What to do incase you lose your camera!

once lost my camera and had given up hope, but a few week later we were in a resteraunt and a lady approached us asking if we had lost a camera. She worked in a furniture shop where it had been handed in, and she recognised us!!

hows that for good luck!

As for the op's link , surely one photo is enough? I mean c'mon, he cant have much room left for actual photo's.

If i found that camera, i would chuck it off a cliff, especially after the bath bit.

Al :)
That is the best idea ever, so funny as well. If I found it I would give it back just to meet him, he sound a right laugh.

Thanks for posting :LOL: Great way to be cheered up.
It's actually quite an old idea - my dad used to take a picture of a piece of card with his address on it - then if the film/prints/slides got lost at the developers/post they can be returned.

Of course it has the added effect of being able to return the camera if it is found as well...
A great idea, i'll definately consider this in the future! Probably just one picture though..
That was funny, good idea too.
What a great idea! Might photoshop a jpeg with all my details on and put it on all my memory cards...

Incidently, some of the thermal imaging cameras i sell have GPS trackers on them. Great for knowing where youve taken each shot too.