples experience on a matter :) In fact, I nearly hijacked this thread I just realised, so I'm off to post my own!
My definition of a walkabout lens is pretty simple - the one that offers most picture taking potential in a manageable package, maximum versatility across the widest range of popular subjects.

That much doesn't sound too contentious to me, but if you accept that, then it means a standard range zoom - 18-55ish on a cropper, 28-100ish on full frame. Basically the kit zoom, or something similar, which outsells all other lenses put together.

You can have a decent go at most things with that - portraits and groups, landscapes and interiors, street scenes and close-ups etc etc. Of course it won't do everything, but that's a heck of a lot more than any prime.
So whilst you seem miffed that not all share your passion for primes as a walkabout

I'm only "miffed" by absolute assertions such as "the 28-135 is no where near wide enough for a walkabout lens" and similar this is what I call a walkabout lens and you should too approach.

Everyone should be more flexible in their approach to a walkabout lens. What's suitable for you as an every day lens may vary over time. It might be a zoom, it might be a prime. But you can't categorically state that 28mm isn't wide enough for everyone just because it's not wide enough for you.