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....or Stoat?

Going off size I thought this was a Weasel, it looked fairly small but not sure if I'm being honest.

Anyone know without being able to see the obvious black tipped tail on a Stoat?, cheers

weasel 1.jpg
I think it's a Weasel. Difficult to judge size on photo, but Stoat has a very clear demarcation between the white and brown fur on the sides, while Weasel has a "messy" transition, as here. Weasels also often have "jugular spots" of brown fur on the chin, which I think I can see on the animal's right side here; Stoats don't have these. Finally, Stoats tend to have more prominent ears, the ears here look more like Weasel.

ETA - great shot, I don't think I've ever seen one that wasn't streaking away like a hairy piece of string!
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Stoat or weasel it’s a shot I’d have loved to take , excellent
Thanks for the comments and thoughts (y)

I believe Stoat are more common round here so happy with the Weasel verdict, cheers