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House Sparrow.

These a few years back were the most numerous bird seen in the garden, but declining in numbers and for the last few months not seen although I see a flock in a hawthorn hedge most mornings in the village. This one has re-appeared this week and once with a female in tow. I think the modern PVC fittings and guttering on houses have reduced the nesting sites so I must get around to making a series of boxes with a "letterbox" slot opening to see if I can encourage their return in numbers.
I have a flock that visit my garden regularly now. It's interesting how the different species wax and wane. It used to be starlings, now rarely seen, then Greenfinches, haven't seen one in ages, then it was goldfinches, now see just two or three as a rule, but sparrows probably eight or more sometimes.
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Senior management turned up this afternoon - so there is hope if they don't fall out!
amazing picture fangman!!

we have a steady flow of sparrows they go through my food so quick! lol
im not complaining though, its good to see them around!!