WAMT....what annoyed me today!

People! particularly the walking dead types in shopping centres. I don't know if it's just this town, but something weird seems to happen to the people who enter the main shopping centre here, they will walk straight into you, repeatedly. They can clearly see you but decide to play chicken, and I always lose because I'm trying to be polite - I'm saying "sorry" while I'm stepping out of their way! It only happens a few times though before my true self shines through - I refuse to budge and "sorry" changes to "Are you blind??" the elbows also start to get to work on the side shufflers thinking they can walk alongside me. I am talking when you have a clear path but then these zombies appear, can clearly see you are heading that way but walk right into or across you

Also the gathering at entrances brigade, having a good ol' gossip session while blocking people trying to get in or out. Like 2 whole families having a catch up right at the doorway :banghead:
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People! particularly the walking dead types in shopping centres. I don't know if it's just this town, but something weird seems to happen to the people who enter the main shopping centre here, they will walk straight into you, repeatedly.

I find talking to myself and swearing in their general direction puts most off getting too close. :wacky:

Mind you, I'm in a wheelchair now and am invisible to most people as they just look away and pretend I don't exist. They know I'm there though as they move out of the way fast enough if I aim at them. :wideyed:
Mind you, I'm in a wheelchair now and am invisible to most people as they just look away and pretend I don't exist. They know I'm there though as they move out of the way fast enough if I aim at them. :wideyed:

Yep, I know that feeling. Mind you, I do like the look of horror on their faces when they realise they nearly collided with me! :ROFLMAO:
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I find talking to myself and swearing in their general direction puts most off getting too close. :wacky:

Mind you, I'm in a wheelchair now and am invisible to most people as they just look away and pretend I don't exist. They know I'm there though as they move out of the way fast enough if I aim at them. :wideyed:
Yep, I know that feeling. Mind you, I do like the look of horror on their faces when they realise they nearly collided with me! :ROFLMAO:

When my daughter used a wheelchair people would bump into her often, a couple of times I had to pull people off of her that had walked across her and fell onto the chair - she was only 6 at the time! Now she's on crutches and apart from the stares that she gets every single time [this also really annoys me] as if she had 2 heads, people still walk into her. She's learned to speak up for herself and tell them to watch it though, she's also toughened up a lot on the stare downs - on her IG her tagline is 'that little girl with the crutches that every loves to stare at' :D
The story today of the poor 17yo girl murdered and the murderer posted images on social media, images that were kept up, despite reports from concerned users. Then there were all the sick, ‘I’ll do anything for more followers’ moronic sh*ts who claimed to have images of her, to attract attention, some even creating new accounts and one trying to charge for the photos. I keep thinking that we’ve reached the limits of depravity, but something else happens to shatter that belief. :mad:
You go sit in the corner and think about what you did. :bat:

Had my first easter egg a few days ago! OK, scarfed the last from this year. Made it last 3 days between us!!!
They can clearly see you but decide to play chicken, and I always lose because I'm trying to be polite - I'm saying "sorry" while I'm stepping out of their way!
I need to wear bright fluorescent trousers and jacket, for work, awhile back, I was just entering a well known supermarket, as a woman came out head down ( phone zombie)
and pretty much walked into me, "Sorry" she said.
Now, what I should have said was that's OK love no problem, but the devil made me say, what'sup didn't you see me ? :D
( she did see the funny side)
I need to wear bright fluorescent trousers and jacket, for work, awhile back, I was just entering a well known supermarket, as a woman came out head down ( phone zombie)
and pretty much walked into me, "Sorry" she said.
Now, what I should have said was that's OK love no problem, but the devil made me say, what'sup didn't you see me ? :D
( she did see the funny side)

Think I'll get me a Hi vis jacket just so I can do that :ROFLMAO:

We're all guilty on it now and then, I'm sure I've walked into my fair share of people while spaced out over the years. But this place is like something out of the Twilight Zone, it's not just the very odd person it seems they're all under some bump-into-me spell :D I joke now, but I have to head down there in a bit and I will have to take some deep breaths before entering
Needed to order a new debit card from the Nationwide as my old one has cracked and doesn't work.
They said they had 2 addresses on the system, and cant order a new card until they've sorted out my address.
My online banking shows the correct address, but a glitch in their system shows my current a/c at the old address, even though my credit card and mortgage are showing the new address.
It takes 3 working days to change the address before they can requests new card, and the new card takes 5 working days to process so I should have it for the end of next week.
21st century and it takes that long to process things.
Think I'll get me a Hi vis jacket just so I can do that
Oh its a laugh a minute!
Another story, at one time I used to wear Yellow, its now orange.
One late November, I walked into a supermarket top to toe in yellow.
Two young kids with their mum, probably both under six, the elder one in a child's whisper and pointing at me said
MUM! WHAT IS THAT?! Mum said Shhhh don't be rude its a man.
I winked at the Mum and said in quite a loud voice, "The Elves don't let me wear red until December"
The sylph like figure (Yeah right :D ) and grey beard gave some credence to that comment.
Mum said, be good its Santa !
I carried on shopping, every time I stopped and turned around, there was two wide eyed young kids right behind me :D

WTF indeed! that's ridiculous!
Oh its a laugh a minute!
Another story, at one time I used to wear Yellow, its now orange.
One late November, I walked into a supermarket top to toe in yellow.
Two young kids with their mum, probably both under six, the elder one in a child's whisper and pointing at me said
MUM! WHAT IS THAT?! Mum said Shhhh don't be rude its a man.
I winked at the Mum and said in quite a loud voice, "The Elves don't let me wear red until December"
The sylph like figure (Yeah right :D ) and grey beard gave some credence to that comment.
Mum said, be good its Santa !
I carried on shopping, every time I stopped and turned around, there was two wide eyed young kids right behind me :D

WTF indeed! that's ridiculous!

I once convinced a couple of kids that I was in a Boy band and acted puzzled as to why they didn't recognize me :D I knew their mum, wasn't just 2 random kids btw! - this was when I was in my early 20's and still looked about 17 though ... ah ... I miss my baby face :(
Bloody Tesco scan and shop again.
Got caught for another one today, had a real moan about it as that is 2 out 3.
Girl apologised, took my clubcard number and said she'd lodge a complaint
Damn checkout froze so I couldn't pay. She took me to another checkout scanned that
and left, I was so annoyed I just paid and left, checked the receipt later it was for someone else's
shop and more then mine was, went back in only to be told that they couldn't
refund as I left the store :banghead:
But she did give me a voucher for more then double the difference:)
Still annoyed though, not going to scan and shop anymore
The self checkouts everywhere hate me so I always use real cashiers whenever possible. TBH, it's rare that I have few enough items for it to be any quicker, especially when the wait for an attendant to be available to sort the inevitable problem(s) is taken into account!
I think I may have mentioned him before, but the bloke who pesters the woman filling the vending machines every morning has been at it every morning this week. I just heard her telling him 5 times now to get out of her way. He just stands between her and the vending machine trying to show her videos on his phone. Once she has finished filling the machine, he will follow her onto the next, buy another cup of coffee and get in her way again.
I keep getting a compelling urge to go just walk up and punch him.
After moaning about the heat for the last few days, it hasn't stopped raining for the last 24 hours :(

On the plus side. The fish have enough raw material to build a decent extension!
After moaning about the heat for the last few days, it hasn't stopped raining for the last 24 hours :(

On the plus side. The fish have enough raw material to build a decent extension!
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd its still raining :rolleyes:
It didn't happen to rain on St Swithins / Swithuns day did it?
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd its still raining :rolleyes:
It didn't happen to rain on St Swithins / Swithuns day did it?

Stop doing those naked rain dances on the lawn, you're scaring the sun away :p
Missing out the rest of summer and the best part or Autumn,
and skipping straight to October weather.....
...... Wet and windy :(
A hairball being coughed up onto the bed at 01:30 or so wasn't the best start to the new day and the phone call from Mrs Nod's early morning Yoga teacher telling her (Mrs Nod) that her (the teacher) train hadn't bothered to stop at her halt at 06:45 didn't improve it much. Mind you, it does mean I have time to get the bedding washed before we head out!
I think I may have mentioned him before, but the bloke who pesters the woman filling the vending machines every morning has been at it every morning this week. I just heard her telling him 5 times now to get out of her way. He just stands between her and the vending machine trying to show her videos on his phone. Once she has finished filling the machine, he will follow her onto the next, buy another cup of coffee and get in her way again.
I keep getting a compelling urge to go just walk up and punch him.
Not annoying, but a follow up.
A work mate mentioned this bloke to our shop steward. The steward has spoken to the woman and she has confirmed that she is fed up with the bloke keep pestering her. The steward will be having a word with him. :)
We're off to Singapore for two weeks tomorrow. Mrs WW bought the mother of all cases but then announced that we could only take one case (hers) as she wouldn't be taking any clothes as we're meeting her sister and she's bringing a load of clothes for her. "And you wont be bringing them back?" Says I. "No" She says.


So, tonight she does the packing and calls me in to put my stuff in her case and I kid you not it's crammed to the brim and the space for my stuff is maybe 8 inches square.

"I thought you weren't taking any cloths?" I said. All I got back was a blank look.

I suppose it's all a part of the charm of being married to a woman.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Doz5w2W-jAY
I think I may have mentioned him before, but the bloke who pesters the woman filling the vending machines every morning has been at it every morning this week. I just heard her telling him 5 times now to get out of her way. He just stands between her and the vending machine trying to show her videos on his phone. Once she has finished filling the machine, he will follow her onto the next, buy another cup of coffee and get in her way again.
I keep getting a compelling urge to go just walk up and punch him.

Not annoying, but a follow up.
A work mate mentioned this bloke to our shop steward. The steward has spoken to the woman and she has confirmed that she is fed up with the bloke keep pestering her. The steward will be having a word with him. :)
Spoke to the woman this morning. She was very grateful that my mate and I had complained about the bloke. (Apparently someone else had complained on her behalf as well) she didn't even realise other people had noticed. I don't think there are many people who hadn't noticed, but no one had really realised it was a problem for her, we all assumed they were just mates. She's happy she can get on with her job now.
Mircosoft :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

For the past week I have been getting a message saying my system can't update due to a driver being out of date
and telling me to download the update......................which didn't seem to exist on the intel site:thinking:

Then a couple of days ago I get a message saying the system I am using, Windows 10 is no longer supported by microsoft WTF

Read in the news this morning that mocrosoft have had a problem with windows 10 updates and hopefully have a
fix, guess what it just did what is hopefully the missing update, seems they may have sorted it
Deliveroo. Food was ready to collect at 1pm according to the app but deliveroo have yet to allocate a driver. What’s the point in ordering a delivery if it’s quicker for me to drive up, park, and collect the order than to pay someone to do it for me?
Read in the news this morning that mocrosoft have had a problem with windows 10 updates and hopefully have a
fix, guess what it just did what is hopefully the missing update, seems they may have sorted it
It seems that they are also dropping support for W7 before too long :(
Oh goody :(
Haybrook (again!!!)

We are apparently £41.52 in arrears after paying our rent every month on time and the full amount, this was brought to their attention on the 26th to which i was told i'd get a call back from a manager, roll on getting home Yesterday to find a 2nd letter saying its now 2 weeks overdue...

After calling them twice this morning I finally got a call back from a manager who told me, quite rudely, that we were definitely in arears because we were £158.48 in advance until we didn't pay the full rent payment this month. I had to remind her that the rent payment was down £200 because she herself had told us to reduce it by £200 to pay a contractor.

Honestly they don't know their arse from their elbow!! Its now twice in a month I've had to basically walk them through whats gone wrong and how to resolve it... Lets see what the area manager has to say with regards to a complaint.
It seems that they are also dropping support for W7 before too long :(
Oh goody :(

Pain isn't it, don't have anything on W7 but do have my other laptop on W8platform

But W10 is their current system, still seems to be sorted now
It seems that they are also dropping support for W7 before too long :(
Oh goody :(

I think this is scheduled to happen early next year.

Bit of a dilemma. I like W7 but I don't feel very comfortable with using a completely unsupported OS. Not sure about W10, but the only real alternative is a Mac. Not very enthusiastic about that.
Bit of a dilemma. I like W7 but I don't feel very comfortable with using a completely unsupported OS.
I was using XP for a few years after they dropped support,. only going to W7 when I had to ( New build)

but the only real alternative is a Mac. Not very enthusiastic about that.
I feel the same way as you.

But W10 is their current system, still seems to be sorted now
Until the next time :D
Not sure about W10,

W10 is ok once you set it up to your liking, I'm used to it now and don't use the apps bit at all
just have icon links to what I use on the home screen