What to get next??

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Well, I am officially hooked. This camera milarky has truly taken over me now and already Im looking at what to buy next.

So far I have the Canon 7D, 430 exii, 24-105, 18-135, 50 (nifty fifty?) then a 85mm 1.8. Then I got myself a nice tripod and monopod with numerous filters, many CF cards with some lowepro bags too an recently a RC cable.

So, now I am thinking, what would be good to buy next but also why?

Suggestions, please??
Well, you could spend some time learning how to use what you have... ;)
Spend lots of time learning about the gear you all ready have , and maybe try a few well chosen courses

It's always very tempting to keep buying more kit because it's there and you just want it. Not sure which of the mid range zooms is "better" but you have duplication of focal lengths from 24-105mm, dead weight in the bag? I'm as guilty as most and moreso than others of GAS (gear aquisition syndrome) but have managed to get it under control.

However, if you still want help spending your money, maybe a proper Macro lens? Possibly a longer telephoto zoom (up to 300mm, maybe?) or a shorter wide angle? Maybe a fisheye if they float your boat? Off camera flsh lead? Wireless remote release? That should leave you broke for a month or 2, so I'll stop there after mentioning the possibility of upgrading your existing lenses to f/2.8 or faster.

HTH, Nod.
Well, you could spend some time learning how to use what you have... ;)
I think this statement says it all

"It is not about having all of the latest gear or going out and grabbing all the newest hot gadgets for photography. It is about using what you have to the fullest extent before even thinking about what else you may need."

Jared Polin - www.froknowsphoto.com
Another vote for the learning side of things and spending time using what you already have - this will also give you an indication of any special areas of photography that might interest you and then your next purchase could be something specific to help you down that direction.

Or if you really just have to spend money how about doing what I did the other year - had a couple of hundred quid burning a hole in my pocket and was wondering what to spend it on photography wise - didn't buy kit - treated myself to a long weekend in Scotland with the money. Was far more satisfying :)
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just get out there and take photos.

sell that 24-105mm, duplicated focal length are completely useless. I am even considering to leave my 24-105mm at home, in favour of 17-40mm and a 50mm, simply because of the duplicated focal length, they are useless dead weight in the bag.

or if you are in the buying mood, sell the 18-135mm, and get an ultra-wide angle like 10-22mm. they are great fun to shoot with. that way no duplicated focal length at the same time you have got more coverage.
What do you shoot most of should give you an idea of which way you need to formulate your equipment. Either the 18-135 or the 24-105 could go, pick the best for your style and raise some more funds with the other. I started out with an interest in aviation so I needed a long zoom from the outset, but I've since developed a passion for macro so I got a lens specific to that.

I've now got over my case of GAS as I have all the gear I need and even some that overlap in focal length but I do still use all of it regularly, so it's not essential to sell off duplicates but if it helps you go in a certain direction then it's worth letting it go.
I agree with the above that you have 2 zooms that duplicate a lot so I'd be tempted to ditch one of those if you are going to add another lens to the kit bag.

I'd recommend the 135mm f2 L lens. It is an absolute belter of a lens but I'd only recommend it IF you are going to use it at f2 for portraits with nice creamy bokeh. If you are going to stop this lens down to smaller apertures then it's pointless.
I'd also recommend getting out and shooting. I was caught up in the whole GAS thing four or five years back and didn't get out as much as I should.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but it appears that you have only posted 2 pictures (on the same thread) in the last 2 years, so that tells me that you either don't take enough photos, or aren't confident in showing your photos. If you are still interested in learning, there are a lot of people on here that could give advice... you just need to show us something ;0)
I like my 24-105 as its sharp for me and a good lens, I planned on trying to save up for the 70-200 f2.8 mkii then get rid of the 18-135 and possibly sell the 50 or the 85 primes.

I like to shoot ice hockey amongst many other things too but my pictures are always improving, I will give an example from my first ever photo to a more recent one later on.

I chose the 24-105 as it works well with the 430exii flash when doing photography for people/friends. But also find it better to use than the 18-135 in lower light.

So photography courses, where is best to go around the Nottingham area and roughly how much would I be looking at?
Please don't take this the wrong way, but it appears that you have only posted 2 pictures (on the same thread) in the last 2 years, so that tells me that you either don't take enough photos, or aren't confident in showing your photos. If you are still interested in learning, there are a lot of people on here that could give advice... you just need to show us something ;0)

Nope, not take the wrong way at all, I dont mind critisism (my spelling is cr*p) but I dont see how to improve when people say its out of focus or the ambient light is not enough or wrong shape and many other things.

Im more of a straight forward, tell me to turn it around, spin it on its head, use the focal point that turns red or points out blah blah sort of thing.

I dont post many photo's on here as I really never think to, I will start to try soon.
It sounds to me like you are looking for an excuse/reason to buy something that you don't have a clear need for. You are in the best position to know what you need to buy next so what do you have in mind (and why) as maybe people coould help you with that?
Is there anything you find you're unable to take photos of because your kit doesn't allow you to?

As other's have suggested, a telephoto prim/zoom is the glaringly obvious but pointless if you're not going to need it.

You could consider something wider, say 10-20mm.

Just don't buy for the sake of it ;)
you could buy a nikon :)

I used to own a Nikon, then i grew up and got a 7D ;)

Nope, not looking for an excuse to buy some thing just generally looking to see if any other lens might focus on some thing in a differnt fashion.

The only thing I can think of is a Marco lens but I dont do that much close photography.

Still, wheres best to go learn some new stuff.
Down to the woods today! ;)
Some decent software to process the photos that you will be taking
Right I need some thing that 10mm to 24mm I have been trying to work in a very confined space and my 24-105 could not get back enough to get the whole subject in.

Its pee'd me off as most of what I did is crap.
A quick peek at your stats shows that you are eligible to visit and use the classifieds section here, so have a look there and see what's on offer to suit your camera. At a quick guess, you're after a Canon 10-22 or a Sigma 10-20. No idea as to the going rate for either - firstly since I'm a Nikon user and secondly because despite having my GAS almost under control, visiting that section is like an alcoholic going into a pub or an offy! Should there be nothing of interest in there, have a look at Mifsuds, Ffordes or MPB, who seem to be the three main contenders as far as 2nd hand retailers go. Or. of course, visit any of your local retailers that have 2nd hand stocks. Of course, if your wallet stretches to it, new is also an option!