Weird 12/09/2014 Northern Light

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So the Northern Light made a reel buzz into the media on friday. Unfortunately it was a much weaker display that hoped for. Added to this the moon was very bright and rise at 9pm.

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by Lemaildetom on Talk Photography
I've never shot outdoor with such a bright moon. I was amazed at how much it lighted up everything.

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by Lemaildetom on Talk Photography
Here you can see the timid green glow

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by Lemaildetom on Talk Photography
A last one!

In comparison a couple of weeks ago on the 28th of august there was no moon at all and a much weaker cme reached the earth without making any buzz at the bbc. With approximately the same iso and apperture the picture below was taken with a 13" exposure. The one above was taken with a 6.5" exposure, that show how bright is the moon!

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by Lemaildetom on Talk Photography
lovely shots, interesting too as the northern lights look a bit like what I got when out practicing orbs and was convinced it wasnt northern lights id captured at all, now im not so sure!

@Rich: Thanks for your comment i live in Orkney which is a fairly good place to see the light although not as good as norway and iceland!

@Paul: it's hard to tell on your photo. Some other phenomenum can create some colour glow in the sky particularly just after night fall. On my picture i'm sure it is, that was the night of big alert with a kp recorded of 7. Was yours taken on the 12th too? And is it facing north? In which case it would be!
There was a huge kp7-8 on that night so i guess you got the northern light there!