What tattoos do you have.

ok... no interest in dying my skin, but each to their own........

couple of questions though

1) how much does a tattoo cost (I assume an hourly rate...)
2) do any of you regret getting tattooed?
1) how much does a tattoo cost (I assume an hourly rate...) Can't remember it was a drinky day :D

2) do any of you regret getting tattooed? Not at all :D
ok... no interest in dying my skin, but each to their own........

couple of questions though

1) how much does a tattoo cost (I assume an hourly rate...)
2) do any of you regret getting tattooed?

1: Totally depends on the artist (not only how much they charge p/h but how fast they work).
2: Nope. I'd have a lot more if I could afford it.
1) how much does a tattoo cost (I assume an hourly rate...)

My most expensive one is shoulder to elbow (not a full sleeve but a long tat) .. 6 quid

2) do any of you regret getting tattooed?

nope.. but probably only because I am a realist.. whats the point of regret unless you can do summat about it..
ok... no interest in dying my skin, but each to their own........

couple of questions though

1) how much does a tattoo cost (I assume an hourly rate...)
2) do any of you regret getting tattooed?

1. As said already, it depends on the artist. My memorial tattoo cost me £150. But the artist would normally charge £300 for a piece that size. I got a discount because it was a military tattoo.

2. No I don't regret any of my tattoos. They both mean something to me. As will my future tattoos. They all tell a story.
1) As already said it totally depends on reputation of Artist. Like A photographer the better they are, the more experienced they are the more they can command. Pricing can either be an hourly rate or an overall price for the the piece you want. It also depends wether you're getting one "off the wall" or commissioning a one off piece. It's something that's is going to stay with you for a long time, I personally don't think too much about the money. I get a quote from artist for something I want, have a chat about how he can do it. If I haven't got the money quoted I go away and save. Better than going to a "cheaper" artist the tryin to get a cover up later down the line!

2) plan plan plan, always avoid regrets! All mine mean something deeply to me. Top tip: never get a tattoo on your face! Only Rock stars and tattooist get away with them! All mine can get covered up with a suit, shirt and tie not that I'm not very proud of them, just that sometimes its wise not to have them on show; like the all important job interview or meeting an important client!
ok... no interest in dying my skin, but each to their own........

couple of questions though

1) how much does a tattoo cost (I assume an hourly rate...)
2) do any of you regret getting tattooed?

Not so much dying as pigmenting! Dyes fade quite quickly but the pigments are there for life (although the lines do tend to blur after a few decades!).

1) Garfield was £16, 30 + years ago - can't remember how long it took and the dolphins cost £60 and I was in the chair for just over an hour. I had done all the design and sizing work myself and took in a good colour print to give him a proper colour reference. I reckon that probably saved me £40 or so and gave me as much control as possible.

2) Never, not once for 1 second! I've always told people who've asked that if they think they want a tattoo to not get one until they're 200% certain they want one! These days, you can whack a sheet of special paper into an inkjet and print yourself a teporary one so you can get a feel of having something on you but they can be washed off! A tattoo is for life, not just for a drunken escapade on a Saturday afternoon... I've also always told people not to get a girlfriend or wife's name inscribed - they can change... You can even get caught out having kiddy related ones - I know a chap who had his sons' names etched into his arm along with their dates of birth, only to discover that one of them is not his. He also has a portrait of his ex wife above the sons' names... Fortunately, she's an attractive woman so the tattoo could be a generic pretty lady one but he'll always know.
Just for Sarah (Sonriendo), a much better one of the dolphins.


Taken by my wife with the XF1.
You can even get caught out having kiddy related ones - I know a chap who had his sons' names etched into his arm along with their dates of birth, only to discover that one of them is not his .

Ooops that is really embarrassing to say the least!

Cracking cartoon as always Ian (y)
Ian. Love that cartoon. Looks like the guy is a scratcher lol.
Lynton said:
ok... no interest in dying my skin, but each to their own........

couple of questions though

1) how much does a tattoo cost (I assume an hourly rate...)
2) do any of you regret getting tattooed?

My latest two cost about £40 each. Round here, normal charge is about £60 an hour

I regret the one I got on my tummy just because of the size it's got :LOL:
thanks for the comment Andy

here we have my mermaid pinup (on my calf), also done by Debs at Armadillo

mermaid pinup by moominmama, on Flickr

my wedding present by another mate who used to do tattoos

chrome by moominmama, on Flickr

and my Amy Brown sprite done at Suburban Graffiti in New Malden - my 2nd ever tat and done before I had mates who could tattoo :)

sprite by moominmama, on Flickr
I got my first tattoo started a week ago.
It's going to be a full sleeve.

First Part (unfinished - 2 hours in)

Josh tidy your room haha.

Looks like a good start mate.
Small chinese symbol in the small of my back (it knackered) meaning 'good fortune'. Waved a lottery ticket over it the week I had it done and won..... a tenner!!
I like looking at tattoo art, but never had the incentive to have any done myself. I really dislike flash tattoo art and only really appreciate original artwork.

My brother in law is pretty intensly tattooed all over his back, chest, arm, both sleeves and now one leg. He uses Ray Hunt from Diablo Tattoo in Gillingham, he's a very well decorated and well known tattoist and is booked up a year in advance.

The latest tattoo he just finished on scott was his leg. It's a completely original piece made up of tiny faces in a fish scale pattern

Look really closely to see a couple of rather rude additions in the scales.

Joe....Ray Hunt is a legend in these parts (Rochester, not Gill)...that leg is incredible!
you're right, rochester. On the high street there.

Gillingham was where he had his first tattoo, can't remember teh guys name, dick something. Died in suspicious circumstances
Took me a long time to take the plunge but when i did I went large ( well large ish!) on my thigh:

got my next bit of work booked in for later this month !

Will slam a pic up when done !
My latest two cost about £40 each. Round here, normal charge is about £60 an hour

I regret the one I got on my tummy just because of the size it's got :LOL:

The size of the tattoo, or the size of your tummy?

Sorry, it was too obvious a question to ask.
i've got a winged wheel with borb to ride written underneath on right shoulder - also christ on the cross in memory of my dad on inner right forearm in black and grey. i want some more thou..
reading this thread with great interest....never thought I'd want a tat....always thought they looked iffy on women but about 3 weeks ago had a rush of blood to the head & changed my mind ( it won't change again , once I've decided , thats it, done deal ).
Really wanna get one done , found a picture that I love ( drgaon curled round a rose as I have a thing about dragons, only 3 colors) & now in a quandry . Not sure who to use in this area.....several people have mentioned tattoo tef in Maltby but wondered if anyone else in roth/sheff area has any good recommendations ? Need to be confident in how good they are .
Also...want it on my back, about 4inches below the nape of my neck....whats that area like for pain...I'm a total wuss !

hey Lynne my mate who does mine has recommended this one, as always do your own research and make sure you see some work they've done on people (not just pictures) :)


PS - anywhere that is bony will hurt more, but also anywhere that you'd normally find ticklish - tummy, sides, over the kidneys, under arms etc. Have a chat to the folk in the studio and see what they say :banana:
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my tattoo seems a bit feeble compared to some of the incredible bits of artwork here.

i only have one, a space invader on my left forearm


i suppose i got it because i feel it represents me, my generation. space invaders was the first game i remember playing on my atari 2600 as a boy in the 1980s and it was my first contact with the sort of technology that ended up shaping the world we live in now.

even going through the 1990s, who'd have guessed we'd be carrying around phones that were as powerful as anything you could buy back then, or having a full blown computer with a 10" screen in something only slightly thicker than a newspaper.
I'm scarred for life! - one tiny black dot near the base of one thumbnail - shoved my hand in a box of pens and pencils and stabbed myself with a Rotring mapping pen that some plonker had left the top off! 45 years later it's still there........
I feel the urge for a new one.
i've got a winged wheel with borb to ride written underneath on right shoulder -..

you want to sue over that mate , spelling mistakes in tats really aren't forgiveable :LOL:
I got this finished last week


And this is one side of my half sleeve, the other side is a koi

my tattoo seems a bit feeble compared to some of the incredible bits of artwork here.

i only have one, a space invader on my left forearm


i suppose i got it because i feel it represents me, my generation. space invaders was the first game i remember playing on my atari 2600 as a boy in the 1980s and it was my first contact with the sort of technology that ended up shaping the world we live in now.

even going through the 1990s, who'd have guessed we'd be carrying around phones that were as powerful as anything you could buy back then, or having a full blown computer with a 10" screen in something only slightly thicker than a newspaper.

great sentiments there Mark, I got my first console when I was about 7 and all it played was Pong or shooting a block bouncing around the screen with a light gun, then 2 years later getting a C64...scary how far we have come so fast!

Cracking tat by the way. Might be simple, but it's iconic and the linework is well tidy (y)
hey Lynne my mate who does mine has recommended this one, as always do your own research and make sure you see some work they've done on people (not just pictures) :)


PS - anywhere that is bony will hurt more, but also anywhere that you'd normally find ticklish - tummy, sides, over the kidneys, under arms etc. Have a chat to the folk in the studio and see what they say :banana:

I can also Recommend Fiona Long's studio. Fee has done a few bits on me and have known her years !

This is my latest bit, just shot in the studio of where it done, aint got round to shooting it myself !
