what do you think the best one

1 or 4 for me.

the contrast on 2 and 3 is too low.

I like the shape of the bridge on no1 - it has the air of a roller coaster as it ends on the curve but the sky adds a lot to no4

Sorry. I can't be more decisive!
#1 and #4 for me too :D
1 & 2 for me, 2 really emphasises the hight of the thing and is how I would of taken the shot, but the more I look at 1 the more I like it. The mass of masonry on the right in three is too distracting, 4's pretty much the same.
One or Four

I like one but would prefer to see the whole of the first arch as it would be framing the country scene yonder a little better.
Couldn't decide between 1 & 4 but if it is for a print I would have gone for the bridge detail in 4
All of them are great, but number 1 for me just stands out above the rest. Will make a wonderful print.

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Couldn't decide between #1 or #4 so I had to open each image side by side in new windows. Definitely #1 after that comparison! :D
As everyone seems to have indicated it's a toss up between 1 and 4.

Personally I go for number 4, the lead in to the shot is much better, in ! you get distracted by the open space under the first arch, whereas in 4 it leads you to look all the way along the length of the structure.

Absolutely cracking shot and the one I would have chosen to print and looks fabulous in mono too.
The first one for me as you can see the cottage under the arch.. (y)
I also preferred #1 although #4 was a close second. Nice shots.
I am going to buck the trend.

First off, the conversions are excellent, really lovely tones, nothing blocked or blown. You have captured the scale really well, and the 'railway' atmosphere.

#1 seems to be the favourite, but for me the distortion is just too great on the right hand arch, and the cottage is leaning too obviously.

#2 the comp is just a bit too tight.

# 4 is really good, nice composition giving a super sense of the scale of the structure, and the depth of the valley. However, I think the processing is too contrasty, the sky is overcooked, and there is insufficient recession in the landscape.

# 3 has a still better composition though - you can really see the landscape beyond, with lovely recession into the misty distance, placing the viaduct in its full context, and that gorgeous ray coming through the clouds in the distance. I love the RH masonry - you get a really powerful expression of the massiveness and scale of Victorian railway architecture, and the close-in wide angle effect gives a sense of the dynamics of the steam trains passing over. The processing is superior to #4, much more natural, less forced.

So #3 easily. I bet it makes a far better print than #1!
good point might have anuther go and get it right cheers every one