Critique Welding glass LE at blyth

There's something just a bit "off" about this for me that stops it being a fantastic image, but I can't quite put my finger on what. I think it might be that the fence dominates the frame too much and maybe trying again at lower tide would be better so that you can be further down the beach. The mono one works better I think as the fence seems less prominent.
I see what Paul means , I wonder if its because the horizon line and the line of the groyne match at the second post.

I do like the colour image and how it blends from colour at the beach to an almost B&W image out to sea.
I think that if the groyne went from left to right instead of right to left the whole image would flow better. Just my thoughts. I live 5 mins walk away and I must say I tend to overlook it for photography. Something to correct in 2014. The Mono one would be the choice if I had to choose one though.
There's something just a bit "off" about this for me that stops it being a fantastic image, but I can't quite put my finger on what. I think it might be that the fence dominates the frame too much and maybe trying again at lower tide would be better so that you can be further down the beach. The mono one works better I think as the fence seems less prominent.
Thnks for the comments :)
I see what Paul means , I wonder if its because the horizon line and the line of the groyne match at the second post.

I do like the colour image and how it blends from colour at the beach to an almost B&W image out to sea.
Cheers :)
I think that if the groyne went from left to right instead of right to left the whole image would flow better. Just my thoughts. I live 5 mins walk away and I must say I tend to overlook it for photography. Something to correct in 2014. The Mono one would be the choice if I had to choose one though.
Thanks :)

Took on board the comments, cheers for the feedback!

Here's a flipped mono to see what its like

Nick that, for me, works better. But it is your image. What do you think?
It fees more balanced definitely. i dont mind that its mirrored either as on the other side of the groyne the beach is identical so realistically the photo could have been taken from either side. Good call mate :)
As it stands, I prefer the mon to the colour because the scene is virtually monochromatic, and the colour drags the eye down to the bottom right, whereas the whole thrust of the composition seems to be attempting to make the eye do the reverse. Note that this does introduce an element of temsion and dynanism, which might be exactly what you want.

I like the way that the top of the fence lines up with the horizon - or I would if it did. As it stands, it's just slightly out, which makes me think that it might have been an oversight. As an exact match for level, it would have made an interesting statement. You'll also note that although the horizon is level, the top of the fence isn't; I wonder if that was dues to the fence, or your camera position/angle; and whether changing position would have improved things. Assuming that you think it would be an improvement.

My biggest problem is the expanse of fence on the right hand side. I@ll admit that I haven't checked (I usually do!) but it seems to exhibit a small degree of distortion which in turn makes me think of a wide angle lens - possibly too wide, too close.

As a final point - and one that is clearly not going to be welcome - I question the mixture of a soft effect due to the long exposure and the sharp effect of the fence. It seems like two contradictory styles that are clashing.

On the flip - now that I've made my comments I've read the others - it's always interesting to see the effect. Some have said that because we read text left to right, it helps if the flow in an image works that way as well. But that presupposes a writing system like ours, rather than right to left (or even top to bottom) that others use. In general, I think it may depend on the compositional elements present.
I think left to right works better!(y)

My comp on this would have been left to right as said,but square crop,i.e top right hand corner from just in front of the second post!
It would reduce this image too much but try the crop and have a look!
Maybe something to try next time!
If we're going square (which, given the subject matter could be a very good choice) I'd try putting the horizon central vertically, and the mast central horizontally,
I really like the rust details in the colour version, I confer about the groyne and the horizon, it does not look right, even in the flipped version for me.
I think as you have used a 10stop to high light the cloud effect, you could have include more of that, with the groyne ending at the right hand third in the original image.
I think this would have opened the image out.
