Wedding guest's .. you have to love em

My day job is as a head ranger - and its not unknown at dinner parties after dinner to be asked to have a quick look at the hosts chainsaw - at which point you'll be presented with a 80 quid B&Q saw with a chain that looks like its been used for cutting concrete, and the wrong size file and be expected to restore it to as new condition. These days i just say 'nah mate its ****ed, you need a new one' :LOL:
I've done events for companies and while i'm supposed to be shooting their employees have come up to me and grilled me on cameras etc.

I'm gonna get a Jessop's name badge and a big sticker saying 'how can I help' one day.


That'll keep them away :D :D
Only 1 guest with a DSLR on Saturday and she never got in the way,I did though have one rather drunk guest ask if I was recording sound at the same time as taking the pictures in case he swore
As annoying as the questioning is I imagine (working in the IT industry is identical BTW), we do see some great shots uploaded from wedding guests. Yes, most are pedestrian and you wouldn't want it on canvas, but there's the occasional cracker.
Some guest can be helpful , some a royal pain ...
I did a wedding last year and one guset said to another .. " you are taking a lot of photo's arn't you "
his reply was to look at me and say .. " just in case eh"
you let that roll of you back and laugh it off ..

well if that's what you call them, no wonder you get silly questions :LOL:

Pointing upwards ,outdoors, throws a small amount of light at the subject rather than a full flash giving horrid garish light.

So, in effect, the stofens may be being used correctly.Maybe they know what they are doing after all...............;)

Maybe a subject of another thread altogether and an explanation of the Inverse-Square Law together with Apparent Light Size and its effects. ;)


Pointing upwards ,outdoors, throws a small amount of light at the subject rather than a full flash giving horrid garish light.

So, in effect, the stofens may be being used correctly.Maybe they know what they are doing after all...............;)

And what makes you say that? Do you know what Sto-fen Omni Bounce is designed to do? Or the concept such as 1) Fill in flash? 2) Light behaviour? 3) Light ratio?

Sorry. Using Sto fen outside, pointing upwards... That's a COMPLETE misuse of a product, and a sure way of wasting battery, needlessly lengthening the recycle time. Most importantly, it lengthens shooting time for the group shots of the wedding party un-necessarily, when all they want to do is to attend to the guests and family. THAT is a major failing as a professional wedding photographer, and not someone who knows what they are doing.
Maybe a subject of another thread altogether and an explanation of the Inverse-Square Law together with Apparent Light Size and its effects. ;)


It probably is a different topic :) I thought I'd back you up on your comment, as fracster's post was misguided, and I didn't want other members also believing in the misuse of the magical plastic piece that somehow turns a small flash into a mighty large soft light regardless of relative size :LOL:
Maybe a subject of another thread altogether and an explanation of the Inverse-Square Law together with Apparent Light Size and its effects. ;)


No offence intended, but no thanks.......:LOL:
I have only done one wedding & that was reluctantly. Father of bride said to me a week before the wedding. 'You are good at taking squirrel shots, you can do my daughters wedding'. I tried to explain that I did not do weddings & would probably make a hash of it. His reply was to the effect that it would not matter as they ( the happy couple) would split up after two years anyway! He was right too! :LOL: :LOL:
It probably is a different topic :) I thought I'd back you up on your comment, as fracster's post was misguided, and I didn't want other members also believing in the misuse of the magical plastic piece that somehow turns a small flash into a mighty large soft light regardless of relative size :LOL:

I don't think anyone thinks that. Sometimes the little plastic jobbies do ok. They are not the be all and end all, granted and I don't always use them. But they do serve a purpose at times. Perhaps a bit of latitude before I ternet suppositions, Condemnations and sentences..........:D
I got talking to a pro tog at a company event, I was snapping my daughter and he wanted a pic of us together. I noticed his L glass and I said "one day I'll have one of them" 17-40 L he had on, he promptly pulled a 100-400L out and said this is what you want! Then he even let me have a go with it. He was right I do want one! I'm glad some pros are friendly people :)
I have only done one wedding & that was reluctantly. Father of bride said to me a week before the wedding. 'You are good at taking squirrel shots, you can do my daughters wedding'. I tried to explain that I did not do weddings & would probably make a hash of it. His reply was to the effect that it would not matter as they ( the happy couple) would split up after two years anyway! He was right too! :LOL: :LOL:

Funny that Charlie, I often wonder how long some marriages last when I photograph them. IME, the lower key ones last longer.
I got talking to a pro tog at a company event, I was snapping my daughter and he wanted a pic of us together. I noticed his L glass and I said "one day I'll have one of them" 17-40 L he had on, he promptly pulled a 100-400L out and said this is what you want! Then he even let me have a go with it. He was right I do want one! I'm glad some pros are friendly people :)

I also have a 100 - 400 .:D. and made a good friend at chester zoo , when i spotted him looking at it .. I asked if he would like to try it .. We exchanged emails and have been good friends since ..

I have also let people have a go of my kit at weddings ... As long as the guest isn't rocking after downing glass after glass of champagne i don't mind ..(y)
Funny that Charlie, I often wonder how long some marriages last when I photograph them. IME, the lower key ones last longer.

I shot a wedding where the groom refused to be in the photos because the bride had a go about his shoes.

Im mean no shots of signing, happy couple together. This was a big posh event at a state home.

Got the bride with guests ... groom with guests etc but never together. Two days later i was back shooting them in the grounds trying to be lovey dovey.


I thank the lord for photoshop cut & paste :LOL:

I use those photos to teach students .... nothing is beyond repair ..... except marridge :)
I have also let people have a go of my kit at weddings ... As long as the guest isn't rocking after downing glass after glass of champagne i don't mind ..(y)

Well, the photographer at our wedding let our 4 year old son have a go with his kit, and I mean he let him walk around with it not just look through the viewfinder :)(y)
Most guests are drunk, thats why they cant take photos :)

Next time they start, walk outside with them. Beat them up, stamp on their silly camera. Then, tidy yourself up, wipe your brow and then say 'hows that for a wedding photographer'

Go back in and do your work. Nobody will beleive what they say because 1. you are a wedding photographer 2. they are drunk 3 you have all the shots of the wedding :)

I do this all the time ...... works for me :)

*** I do not condone this sort of thing. it is for training purpose only. beating people up is never the answer. the above message is a joke. got a problem with this? come see me :) ***

If only! am sure there a rule:- you are allowed to baet up one guest a wedding lol:LOL::LOL:
I'm at a wedding now on lunch, the food has been ages! Anyway, a guest has a 5d 1 and a sigma lens, not sure which though. His wife goes to him "look, if you really want them portfolio shots you will have to get on his back! Nudge him and he will move."

Well nudging didn't move me. So now I have taken the pleasure in moving him away from shots as he gets in the way and also doing the stand and stare to get him feeling like he is holding things up. Oh and his wife is getting lots and lots if candids! That will teach you!
I shot a wedding where the groom refused to be in the photos because the bride had a go about his shoes.

Im mean no shots of signing, happy couple together. This was a big posh event at a state home.

Got the bride with guests ... groom with guests etc but never together. Two days later i was back shooting them in the grounds trying to be lovey dovey.


I thank the lord for photoshop cut & paste :LOL:

I use those photos to teach students .... nothing is beyond repair ..... except marridge :)

Should have loaned him your shoes :p