What to Buy - planning to sell GF1

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I am now looking to replace the GF1, 20mm and 14-45mm kit that I bought. Got it early this year, and although very pleased with the camera, the major failing I have with it is the size - bought it to go snowboarding with, but found it a tad too bulky even with the 20mm for carrying in my jacket pocket. It most definitely got in the way when I bent to fasten my bindings.

So, with a trip to Asia coming up at the end of October, and the potential of collecting a bargain, what is the current recommendation for replacements?

I'm thinking high end compact really - maybe Canon S95 or Pana LX-5. I will always take the DSLR with me on trips, but want something to carry everywhere.

All suggestions welcome - the LX-5 looks pretty handy, given the other current thread about it.

Cheers, Bradders.
If I had to get rid of my GF1 for some crappy compact then I'd be getting an LX5 - after a detailed comparison with the LX3 to see if it's worth the upgrade.

Then again - I'd first be looking at leaving the 14-45 behind and putting my GF1+20 in a different pocket or alternative means of carrying it before it was prised out of my hands!
I love the GF1 but I agree, it's no compact and sometimes a compact is what's needed. Even if you get a bigger pocket the bulk is still there.

I don't know about the S95 but the two cameras that came to mind were the S90 or LX5. Actually the LX2 is still a very handy big of kit too.
Thanks for the replies. Have taken the plunge and listed the GF1. Will head out this weekend yo have a play with an LX-5.

Cheers Bradders
Haha. Will have to ask her. On second thoughts, maybe I should wait to see what she fetches!!
Will check out the Fuji for size. Not going to buy until trip to Asia at end of Oct. The Canon G11 is still a bit too large. Definitely want something that'll not injure me if fallen onto when in my snowboard jacket pocket. I think the G11 would still get in the way when bending to do up my bindings.

Haha on G/F pics. Some in my gallery on here!! Bid away. Just don't tell her!!