Water Drops..


Not a mermaid
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Ok, iv had my first session with the Water and here are the results!! NOT very exciting but certainly on the way to being so.. i think with another couple of years i might even get one worth keeping!! lol..

Im only going to add a link to FlickR, if you dont want to click it, i understand.. but iv not had time to go through them properly and pick the best (Ha!) :puke:

I must add a BIG thanks to Mr Ashmashmash.. he has help so much with advice on what do do ect.. :clap::clap::clap:

Anyway, the next set will appearer on here properly.. i promise...

Take care..

You will find them Here
Well to be honest they're not bad for a first attempt I browsed the thumbnails rather than look at all the full size images, and my over riding feeling was that although the focus looked good they're very dark and all a little similar, I'm also not too keen on the PoV you've picked :shrug:

Thanks for that Matt,

Tbh, it is more of an exercise in technique at the mo.. I did some more tonight, they are better but won't post until tomorrow at least as iv not got time.. Also I'll only pic the best of the bunch this time, the large amount of pics from last night is more to shoe the progression of the shoot..

Thanks again..
