What camera strap do you use?


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Just wondering what camera strap you use for your DSLR? Is it worth buying a separate one than the one that comes with the camera?

Any good ones about that are comfortable to use? Ta
Usually the 'issued' wide Nikon straps do nicely, but I also have an OpTech Pro-strap and BlackRapid 'R-Strap' for 'other' occasions...
Standard Nikon strap only when doing wedding photography, the rest of the time none (they do my head in:LOL:)
original blue/red Canon and yellow/black Nikon.

That said with heavier lenses they do dig into the old neck a bit if only wearing a t-shirt.

I might look for something a bit more width and padding.
Currently the Nikon ones that they issue with the cameras.
I've stopped using a strap because I've always found them an annoyance. I carry the camera using the E-1 hand strap or hold the tripod mount on the lens, or just put the camera away in a Toploader or backpack.
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optech pro here. The quick release is very handy!

I've got three of them and definitely agree that the quick release is very handy. Often I have no need for a strap at all and it is a PITA to take off and re-attach a regular strap. I can live with the short tails that remain when you unfasten the Optech strap.

As for comfort, I think they are a step up from the standard issue straps, but I still don't like a weight yanking on the back of my neck, so often I will use my Cotton Carrier System instead. My choice depends on the environment and my activity levels and how much shooting vs lugging the camera I shall be doing. If I'm doing more carrying than shooting then the CCS wind hands down. If I'm mostly going to be shooting then a strap can be quicker and more convenient. I still hate having the weight pulling on my neck though. There is none of that with the CCS.
I've stopped using a strap because I've always found them an annoyance. I carry the camera using the E-1 hand strap....

I use a Nikon AH-4 (original one) and have attached QR clips to the Nikon neck strap & attached that when the need arises - but prefere the AH-4 as it doesn't get in the way neither....
Going to buy my new lens on Monday and picking up an optech strap at the same time. My standard Nikon strap does seem to be uncomfortable, but I hate the NIKON D300 logo shouting at everyone "look what I've got"
Recently purchased a Sun Sniper. Seems quite comfortable with the limited use I have made of it so far. Certainly feels better than having a camera and heavy lens slung around your neck.
I dont use the massive straps that come issued as i find them really annoying and most of the time they just get in the way.

I actually use a leather/nylon phone strap just incase i should lose grip for some reason so its still attached to my hand, these are really strong too so it doubles up incase someone tries to snatch it out of your hand.

Ask yourself this.

What kind of photography situation would it require you to use a big strap? when most of the time the camera is up to your eye?
Ask yourself this.

What kind of photography situation would it require you to use a big strap? when most of the time the camera is up to your eye?

How about a day at the zoo, or a couple of hours out walking the dog, or a wedding when you have two cameras in operation at once, or strolling the streets as a tourist.
Another fan of the Optech Pro Loop here, the quick release is very handy and when reconnected without the stretchy bit it makes a useful hand/wrist strap when you don't need the full thing.
I will order 3 when they do the next TP order.

What was that setup for 2 cameras (sorry if someone has mentioned it already but not had chance to read back through the whole thread).
Another Op-Tech neoprene strap user here. Spreads the load way better than the standard ones. Tempted to get another next time there's a bulk order through the TP shop, it'll make carrying the 150-500 easier for my wife!
Optech here as well. Much better than the Canon strap. Doesn't cut into your neck/shoulder and the nobbly bits help stop it falling off your shoulder.
I want to go down the r-strap route. But i can't decide if i want to get the double r-strap, or two single r-straps and the joining kit.
How about a day at the zoo, or a couple of hours out walking the dog, or a wedding when you have two cameras in operation at once, or strolling the streets as a tourist.
Fair point, but i have only ever done one wedding and used one camera that was either attached to a tripod or in my hand, for the rest of the situations the camera would be in my hand.
My Dad carries two camera's, can't see the point of it to be honest
I got rid of the big horrible strap and use a smaller one that just goes round my wrist.

An Arnuvo multi-coloured one, bit hippy looking but I didn't really like the standard Nikon strap. Most of the time I hold the camera in my hand so have been considering a wrist strap lately.
+1 for Op Tech Pro.. I'm also eyeing up either their chest strap or one of the holster style clips.
I posted on a similar thread to this somewhere.

I don't like straps but when I do need one I now use a jury rig I concocted when I left my strap at home.
two loops of bootlace nylon (doubled) through the strap anchor points.
2 x s-biners
nine feet of 5mm (thicker) paracord
1x bowline
1x midshipman's hitch

This makes a strong, quickly adjusted and quickly removed strap which doesn't slip off my shoulder.

Cost about £5
I used to use an Op-Tech Pro strap, which was much more comfortable than the standard Canon one (especially when using a 70-200mm f2.8 on a gripped 40D), however I now prefer to use just the Canon E1 hand strap.
I posted on a similar thread to this somewhere.

I don't like straps but when I do need one I now use a jury rig I concocted when I left my strap at home.
two loops of bootlace nylon (doubled) through the strap anchor points.
2 x s-biners
nine feet of 5mm (thicker) paracord
1x bowline
1x midshipman's hitch

This makes a strong, quickly adjusted and quickly removed strap which doesn't slip off my shoulder.

Cost about £5

Nice, thats my style, lol..

I think its is also personal preference, i have no problem taking my camera out or who see's it, but i think that something with NIKON or CANON plastered over it is just a big advert for "LOOK AT ME I HAVE A DSLR"

Maybe if your papz then you can get away with it as the fear of getting a smack in the mouth or some wannabe grabbing your gear is an every day thing.
I've got the Talk Photography Optech Pro, coupled with a Canon E1 handstrap. It's great to be able to use the handstrap to take the weight off your neck when you are lugging a 100-400 + grip around. :)