Wasdale tonight

Stunning light Alf and you've captured it very well. I really like how the red and yellows compliment each other and composition ally it's pretty good too.
"Excellent" shot Alf, great comp' and really beautiful light.(y)

Beautiful and great light over the hills. Great shot.

Thanks Chris

Stunning light Alf and you've captured it very well. I really like how the red and yellows compliment each other and composition ally it's pretty good too.

Thanks steve

Very contrasty light. You did well to get anything from it.

I had to adjust the contrast to get it where it looked at the time I chose to emphasise the light and shadows but the shaddows could be lightened

"Excellent" shot Alf, great comp' and really beautiful light.(y)


Thanks George

very nice :D

Thanks Rich
Nice one , looks best on your flikr page, very pleasing balance to the composition.

The land has martian like soil colours… cool!
Love the composition and the burnish rusty red gold's beautiful light Alf