Website designer required

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Not for me exactly but for my company, we're just a two man band, insurance brokers.

If any web designers here may be able to help (ideally we need something started asap) please PM me and I'll give you the lowdown, we're ultimately looking for something we can maintain ourselves within dreamweaver, making any small amendments required.

I have an idea of the sort of template we're looking for. We just need it well built in terms of SEO optimisation, but fairly simple.

Anyway, PM me if you may be able to help, we're trying to get quotes at the moment.
Hi Dman - give George a call. He's a personal friend of mine and is excellent at what he does and his prices are very friendly. He knows so much about SEO too. Just tell him Ryan sent you! His number is 07789 681539. Gerorge is also one of the nicest guys you could meet.

His website -


Replied goffski

Cheers Ryan, unable to call at the moment but will email him through his website.

Sounds like you need a content management system, asking a web designer to produce a site you can then edit in Dreamweaver sounds like a world of pain for both parties. Potentially expensive if you break the site layout, and they have to fix it after your updates.

Drupal / Joomla are example CMS' (PHP based), even wordpress might potentially work for you.
We have lots of experience in these sorts of sites. Drop me a line, we pretty much do this full time

Not for me exactly but for my company, we're just a two man band, insurance brokers.

If any web designers here may be able to help (ideally we need something started asap) please PM me and I'll give you the lowdown, we're ultimately looking for something we can maintain ourselves within dreamweaver, making any small amendments required.
We are happy to supply the DW files, and include things like .DWT template files for new pages. However, as mentioned before, a CMS type of system is a much better proposition if your HTML / CSS / DHTML / JS skills are not up to scratch. Dreamwaever is an excelent tool, but requires a lot of underlying knowledge to get the best out of it
We are happy to supply the DW files, and include things like .DWT template files for new pages. However, as mentioned before, a CMS type of system is a much better proposition if your HTML / CSS / DHTML / JS skills are not up to scratch. Dreamwaever is an excelent tool, but requires a lot of underlying knowledge to get the best out of it

It's only really for things such as putting new links into the site, replacing ones which have expired and updating the contact forms if they need doing which we're getting charged £50+VAT a time for, we're certainly not intending to mess around with it and make major changes. If we mess up the site in any way we fully accept there will be costs involved.

I can't seem to be able to PM you?
It's only really for things such as putting new links into the site, replacing ones which have expired and updating the contact forms if they need doing which we're getting charged £50+VAT a time for, we're certainly not intending to mess around with it and make major changes. If we mess up the site in any way we fully accept there will be costs involved.

I can't seem to be able to PM you?
The Mod's have decided that offering my webdesign services is not on. I am easy enough to look up, I am sure someone will send you my e-mail or website address!
The Mod's have decided that offering my webdesign services is not on. I am easy enough to look up, I am sure someone will send you my e-mail or website address!

If it's the same one as the Yahoo & MSN addresses in your profile, it got returned undelivered.

Illegal host/domain name found
Think I've sussed it, will resend the email.
A big thanks to all that offered their services, having spent the past few days whittling down the field our new website is now in the capable hands of Richard.
It's a site for an insurance brokers, I doubt anyone would get past the first page without falling asleep regardless!
Make sure you post it up for crit when it's done ;)

MMM Interesting

Edited from "Good luck" to "Make sure you post it up for crit when it's done"

Either this is or isn't a forum where anything commercial can be discussed. Commercial could be: wedding photography, selling lenses, cameras, printers, printing, advertising, websites etc. etc. That discussion (or not) must be 2 way or not at all

BTW I dont like the underlying implication here. I am not just speaking for myself here - I am discussing a principle that could relate to any professional photographer, designer or other business.. It is easy to take a cheap shot on a public forum about any small business. Just remember these cheap shots potentially do 2 things

1. Put doubt in the mind of a brand new customer (thanks for that)
2. Potentially deprive a hardworking small business (or family) of income, for no reason

What makes this more ironic is that is that you are "effectivley out of range" as it seems me discussing any aspect of my business matters is totally frowned upon by the sites moderators

Lets suppose the OP does put the site up for a criique. Critiques are usually made on a "as is" basis, that critique will not be able to make reference to:

1. Budget (it could have been from £0.00 to £50,000)
2. Time frame (it could have been done ASAP, as per clinets needs or slowly to reflect clinets needs)
3. Overall service recieved (regardless of quality of goods, the service to clineet could range from excelent to appaling)
4. The way the business was conducted (see above)
5. Input from the site owner in terms of design and content vs Input from the designer (remember the clinet is always right, and paying to be right)
6. Original specification request from the customer Vs deliverables

Critiques are usually based on opinion
MMM Interesting

Edited from "Good luck" to "Make sure you post it up for crit when it's done"

Either this is or isn't a forum where anything commercial can be discussed. Commercial could be: wedding photography, selling lenses, cameras, printers, printing, advertising, websites etc. etc. That discussion (or not) must be 2 way or not at all

BTW I dont like the underlying implication here. I am not just speaking for myself here - I am discussing a principle that could relate to any professional photographer, designer or other business.. It is easy to take a cheap shot on a public forum about any small business. Just remember these cheap shots potentially do 2 things

1. Put doubt in the mind of a brand new customer (thanks for that)
2. Potentially deprive a hardworking small business (or family) of income, for no reason

What makes this more ironic is that is that you are "effectivley out of range" as it seems me discussing any aspect of my business matters is totally frowned upon by the sites moderators

Lets suppose the OP does put the site up for a criique. Critiques are usually made on a "as is" basis, that critique will not be able to make reference to:

1. Budget (it could have been from £0.00 to £50,000)
2. Time frame (it could have been done ASAP, as per clinets needs or slowly to reflect clinets needs)
3. Overall service recieved (regardless of quality of goods, the service to clineet could range from excelent to appaling)
4. The way the business was conducted (see above)
5. Input from the site owner in terms of design and content vs Input from the designer (remember the clinet is always right, and paying to be right)
6. Original specification request from the customer Vs deliverables

Critiques are usually based on opinion

You're an idiot. I'm glad it put doubt into the customers mind. Looking at your own website, it's terrible. People like you gave web developers a really bad name a few years back, so of course I and most likely many others, will take exception.

Put it online when it's done and we'll see how good it is.
Are you a designer? Are you a developer? What are you? Design and development are two completely different things. I'm a developer and I can build a great website, but my design is weak. You're a designer, correct? That's what you call yourself. Frankly mate, your web design is bad, and that's coming from a developer. But your web development, from what I've seen so far, is terrible. It's amateur, and that's being polite.
Also, if you come onto TP looking for work, you better expect to be called out on it. If you reserve the right to push your product, then we as consumers, are allowed to pass opinion on it.

I'd put these all into one message, but you have a problem with people editing their messages.
Kayjay, are you having a really bad day today?
Do you really find it necessary to be offensive towards other members?
Kayjay, are you having a really bad day today?
Do you really find it necessary to be offensive towards other members?

I am actually. But you're right, I shouldn't have called him an idiot.


when you use

<div style="clear:both;"></div>

You deserve it in my opinion.
My web site is badly developed, badly designed (I did it) but completed in a couple of hours and it certainly did what it set out to do.

Anyone to wants to crit it feel free but it will fall on deaf ears.

Why is there so much one-upmanship on this forum.
My web site is badly developed, badly designed (I did it) but completed in a couple of hours and it certainly did what it set out to do.

Anyone to wants to crit it feel free but it will fall on deaf ears.

Why is there so much one-upmanship on this forum.

You didn't exchange money for the website though right? If you did it. Did you pay yourself?

Why can't I post my opinion when every posts their opinions on products? If someone is selling their services then what is the difference? I can't see any.
I think you're probably right. However if someone says idiotic things, then by the very definition they are an idiot.

For example...
Put doubt in the mind of a brand new customer (thanks for that)

Yeah! Let's keep it to ourselves so that the client dupes themselves into potentially getting a substandard product.

remember the clinet is always right, and paying to be right

You don't have the balls to let the client know that something they want is either unfeasible or simply wrong? You don't have the power to suggest things to the client? Are you afraid of the client? Frankly if I was a client you'd be damn sure I'd want your opinion on most things. After all you're the professional right?
OK closing this for now after several RTM's.

KayJay, you never learn do you?
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