Wedding Portrait

I like the concept and composition, central in frame with the lights in the foreground providing good lead in lines.
I'm not keen on the pose though Tim. It looks like the groom has his hand round his bride's throat.
Likewise on the pose, but otherwise really like this shot - spot on with the lighting and the composition. (I'd probably get rid of that stray white blob on the right hand side, but that's just nit-picking). Well thought out & executed!
Thanks people, initially the B&G didn't want any portraits done, so at least getting them in the camera was a good start.

I'll pay more attention to the pose next time (y) and I do have some simile shots with different poses.
Also it was pitch black when I took this so couldn't see the pose til it was on the LCD, they were an awesome couple to work with.
Not the sort of picture we'd have done, but FWIW if it was and I'd ended up with that file, I'd crop it, spend a minute or two with the clone tool getting rid of some distractions, then funk it up a bit thus ...


The strangulation grip is always something to watch for in posed wedding snaps of this nature, on account of the groom inevitably being scared to death of buggering up the Bridal Hair and therefore at a loss as to what to do with his hand - especially when she's clutching the flowers to her like that which rules out him going for her waist or her arse.
Not the sort of picture we'd have done, but FWIW if it was and I'd ended up with that file, I'd crop it, spend a minute or two with the clone tool getting rid of some distractions, then funk it up a bit thus ...


The strangulation grip is always something to watch for in posed wedding snaps of this nature, on account of the groom inevitably being scared to death of buggering up the Bridal Hair and therefore at a loss as to what to do with his hand - especially when she's clutching the flowers to her like that which rules out him going for her waist or her arse.

Thanks for the feedback, I must pay closer attention to the pose, I only saw it after I reviewed in camera 10 mins later. To me your crop is too tight, however I love space around my subject, suppose it's personal!

Bride and groom loved it, so I guess that's good.