What happened?

I posted a pic this afternoon but as usual there are plenty of people looking but no one commenting. This is why I very rarely post pictures these days, when you have spent ages trying to post process a pic and no one comments its a bit soul destroying.

Oh well we live and learn!

Agreed, putting a shot on a new thread, getting over 50 views, and maybe 1 or 2 'good shot' comments is soul destroying, makes you consider posting nothing at all :puke:
You know, I have made a huge effort to post a lot more today. Yes, maybe a feeling that if I was going to post some of my own pics for c&c, I really should make the effort to to c&c others, something I have done much less of recently together with posting generally, pics or otherwise, but you know its gets quite depressing and off putting when this type of thread seems to appear week in, week out. I have this terrible urge to stamp my feet and scream like the girl from Just William unless everyone just 'gets on with it' and starts being nice to each other, or at least civil .... you dont HAVE to post WOW pics only, you dont HAVE to LIKE everything thats posted, you dont have to agree with the opinions of others [they are afterall, like a-holes, everyone has one], but you DO have to be constructive and pleasant, that way, everyone will feel welcome, including those that arent posting much atm and those that are newer, less confidant posters. Pretty please?

Speaking as someone who hardly ever posts a photo, your statement in the OP has made it highly unlikely I will again.

My photography is mediocre at best and I am as nervous as hell to show it in an open forum. Thanks for the confidence boost, not !
You know, I have made a huge effort to post a lot more today. Yes, maybe a feeling that if I was going to post some of my own pics for c&c, I really should make the effort to to c&c others, something I have done much less of recently together with posting generally, pics or otherwise, but you know its gets quite depressing and off putting when this type of thread seems to appear week in, week out. I have this terrible urge to stamp my feet and scream like the girl from Just William unless everyone just 'gets on with it' and starts being nice to each other, or at least civil .... you dont HAVE to post WOW pics only, you dont HAVE to LIKE everything thats posted, you dont have to agree with the opinions of others [they are afterall, like a-holes, everyone has one], but you DO have to be constructive and pleasant, that way, everyone will feel welcome, including those that arent posting much atm and those that are newer, less confidant posters. Pretty please?


What she said. (y)
Hamster Lovers Unite! :love:
I think you are all reading what Pete said wrong imo. He's not saying everybody who posted stuff in the past month is crap and doesnt disserve comments. He's simply stating that in recent times the fantastic photographers who post really good stuff time after time have been notably quiet recently... and I agree with him.

As long as he realises which Im sure he does, that even the really talented can't produce so many stunning shots though.

He may not feel this way but It looks like he has high expectations of the ones he's talking about a little too much.
....but you know its gets quite depressing and off putting when this type of thread seems to appear week in, week out. I have this terrible urge to stamp my feet and scream like the girl from Just William unless everyone just 'gets on with it' and starts being nice to each other, or at least civil .... you dont HAVE to post WOW pics only, you dont HAVE to LIKE everything thats posted, you dont have to agree with the opinions of others [they are afterall, like a-holes, everyone has one], but you DO have to be constructive and pleasant, that way, everyone will feel welcome, including those that arent posting much atm and those that are newer, less confidant posters. Pretty please?

100% agree!!!!!!

Its a photography forum - there's way too much navel gazing going on :)

Speaking as someone who hardly ever posts a photo, your statement in the OP has made it highly unlikely I will again.

My photography is mediocre at best and I am as nervous as hell to show it in an open forum. Thanks for the confidence boost, not !

I think a lot of people are taking this far too personally, i don't think that was at all how it was meant. There is NOTHING wrong with posting up a picture you are proud of and want to share or one which you would like help with or opinions about. I think what Pete means is that a lot of the photographers that were previously posting some spectacular shots has disappeared and he would like to see the return of their pictures maybe prompt some of them to show us what they have been up to.
I may well be completely wrong.

On my comment which people are also taking in the wrong way (well i believe they are) i in no way meant there way anything wrong with "great shot" posts but sometimes you see a picture that would benefit from some pointers, even someone that doesn't count themselves as 'good enough' to give advice is able to say "i like this....but i think that ...(a bit lighter - not cropping that part etc).. would improve it".
i have to say its daunting posting when your not sure if your opinion will be valued as a newbie
i do try comment though just say what i like and dont without bein technical
Well you have posted stunning Images you took ages ago In a compilation but your recent stuff has been scene capturing like you said so you kinda haven't posted anything new and stunning since November's Sefton Park sets yourself.

But like you said, Bod said you should post pics which you did. Hopefully they find their own uniqueness through them.

I can't take Sefton Park shots every day. Its just not possible to get amazing light in a great location. Anyway, its not a thread about me.

I think Its quite harsh that Pete feels there has been no "good images" posted on this forum lately, and I may feel that he is starting to agree with Matt Charlton, about this not being as "Clique" as it was due to the influx of new members.

:( Sorry, I meant the wow images. The images that inspire. You know, the really amazing stuff. Dod's motorcross, diego's portraits.

These are new members who are learning [like myself] who post images [not fantastic] but want someones view.
Someone who is better than I am, someone who I may aspire to be like.

Yup, been there. If it wasn't for people on this forum years ago helping me, I'd be nothing. I know how important it all is.

Pete you are doing really well, and you are entitled to your opinion. You personally feel that there are no images on here to wow you anymore.

I personally feel un-wowed by your lack of enthusiasm towards other peoples images.

:( I was trying to make it clear that its the old ones I miss. I just keep seeing pets, flowers, birds, and so-on. Before ANYONE says anything, I've been there.

I hope you're not getting a case of "Im a pro so I'm better than you" attitude. Cos that would be sad to see.

:( *sighs*
As a newer member, and I speak to several newer members on MSN [thanks to my msn thread] a lot of people feel that over the last few threads there has seemed to come across some form of eliteism, and that what was a friendly forum, this evening has turned into a riot!
Feline / Columbidae time
...........couldn't that be construde as elistist in itself?

I have this terrible urge to stamp my feet and scream like the girl from Just William

You Go Girl :woot: makes me feel better


Speaking as someone who hardly ever posts a photo, your statement in the OP has made it highly unlikely I will again.

My photography is mediocre at best and I am as nervous as hell to show it in an open forum. Thanks for the confidence boost, not !

Have you seen any of mine? they're pretty crap generally I just post occasionally to punish people :D

i have to say its daunting posting when your not sure if your opinion will be valued as a newbie
i do try comment though just say what i like and dont without bein technical

All opinions should be valued equally. The thing about photography is that it's subjective. You can look at a photo even when you know nothing about photography and either like it or hate it.

When you're into photography you start to see past the image and look for technical things which can sometimes ruin the whole experience of looking at a picture for the thing thats in it.

Nobody should be afraid of expressing themselves, either with a photo or a comment. I'm quite upset that a few people have said that they won't post up photos anymore because of this and beg them to reconsider. I promise I'll comment!

Speaking as someone who hardly ever posts a photo, your statement in the OP has made it highly unlikely I will again.

My photography is mediocre at best and I am as nervous as hell to show it in an open forum. Thanks for the confidence boost, not !

Don't allow one person to cloud your judgement of the whole forum.

This forum is head and shoulders above any other that I have visited mainly down to it's community spirit. Most people do care and are willing to freely offer advice and support.

Stick with it
This is interesting. I post my shots now and then. I feel I am improving as a photographer because of this place.

Now I do get a little miffed when people don't comment on my shots because I make quite an effort nearly all of the time to say whether I like a shot or don'. If I just say I think it's a really nice shot, Ill either clarify it with something along the lines of "Nothing bad to say at all" or something like that, which I hope is interpreted as "wow there is nothing I can say to help you in improving that, i really do think it is that good".

However, sometimes, I don't like a shot (woops, nearly typed s**t there but saw it just in time :D) and I will say why I dont. Even if it's as simple as it need to be bigger (res), I'll say it. Sometimes however I will go into detail about a shot and say exactly what I dont like about it and state at the end that I see promise or potential and to keep at it, and this is what I firmly believe.

So please people. If you don't post shots often, make a change and post them! Also don't form an opinion of pete on this thread alone, the context of the OP is not what you think. He is simply saying he misses the shots of some people that's all. If you are scared to post, take a leaf from matt and bite the bullet.

Also, as a last note, as a newish member I know what it's like to feel unknown or unaccepted, but just keep posting and be yourself. That's all that is required :)
I can't take Sefton Park shots every day. Its just not possible to get amazing light in a great location. Anyway, its not a thread about me.

:( Sorry, I meant the wow images. The images that inspire. You know, the really amazing stuff. Dod's motorcross, diego's portraits.

Yup, been there. If it wasn't for people on this forum years ago helping me, I'd be nothing. I know how important it all is.

:( I was trying to make it clear that its the old ones I miss. I just keep seeing pets, flowers, birds, and so-on. Before ANYONE says anything, I've been there.

:( *sighs*

I know you can't get to Sefton Park every day, but I meant you haven't posted anything new thats lively yourself but are posting that others haven't and I didn't mean just go to Sefton Park either, we know Liverpool's full of lively places.
:( Sorry, I meant the wow images. The images that inspire. You know, the really amazing stuff. Dod's motorcross, diego's portraits.

No personally I dont know the really amazing stuff. Because sometimes, what I dont think are amazing, someone else thinks they're amazing. We have this debate all the time at our Local Camera Club about scoring images. What the "older" members dont like is criticism, being proved wrong, and people going with what they like, not what is technically the best.

:( I was trying to make it clear that its the old ones I miss. I just keep seeing pets, flowers, birds, and so-on. Before ANYONE says anything, I've been there.

And as I stated, we all have to start somewhere. The old ones you will miss, and like Matt posted in his "old ones he misses" post, the "new ones" feel deflated. If the old ones that inspire you arent here anymore Pete, you be the inspiration to us...Just like they inspired you to go out and take photographs. You be the one to do it.

Many of the newbies here have seen your work pete, and currently how successful you are being. Therefore, a lot of the time, your constructive criticism on their images may be what they're looking for, rather than not commenting at all. [I personally cannot remember if you've ever commented on an image of mine] whats the quote "be the change you want to see in the world" :thinking:

I dont mean to upset you, or want you to think I'm having a go, but this post [and the corresponding replies] you can come across as being quite egotistical and arrogant, which generally comes with the "Im a pro so I think Im better than you" - we have one at our camera club forum, and I being a 23-yr old woman, have to say my piece. :rules: And he doesnt like it.

I dont think you realise you're coming across like that.
Either that, or you do know....and dont like it that you've been found out. :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL: :p
[Woodsys' final word]

/Camera pans slowly closer

Think we all need to take a chill pill... everyone is a bit on edge tbh. hell even the irc channel is a bit atmospheric! lol

Bottom line is, I love this place (sloppiness aside). It has helped me take better pics, has given me the chance to help where I can (and I hope I have helped in some way to some people) and also to look at some pics that have inspired me, and guided me into taking better shots.

I really hope new members keep coming. I really hope people, no matter the post count comment whether good or bad on pics. I really hope people take any criticism in the correct sense. And I really hope I have helped in the ways that alot of members on here have helped me.

So please can we all sit back and relax for a min? we all love this place, that's why we are here. right?

Muchos love!

[/Woodsys' final word]

[Que sloppy do-gooder comments :D]
The weather is definatley a factor at the moment, what happened to the awesome winter sun we used to get? or is it just grim up north lol it feels like it's been grey for months. I even got up at 6am this morning, drove over the moors to rosedale abbey hoping for a sunrise and I got a tiny little light then a load of grey.

It's difficult to get through all the threads even just to have look at the pictures, 400d's sunset thread was excellent with lots of photo's and comments. Messiah Kahn's shots all have a wow factor to me, Aj's macro shots etc.. I could name loads really, but i'm a newb too lol
I dont mean to upset you, or want you to think I'm having a go, but this post [and the corresponding replies] you can come across as being quite egotistical and arrogant, which generally comes with the "Im a pro so I think Im better than you" - we have one at our camera club forum, and I being a 23-yr old woman, have to say my piece. :rules: And he doesnt like it.

I dont think you realise you're coming across like that.
Either that, or you do know....and dont like it that you've been found out. :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL: :p

If you met me you'd know just how un "I'm a pro and righter than you" I am. I'm surprised every time someone hires me and more often than not don't feel I can do the job. I am completely serious about that. I just miss some peoples work and felt the past month wasn't the usual TP for me. No nonsense about cliques or threads not getting comments or anything that was in Matt's thread. Thats there, this is here.

Mohain doesn't seem to post his landscapes here anymore. I see them often in his RSS feed, but not here.


Speaking as someone who hardly ever posts a photo, your statement in the OP has made it highly unlikely I will again.

My photography is mediocre at best and I am as nervous as hell to show it in an open forum. Thanks for the confidence boost, not !

Sure, anytime :( *sigh*

I think a lot of people are taking this far too personally, i don't think that was at all how it was meant. There is NOTHING wrong with posting up a picture you are proud of and want to share or one which you would like help with or opinions about. I think what Pete means is that a lot of the photographers that were previously posting some spectacular shots has disappeared and he would like to see the return of their pictures maybe prompt some of them to show us what they have been up to.
I may well be completely wrong.

Nope, spot on :)

i have to say its daunting posting when your not sure if your opinion will be valued as a newbie
i do try comment though just say what i like and dont without bein technical

Its just as daunting when everyone says "Great post" and I'm sitting here feeling like its not. So I often don't comment because I know its not what people want to hear most days. Like today for example, oh yes. :(
I think that Dellipher is 100% correct in the fact that it's all up to opinion. I took at look at pete's portfolio and to be honest, I wasn't "inspired" myself at all. Sure, there were very good shots, all technically sound, but they did nothing for me because they are another type of style. It's all opinion, plain and simple.

Pete hasn't been inspired? Great. Go get you some inspiration and stop starting a useless "elitest" thread. There are "newbies" (me included) reading this who will never post again simply because YOU thought they weren't good enough.

The "(me included)" part above was referring to being a newbie. I'll still post images. I could care less what anyone thinks.
Its just as daunting when everyone says "Great post" and I'm sitting here feeling like its not. So I often don't comment because I know its not what people want to hear most days. Like today for example, oh yes. :(

Just as I stated on IRC I agree:
"i generally dont post critism comments because i've had too many people complain at me about doing it before, i dont see the point in posting critism without being perfectly truthfull and as ruthless as I am with my own work. Most people dont want you to be that ruthless with stuff. They prefer you to say its nice and give them a few small things that could be improved thats why i lurk a lot of the time"
I think that Dellipher is 100% correct in the fact that it's all up to opinion. I took at look at pete's portfolio and to be honest, I wasn't "inspired" myself at all. Sure, there were very good shots, all technically sound, but they did nothing for me because they are another type of style. It's all opinion, plain and simple.

Pete hasn't been inspired? Great. Go get you some inspiration and stop starting a useless "elitest" thread. There are "newbies" (me included) reading this who will never post again simply because YOU thought they weren't good enough.

The "(me included)" part above was referring to being a newbie. I'll still post images. I could care less what anyone thinks.

Someone said I was right.
I best go to bed now...before I start getting an ego!
I think that Dellipher is 100% correct in the fact that it's all up to opinion. I took at look at pete's portfolio and to be honest, I wasn't "inspired" myself at all. Sure, there were very good shots, all technically sound, but they did nothing for me because they are another type of style. It's all opinion, plain and simple.

Pete hasn't been inspired? Great. Go get you some inspiration and stop starting a useless "elitest" thread. There are "newbies" (me included) reading this who will never post again simply because YOU thought they weren't good enough.

The "(me included)" part above was referring to being a newbie. I'll still post images. I could care less what anyone thinks.

Well said..;)
[Woodsys' final word]

/Camera pans slowly closer

Think we all need to take a chill pill... everyone is a bit on edge tbh. hell even the irc channel is a bit atmospheric! lol

Bottom line is, I love this place (sloppiness aside). It has helped me take better pics, has given me the chance to help where I can (and I hope I have helped in some way to some people) and also to look at some pics that have inspired me, and guided me into taking better shots.

I really hope new members keep coming. I really hope people, no matter the post count comment whether good or bad on pics. I really hope people take any criticism in the correct sense. And I really hope I have helped in the ways that alot of members on here have helped me.

So please can we all sit back and relax for a min? we all love this place, that's why we are here. right?

Muchos love!

[/Woodsys' final word]

[Que sloppy do-gooder comments :D]

Hear hear!!
hmm i think what i think has already been said by Woodsy, LadyLens etc. obv iv only been here for a month or so, so im not too aware of the previous "stunning" shots that Pete mentioned (i dont mean that sarcastically :p) but from the few threads that have been appearing recently i would day that people are maybe just getting a bit uptight about this whole thing. we have to try not to take things personally, its only different opinions, and they should be treated equally respectfully. it is a bit scary posting images, esp as some people really do think they're rubbish and shouldnt be posted, but we all have to start somewhere and comments often act as a nice boost or a sign you're on the right track (or they have for me) despite the fact that there arent often many comments left by members. people have very busy lives!
now iv run out of things to say, and i probs havnt been very clear but i spose wat i mean is lets all let each other get on with what we're doing, KEEP POSTING and dont be scared, and keep the encouragement and friendly atmosphere going:D
P.S. im sure pete didnt start this meaning for it to get this big or this personal so lets all be nice to each other! dont be mad with him just cos he voiced his opinion
Its just as daunting when everyone says "Great post" and I'm sitting here feeling like its not. So I often don't comment because I know its not what people want to hear most days. Like today for example, oh yes. :(

Now that can be a bit of a problem, Pete. I sometimes don't comment on a picture because I can't find "anything good" to say about it or can offer any constructive critique about it
Other times when an image has received "unfavourable" but usually constructive critque, the poster has removed the said image or just thrown a bit of a tantrum

I have had loads of "unfavourable" but constructive critque and I am sure that its made me a better 'tog because I have been made to think about what I am doing wrong (y)
Im amazed at the amount of people who read "Im saying that the really top people don't appear to be posting anymore" and seem to think that it reads "you're all ****e, go away and stop posting".
Pete hasn't been inspired? Great. Go get you some inspiration and stop starting a useless "elitest" thread. There are "newbies" (me included) reading this who will never post again simply because YOU thought they weren't good enough.

The "(me included)" part above was referring to being a newbie. I'll still post images. I could care less what anyone thinks.

:( If I just list everyone who's joined in the past month and say they're all rubbish photographers with no talent would that make you happy? Peas n rice. If you knew the pictures these guys posted you'd miss them too. Thats all this is about. I miss their work as it was really something else.
I'm not entirely sure I want to enter into the fray here - a lot of this thread seems to have been taken the wrong way. As, indeed, was Matt's thread a few days ago. Pete's original comment - to the effect that some of the togs he admires seem to have been a bit quiet lately - does appear to have sparked another "what's wrong with this forum?" type thread.

Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with the forum. I simply make 2 comments:

1. I too wish people would comment on photos more. I can't force you to. I would just like it if you did. I don't care if you know stuff all about photography. If you like my picture and tell me so, then I'm happy. If you have something constructive to say, then I'll listen and learn.

2. A number of the posts in here seem to assume that the new members aren't much cop at taking good photos. (No, I'm not going to give an example - that's an impression I've got in my head, having read through the thread). If that's the case, there are plenty of very good togs who have joined recently. Low post counts don't equate to a novice at photography.

3. (I know I said I had 2 comments - but hey). The forum is an evolving thing. Sure its grown in size - a lot - recently and I assume that's because of the recent publicity (eg in the Guardian). But people will come and go. For all sorts of reasons. That's life. And the internet.

The pen is mightier than the sword.

A few words chosen here tonight have caused quite a stir.

To me, this place is as inspirational as ever but then what inspires me is possibly a little unique. I shoot images for a living, so day in and day out I'm behind the camera getting the job done and delivering the goods. It's a little like entering a competition every day where you can't afford to place lower than 1st.

It's a good buzz, I love my job and it continually scares the pants off me. The hardest part though, by miles is to keep the passion that made me want to be a photographer in the first place burning. That's what I get from all the images here.

To see that so many people just can't wait to get out with a camera and make an image, or sit up all night with a small DIY table top studio, it's just great for me. I get so much from the passion for images that this board generates and I'd hate to see people being afraid to post.

Photography is an art and it's subjective. As such any comments I make will tend to be based on where I might like to take the idea behind a shot next. There is no right and no wrong. No-one should be making comments saying IT IS too dark, IT IS too light or IT IS too anything in fact. Unless the artist has told us what the original vision was, how do we know what the intention was.

Look at the pics folks, see what they say to you and react to the feelings they give you.

It is after all, art and not science.
:( If I just list everyone who's joined in the past month and say they're all rubbish photographers with no talent would that make you happy? Peas n rice. If you knew the pictures these guys posted you'd miss them too. Thats all this is about. I miss their work as it was really something else.

What the hell does peas and rice mean? lol

I can understand you missing certain awesome photogs and all, I mean hell, I miss Ansel, but you don't see me saying that everyone since him is rubbish.
What the hell does peas and rice mean? lol

I can understand you missing certaub awesome photogs and all, I mean hell, I miss Ansel, but you don't see me saying that everyone since him is rubbish.

Pete didnt say that everyone is rubbish! thats the thing...
What the hell does peas and rice mean? lol

I can understand you missing certaub awesome photogs and all, I mean hell, I miss Ansel, but you don't see me saying that everyone since him is rubbish.

I obviously must be reading a different thread because pete didnt say everybody else was rubbish :thinking: