West Mids Safari


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Not really keen on the 'chopped off' effect with these, with the exception of 6 & 7 they don't really work for me, sorry. :)
When I finally got a lens with decent reach, I wanted to concentrate on close ups like these but find they kind of fall short as stand alone photos, mainly through composition; I aim to use mine for parts of a website I've been putting off creating.

I think some of these could be improved, by getting the eye nearer the centre, or on a thirds junction.
The close ups are not doing a lot for me - and tbh if you are looking for critique you'd be better off limiting your posts to about 6 of what you consider to be your best shots. The cheetah shot is probably my favourite - just a shame a bit of the chin is chopped off.
My first thought on seeing these was that the framing is not working, they are neither full head shots or tight crops. All the head shots could be rescued somewhat by some carefully thought out cropping imo. The zebra and the last tiger shot I would crop away the nose completely.
I like to shoot head shots, with maybe a decent eye closeup if its viable,but Im not sure about this set. The Zebra is the pick of the bucnh for me,
Thanks for the feedback, a lot of the problem I find with WMS is there's a lot of rubbish background / fences etc. so it's necessary to crop in on quite a lot of shots - when you're shooting from your car and the place is a traffic jam it doesn't give you much time to compose - I'll stick to the YWP I think, a lot more relaxed and much better to walk around and get better shots I think.
I actually don't mind the close ups.
I'm especially fond of the Zebra.
Not a massive fan of the crop used. it feels like a half way house and puts me off a bit.

#6 is my personal favourite with #9 taking the 2nd spot.

I really need to get out to WMSP at some point. That tiger looks a great creature.