Wasdale today

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I went out for a drive with SWMBO with picnic for lunch to eat in the car, the idea was to have a stroll when we got to wasdale she brought a magazine and paper in case I was taking too long taking pictures. She never got out of the car as we had travelled 19 miles but the very localised weather was a bit worse than expected with a seriously gusty wind that left me struggling to stand at time along with the tripod it was also bitterly cold.

The light was interesting though and although we never had a big break in the clouds I got these.

Wasdale afternoon light 2 by Alf Branch, on Flickr

Wasdale afternoon light by Alf Branch, on Flickr

What do you think?
I think I'd be rather happy with these!
Both great but the first one for me - I think it's the colour. In the foreground.
The drama in the sky on the first one is very atmospheric, combined with the choppy lake, it looks very very cold. I like it a lot
I really like #1 Alf. The mountains look good and the colour on the wind-blown water makes it look as cold as it undoubtedly was.

I think the horizon and halo of the first may need tweaking…

These are as close to fine theatre stage setup as Mother Nature
could do it herself!
Both very dramatic and convey the cold well! I like them. On the first the colours really make it. Perhaps a little cw rotation?
Really like No1 Alf very moody and dramatic love the threatening clouds, and the way the mountains funnel you down toward the light at the end of the valley. Great shot.
Sorry Alf. It had to be done. Crying out for it.
(You must be mad, it looks freezing!) Nice images both of them.

Very nice indeed Alf,

I'd be very pleased with these - gonna book a trip up your way soon.......
Two really great shots Alf, with like others #1 being my clear fav'.(y)

Thanks all for the comments I appreciate them. It was cold and I was regretting wearing jeans as we were supposed to be going to the cinema afterwards I knew I should have worn my winter trousers.

I think the horizon and halo of the first may need tweaking…

These are as close to fine theatre stage setup as Mother Nature
could do it herself!

You are right about the halo but I think the horizon is as much an effect of distortion of the lens at 9mm which I need to look at and work out which way to go.
Well this is sort of how it ought to be done - showing a place as it (sometimes) is, rather than a formulaic, cosmeticised rendition.

With the first, maybe you could dampen down the processing a bit, especially with regard to the foreground rocks - could you allow them to be darker, more moody? Also the image might be well-served in mono (as per Craig above, but your own interpretation).

The second is a bit loose compositionally (try tilting it to the left a bit), but still worth keeping for its expression of place & conditions.
Can I add my vote for #1? Really nice.....like the others have said, it conveys the conditions of the day beautifully! :)
Ahh man these are awesome! Inspired to try and get more landscapes this year!

Thanks Matt

Well this is sort of how it ought to be done - showing a place as it (sometimes) is, rather than a formulaic, cosmeticised rendition.

With the first, maybe you could dampen down the processing a bit, especially with regard to the foreground rocks - could you allow them to be darker, more moody? Also the image might be well-served in mono (as per Craig above, but your own interpretation).

The second is a bit loose compositionally (try tilting it to the left a bit), but still worth keeping for its expression of place & conditions.

Thanks Rog I see what you are saying with this

Number 1 is brilliant Alf, love it!

Thankyou Martin

Can I add my vote for #1? Really nice.....like the others have said, it conveys the conditions of the day beautifully! :)

Thanks Mike