What is wrong with these Photos ?

Spend some time setting the camera up to either give you the results you want straight out of camera or spend time on the files once they're in your computer. Pretty sure your camera's manual will have helpful hints on how to achieve this or, failing that, a Sony centric forum should help.
I know that the default JPEG color is awful. Muted, pale and dull. Is there a way to set the relevant parameters (colors, saturation, contrast etc) in order to achieve nicer, warmer tones?
You are looking for 'Creative Style' settings.
They are on the Camera Menu, page 4. There are 12 built in Styles, and each can be adjusted for your personal preferences.
I've not used them, as I shoot RAW, but they should do what you want.
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Thanks Jonathan, I have found them and I'm having a play with the different settings .
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The automatic modes in most of these types of cameras are very basic

Now that would go a long way to explain some of quality of the quick point and shoot photos that I take, normally when doing this I just leave the camera in auto.
I've been playing with the Sony again set In manual exposure and have found something interesting out which maybe my problem with images looking soft. Now admittedly this is an image which may produce difficulty for the auto focus with all the different depths in the image but on other images I'm finding the same. I've compared this to an old manual lens and find one I can manual focus much easier making sure the thing I want is in focus ( I was attempting to focus on the writing on the gear mech) and also because I can set aperture without taking my eye off the display exposure is easier to judge straight from the display much like what I am used to with my manual film cameras, look at the composition judge the light levels and then set the appropriate settings. The only problem is the 1.5 times focal length because of the crop sensor !

The best auto focus image from the Sony, whilst good this was the best out of 10 or so ranging from total rubbish to this. The second image below was a one off shot which just worked great straight way. This of course maybe my lack of experience with auto focus but I was using spot focus centered on the gear mech. So where can I get an 11mm to 55mm manual focus mechanical lens from that feels as solid and smooth as my Optomax 35mm ? .


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Looks like the focus is on the quick release lever on the first images
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Sorry I quoted focus on the gear mech ( not sure were I got that from ?) But yes you are right Phil thats the area I was aiming for. The images were were taken from 5 foot or so away and cropped to show the focus area. I think I may need to do much more practice using the auto focus as it clearly will work well. One of problems wiith the camera/ me (mainly me ) is I don't get to use it too much so by the time I do I've forgotten the various settings and how to find them in the menus plus which settings are best in various situations. I tend just to carry a compact when out and about doing other things. In the past month I've broken an old compact and the screen of an hand me down smart phone. the first one Mountain biking and the second rescuing someone and their car so I fear taking the Sony with me in case I destroy it.
Sorry I quoted focus on the gear mech ( not sure were I got that from ?) But yes you are right Phil thats the area I was aiming for. The images were were taken from 5 foot or so away and cropped to show the focus area. I think I may need to do much more practice using the auto focus as it clearly will work well. One of problems wiith the camera/ me (mainly me ) is I don't get to use it too much so by the time I do I've forgotten the various settings and how to find them in the menus plus which settings are best in various situations. I tend just to carry a compact when out and about doing other things. In the past month I've broken an old compact and the screen of an hand me down smart phone. the first one Mountain biking and the second rescuing someone and their car so I fear taking the Sony with me in case I destroy it.

Tbh, I very rarely go into the menus. I rarely change any settings. Usually just to delete and format and if I'm at a car meet, I like to take those at 16:9 for some strange reason....... In general shooting, I might change the WB as I go and occasionally switch the drive mode between 2 sec delay and single.