What are the police up to !!!

  • Thread starter Holden Caulfield
  • Start date

Holden Caulfield

I don’t know what the world is coming to. I spent all day Tuesday in Manchester photographing the Northern Quarter, and was not approached by any police officer to ask what I was doing. At one point I stood in full view of the surveillance cameras taking photographs of shop fronts and lurked with intent to take more photographs of street signs.

Yet, not once was I asked what I was doing, or why I was taking photographs of ‘sensitive areas’ , I can only assume that the police are busy raiding crack dens or arresting hardened criminals.

What is the world coming to …….. :thinking:

They now have you on video acting funky in sensitive areas... cooool.

I know what you mean though and to be honest Im pleased we are not as bad as the USA yet and I hope it stays that way
They're all starring in cop 'reality' TV shows... it's all there is to watch on ITV4 and Dave, some nights
They decided you are a terrorist and rather than deter you they're now wiring your house up and going through your bins :LOL:
So your complaining that the cops left you alone to take photographs?! Thats bad why?

What are the "sensitive areas" you claim to have "lurked" in?

Cmon guys, the cops are in a lose lose situation, people moan if they get approached and others moan if they don't.

I can't help wondering if you were looking for trouble.
So your complaining that the cops left you alone to take photographs?! Thats bad why?

What are the "sensitive areas" you claim to have "lurked" in?

Cmon guys, the cops are in a lose lose situation, people moan if they get approach and moan if they don't.

I can't help wondering if you were looking for trouble.

Think you might have missed the point/joke.
I think we pretty much exhausted the whole issue with photographers and the police a week or so ago!
Think you might have missed the point/joke.

Quite probably, but its didn't read terribly tongue in cheek if that was the case. If it was fair do's and I'll retract my statement! :bonk:
Mind you, I was approached by a ‘workman ‘who asked me “What camera should I buy as I want an SLR?”

Thinking about is he had creases in his overalls and was driving a white van with no identification marks, was he an undercover spook?….

Note to self must keep taking the Olanzapine :wacky:

I don’t know what the world is coming to. I spent all day Tuesday in Manchester photographing the Northern Quarter, and was not approached by any police officer to ask what I was doing. At one point I stood in full view of the surveillance cameras taking photographs of shop fronts and lurked with intent to take more photographs of street signs.

Yet, not once was I asked what I was doing, or why I was taking photographs of ‘sensitive areas’ , I can only assume that the police are busy raiding crack dens or arresting hardened criminals.

What is the world coming to …….. :thinking:


So let me get this right. You had a day out taking photographs and you where left alone and the police are still in the wrong. If they had stopped you and asked you what you where doing would you also have felt upset by the actions of the police?

I'm not an officer but I do a lot of work with my local police and while there are some who let the side down (as in all walks of life) many of them put themselves out to help all of us when things get sticky and even put themselves in danger. They do the best they can in a "screwed if you do /Screwed if you don't" society.

While I'm sure your post was interned as a joke it’s also not really fair or helpful. There are officers on TP who are also photographers and I can feel their frustration at this sort dig at them. Next time they see a photographer it’s just a little harder to be so nice.

Sure, if they have stepped outside their powers then they should be held accountable. But if not then don’t have a go at them for fun.

OK, Rant over and no offence was intended so I’ll go back into my little box now.

Surely though, this is the exact opposite of a dig at the police? I think some people need to read it again!

So let me get this right. You had a day out taking photographs and you where left alone and the police are still in the wrong. If they had stopped you and asked you what you where doing would you also have felt upset by the actions of the police?

I'm not an officer but I do a lot of work with my local police and while there are some who let the side down (as in all walks of life) many of them put themselves out to help all of us when things get sticky and even put themselves in danger. They do the best they can in a "screwed if you do /Screwed if you don't" society.

While I'm sure your post was interned as a joke it’s also not really fair or helpful. There are officers on TP who are also photographers and I can feel their frustration at this sort dig at them. Next time they see a photographer it’s just a little harder to be so nice.

Sure, if they have stepped outside their powers then they should be held accountable. But if not then don’t have a go at them for fun.

OK, Rant over and no offence was intended so I’ll go back into my little box now.


I thought it quite funny myself...can't see how anyone would see this as anything other than a jokey thread...
@ Holden maybe this was because they were Northern cops, not southern softies who fear the power of the tog :LOL:
They are probably too busy doing paperwork! I work for the Police and it's amazing how much they have to do even for simple arrests.
You were in a bohemian trendy Northern Quarter area of the city HC! The cops smoke spliffs and that, and everybody gets along happily. There would be outrage at the local organic society meeting if your civil liberties had been violated in such a manner!! :D
Lesson of the day: Holden is rubbish at these kind of threads :LOL:
Sorry, I was temporarily deafened by the sound of a joke whooshing over my head ;)
2 for 1 lunch offer at the chinese buffet place down the road

I dont think I would want to push my luck, carrying a camera AND eating chinese food...., blimey !!
Some of you guys need to lgihten up and get a life (or at least a sense of humour)!

How anyone could have taken the original post seriously as a dig at the police amazes me.

Great to see that common sense seems to have prevailed.
In future, could everyone please tag their sarcasm with [SARCASM][/SARCASM] for those with a sense of humour defect?

For what it's worth, I realised that this thread started tongue-in-cheek...

That being said, I have dispatched a helicopter to follow Holden in his car wherever he goes.

Wouldn't such resources be better employed protecting the captial from terrorists drivers hellbent on using bus lanes? :LOL:
makes me wonder if the people complaining at the OP are being sarcastic too because I really dont see how people could miss the point so completely lol