What a 36 hours


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Well yesterday lunchtime the plan for last night was out for a curry with matts parents for tea, then when I go pick matt up from work last night he tells me my dad has rung, they are both ok but they have been robbed.

Well this wouldnt be too bad but they own a village post office and at 2pm yesterday three people walked in and robbed them, they are both fine a bit burised and sore today, thankfully the robbers did not appear to be armed.

So we went over last night, I managed to get this morning off work so we went over last night and stayed over then come back this morning in time for work. Hopefully they had two of them arrested last night. So after a bad afternoon at work today I am now sat down at home trying to relax.

:shrug: :bang:

Sorry for the rant, but done now.
Feel free to rant. You have a just cause.

Sometimes/somepeople/somethings.... :bang:
Just hope they catch them, have enough evidence to lock them up and throw away the key.
Scumbags! :bat:

Sadly, isolated post offices are prone to this sort of attack. Glad they're both OK and I sincerely hope those responsible do some serious time.
How awful Sue. I hope your mum & dad are ok - it must have been quite traumatic for them. I hope the lowlifes responsible get the punishment they deserve.
Just glad they were both at home as it meant they were both thinking about the other, otherwise I think my dad might have had more of a go at them. Both safe and sound thats the main thing physically they will heal, emotionally they will help each other through it, both are strong enough I am sure. Money has been found around the village by all accounts so hopefully if they have actually got away with any it wont be much :)
Really sorry to hear that Sue - glad your folks weren't too badly harmed - hope they catch the b*st*rds!!!
Sorry to hear what's happened and I hope they catch the other scumbag soon. My parents owned a rural post office when I was a kid (about 20 odd years ago now). My mum was looking after the shop and PO on her own and got robbed. They held a knife against her back while they took the cash. I didn't really take it in at the time as I was so young but thinking back it must have been horrific to go through that. Kind of wish I'd have done more but I must have been about 6 at the time.

I hope they get time for this but more importantly hope your parents get over it quickly and don't spend too long feeling down about it.
Oh Sue your poor parents. Thank goodness they're not too badly hurt - from what you say it sounds like they're strong enough to come through with minimal ill effects though. Must have been a pretty shocking time for you, too.
Sue, I just want to echo what everyone else above has already said. Have a :hug:
the thing that ****s me off is that you hear in the news how most local postoffices dont make enough money to be worth robbing and thats clearly not the case, so a big boohoo to the government and the PO bosses and a bigboo who to the robbing s***esters holding good citizens to esther ransom
Damn, sorry to hear that sue. Hope both your parents are OK.

Sit down, have a stiff drink, and think that at the end of the day, it's only money, and life is more important. Both of them are alive and uninjured and that's the main thing :)

Hope they catch the theiving gits who did this and lock them up for a long time. If there's one crime I hate (amongst many many others of course), it's this sort of robbery.
Is it really that much of a bad thing? Think yourself lucky they wasn't armed.

The post office where I live has been robbed a few times, and I saw the post office by my nan's getting robbed, we followed the car they sped off in whilst on the phone to the police who caught them - not sure what happened to them.

Things like this are happening all the time these days, where I live anyway, yet again Birmingham is a bit of a **** hole.

However, I hope your parents are ok.
It just goes to you you're never sure what cards life is about to deal you :|

It could have been much much worse I suppose. I'm glad they are both well and that things didn't get out of control.
Is it really that much of a bad thing? Think yourself lucky they wasn't armed.

Things like this are happening all the time these days, where I live anyway, yet again Birmingham is a bit of a **** hole.

However, I hope your parents are ok.

YES! It is that much of a bad thing!

Just because this sort of attack is becoming more and more frequent doesn't justify it being shrugged off as the norm'.

Sue, I hope you and your parents are ok.
Hope they are alright Sue and everyhting gets sorted :)

RE scumbags, chop off their meat and 2 veg and do a bush tucker trial, except make them eat each others :D
http://www.pocklingtontoday.co.uk/news?articleid=2892555 well this has appeared on the local news website. Sorry to go on about it, but thank you everyone for the support you have shown.
Spoken to my parents numberous times over the past few days the post office were supposed to be putting new glass up today however it is not happening until tomorrow and then they are coming from scotland.
They have recieved numerous messages of support from people in the village both by phone and cards and visits so even though I cant be there I feel a bit better.
Once again thank you very much everyone for letting me rant on here and the support.
Hope they are doing ok and i really hope they catch the sods you did it
Ahh I missed this sue. I hope your family is healing and they feel safe in their store soon. The emotional scars take a lot longer to heal than the physical ones so continue to be there for them. Big Hug!
Sue youre welcome to rant on here anytime you like (y) That's what we're here for.

Renee's right, the emotional scars can take longer to heal, and to be honest, it's good that theyre going back to work so soon, especially amongst all the messages of support from everyone around them.

Show those *******s that they can't win.
bummer Sue, hope everything works out ok