Wedding mk 2 (With dying canon 350D)

Elaine Ireland
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Here's just a few of the salvaged photos from the fun day,they are meant to be fun photos as that's what they wanted..crazy but oh so amazing them to bits..the same could not be said for my camera :LOL:

Click the images again to get the "better" quality version.
C & C always needed..thank you and be gentle :)

Just looked at the outside wedding ones and the exif says

iso 200
lens 50mm
F 1.8
shutter speeds between 1/800 and 1/4000

is this correct ?.

If so can i ask why you shot them all at wide open apertures, or was it the camera going faulty that caused it, as you have said it was playing up.
WOW. Some really great pics there. :clap:

Just looked at the outside wedding ones and the exif says

iso 200
lens 50mm
F 1.8
shutter speeds between 1/800 and 1/4000

is this correct ?.

If so can i ask why you shot them all at wide open apertures, or was it the camera going faulty that caused it, as you have said it was playing up.

I didn't know what to do,so just left it on the same setting from earlier on,didn't want to touch anything in case I made it worse..only had a guy with a D40 to chat to and he just looked as scared as me heh,he will hopefully have got better shots *crosses fingers* Bride and groom popped of to the lakes for a couple of days,then they come back then go off to Las Vegas and New York,so they are popping over here on Thursday to have a look at them,they understood when they saw my camera and the look of fear in my face and knew it was bad news..think they will be surprised with the amount I've got to be honest,and they had a sneaky peak when we were all waiting for food and seemed to like them :)
I think they are great....dont worry at all.

If my first wedding comes out like that when nothing goes wrong with my camera I will be really pleased. (y)
You're quite lucky they turned out ok. Try shooting in Av mode and vary the aperture to control the depth of field (how much is sharp in the image)

With outdoor images like this I'd have used anywhere betweek f2.8 and f8 maybe even smaller) to get everyone sharp.

Great images though and you can be pleased with these.

Once you get around the camera settings you can only get better.

really like them tho! :) good job

Does anyone here have any good links to some real good pointers for weddings? i know you have the basic stuff ,like visiting the place before the wedding, knowing whats going to happen etc...

But im trying to find some inspiration to put the couples in some kind of positions and other stuff.....anybody ?
Very nice pictures Elaine. They all look very relaxed, even if you weren't :(

I'm sure they'll be very pleased with them (y)
There's some very nice pictures there Elaine as I think Janice said - if I'd got those shots at my first wedding with a dodgy camera - I think I'd be chuffed to bits!!!

There really are some good shots there! :D

Hi Elaine. I think these are great for that relaxed feeling they wanted and I'm sure they will be pleased. Don't be so hard on yourself! I know that with those settings, a lot of luck was thrown in, but's all a learning curve!;)
I think you met your objective - it certainly looks like they had fun, and you have got some lovely shots in there.
Aww cheers guys and gals..I still feel really crap for the camera being a tad evil ..on all of the days it decides to die a slow death at a wedding :bang: ..but anyho's Jessops have kindly given me a new its kinda worked ok..still would have liked a 400D but that would be too cheeky :naughty: