What do you think of this as a basic wedding kit?

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A mate of mine from college just turned up last night with the following kit stating he was 'ready' to get into wedding photography. The guys not daft so he's not promoting himself as Ansel Adams just letting folk know he is about to take the plunge. He has bought himself.

2 x Canon 450d
2 x Canon 430ex mk2 Flashes
1 x 24-105 F4 is
1 x 17-55 F2.8 is
1 x 85m F1.8

Plenty of memory cards,batteries etc.

I think this will probably do him for a while until he builds himself a better kit. I was impressed with the IQ of all three lenses when i tried them last night. I was quite surprised how well the 17-55 IS matched up against the 24-105 IS in the IQ department. Is there anything you would recommend that is not on the above list?
yep - 70-200 2.8 - he'll be glad he has it

I can never understand why a 70-210 is of use at at wedding if you are the official tog,i use one if I am a guest but that is purely to make sure I am well out of the way of the official tog and can pick up some grab shots withpout being noticed
Because sometimes you need that range especially if you are shooting full frame!

You can't always be right on top of the ceremony and a requirement to shoot either from the side or the back of the church means it's exactly the right bit of kit. I can get in close for things like the rings being put on which makes a lovely image, one that you would miss shooting wider.

Having said that I don't use a 70-200 INSTEAD of something wider, I use it IN ADDITION TO. Two lenses, two cameras and do both. Hey I'm a woman, I can multitask :)
A couple of decent size reflectors would be handy, also a few large white umbrella just in case it rains. I also know a few wedding Togs that will use a tripod.

Oh and make sure he has lots of good quality business cards to hand out too.
70-200 f2.8 = reportage and shooting from back of the Church, I also use this lens for on location portraits.
i would shy away from the 24-105, you need the fastest lenses possible for church shots. also the 70-200 is wasted on cropped bodies. It lives on my 5D and I love it.
Not bad but I don't lay claim to be that much of a pro! I just do the best I can :)
Another vote here for the 70-200 2.8 - lovely bokeh and it enables to get in close to couples when doing portraits without them realising how close you are - puts them a bit more at ease I find!!!

I would also recommend suitable diffusers for the flash, I have a Gary Fong Lightsphere which I love - this may only be a personal preference though and not classed as a necessity :shrug: